Search Results - "Scardovelli, Terigi Augusto"
Using a Dance Mat to Assess Inhibitory Control of Foot in Young Children
Published in Frontiers in physiology (16-10-2019)“…The development of motor response inhibition is critical during preschool years and has been associated with an improvement in gross motor coordination in this…”
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Risk Factor Forecasting System for Pressure Injuries Through Artificial Neural Network
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-04-2022)“…The appearance of pressure injuries is very common in patients bedridden for a long time due to a surgical procedure or a recovery process caused by an…”
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Reabilitação baseada em jogos digitais para crianças com encefalopatia crônica não evolutiva da infância: uma revisão sistemática
Published in Revista Principia (10-10-2024)“…A reabilitação motora de crianças com encefalopatia crônica não evolutiva da infância deve ser eficiente e motivadora para o paciente. Nesse contexto, o uso de…”
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The design and evaluation of a peripheral device for use with a computer game intended for children with motor disabilities
Published in Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (01-01-2015)“…Highlights • Webcam with supervisory system was developed to allow computer access for people with disabilities. • The developed system converts webcam images…”
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Construction and adaptation of a robotic equipment for blocking execution in sitting volleyball practices
Published in Research on biomedical engineering (01-03-2024)“…Purpose The Paralympic sports performed individually concentrate in general most of the technological development in equipment and auxiliary devices, while…”
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Mobile application: digital health card for deaf adolescents
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2024)“…To develop a mobile health application (mHealth) accessible to deaf adolescents, based on their health card, promoting autonomy to the access to the user's…”
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Moniz Game: Usability and User Experience Evaluation of a Musical Game for Motor Coordination
Published in Games for health (01-08-2024)“…The objective of this research was to develop a musical digital game for rehabilitation of upper limb and to verify its usability and user experience with…”
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Design of automated adaptive controller for mean arterial pressure in hypotensive situations using a vasopressor drug
Published in Research on biomedical engineering (01-06-2022)“…Purpose Patients with hypotension in emergency clinical situations require the administration of vasopressor drugs for a fast and correct return of the mean…”
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Development of a dynamic balance analysis and training system through posturography in a bipodal force platform with biaxial rotation
Published in Research on biomedical engineering (01-09-2022)“…Purpose The development of equipment to study the dynamic balance is necessary for the understanding of postural balance. This study aimed to develop a bipodal…”
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Simple adaptive PI controller development and evaluation for mean arterial pressure regulation
Published in Research on biomedical engineering (01-06-2019)“…Purpose The automatic control of mean arterial pressure (MAP) in post-cardiac surgery has many advantages for patients and medical staff. However, it is a…”
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The late effect of Kinesio Taping® on handgrip strength
Published in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (01-07-2018)“…Kinesio Taping® elastic tape is increasingly used in physiotherapy treatment. However, there is a lack of scientific research regarding the late effects of its…”
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Jogos sérios brasileiros para auxílio do diagnóstico e tratamento de TDAH: revisão integrativa
Published in Revista Interfaces da Educação (08-09-2020)“…O TDAH é um transtorno do neurodesenvolvimento com sintomas básicos de desatenção, desorganização e/ou hiperatividade-impulsividade. Atualmente há jogos…”
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Computer tool to evaluate the cue reactivity of chemically dependent individuals
Published in Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (01-03-2017)“…Highlights • The developed computer tool increases the awareness of relapse vulnerability of chemical dependent individuals. • Only physiological signals are…”
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Distribution of mass and center of pressure in dynamic balance presented by an instrumented wobble board
Published in Research on biomedical engineering (01-12-2020)“…Introduction The wobble board (WB) is an unstable platform that allows proprioceptive balance training. However, because it is a passive device, it does not…”
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Aplicativo móvel: caderneta de saúde digital do adolescente surdo
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (2024)“…RESUMO Objetivo: Desenvolver um aplicativo móvel de saúde (mHealth) acessível a adolescentes surdos, baseado na caderneta de saúde do adolescente, promovendo a…”
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Whole-body vibration on parallel bar device for gait and balance rehabilitation in stroke patients
Published in Research on biomedical engineering (01-06-2019)“…Purpose Stroke is a condition that affects the cerebral vessels with focal or global involvement of the central nervous system. There is an increase in the use…”
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