Search Results - "Scalettar, R. T"
Quantum Monte Carlo Simulations of the 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Model
Published in Physical review letters (08-01-2021)“…Over the past several years, a new generation of quantum simulations has greatly expanded our understanding of charge density wave phase transitions in…”
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Quantum critical points and the sign problem
Published in Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (28-01-2022)“…The "sign problem" (SP) is a fundamental limitation to simulations of strongly correlated matter. It is often argued that the SP is not intrinsic to the…”
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Phonon Dispersion and the Competition between Pairing and Charge Order
Published in Physical review letters (04-05-2018)“…The Holstein model describes the interaction between fermions and a collection of local (dispersionless) phonon modes. In the dilute limit, the phonon degrees…”
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Geometry dependence of the sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (09-07-2015)“…The sign problem is the fundamental limitation to quantum Monte Carlo simulations of the statistical mechanics of interacting fermions. Determinant quantum…”
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Charge Order in the Holstein Model on a Honeycomb Lattice
Published in Physical review letters (22-02-2019)“…The effect of electron-electron interactions on Dirac fermions, and the possibility of an intervening spin-liquid phase between the semimetal and…”
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Competition between antiferromagnetic and charge-density-wave order in the half-filled Hubbard-Holstein model
Published in Physical review letters (10-12-2012)“…We present a determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of the competition between instantaneous on-site Coulomb repulsion and retarded phonon-mediated attraction…”
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Doping evolution of spin and charge excitations in the Hubbard model
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (05-11-2015)“…We shed light on how electronic correlations vary across the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductors, examining the doping evolution of spin and charge…”
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Competing supersolid and Haldane insulator phases in the extended one-dimensional bosonic Hubbard model
Published in Physical review letters (28-06-2013)“…The Haldane insulator is a gapped phase characterized by an exotic nonlocal order parameter. The parameter regimes at which it might exist, and how it competes…”
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Supersolid phases in the one-dimensional extended soft-core bosonic Hubbard model
Published in Physical review letters (25-08-2006)“…We present results of quantum Monte Carlo simulations for the soft-core extended bosonic Hubbard model in one dimension exhibiting the presence of supersolid…”
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Mott domains of bosons confined on optical lattices
Published in Physical review letters (09-09-2002)“…In the absence of a confining potential, the boson-Hubbard model exhibits a superfluid to Mott insulator quantum phase transition at commensurate fillings and…”
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Magnetic and superfluid transitions in the one-dimensional spin-1 boson Hubbard model
Published in Physical review letters (10-04-2009)“…Recent progress in experiments on trapped ultracold atoms has made it possible to study the interplay between magnetism and superfluid-insulator transitions in…”
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Polariton creation in coupled cavity arrays with spectrally disordered emitters
Published in Materials for quantum technology (01-06-2024)“…Integrated photonics has been a promising platform for analog quantum simulation of condensed matter phenomena in strongly correlated systems. To that end, we…”
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Local quantum criticality in confined fermions on optical lattices
Published in Physical review letters (26-09-2003)“…Using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, we show that the one-dimensional fermionic Hubbard model in a harmonic potential displays quantum critical behavior at…”
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Superconductivity and lattice instability in compressed lithium from Fermi surface hot spots
Published in Physical review letters (03-02-2006)“…The highest superconducting temperature Tc observed in any elemental metal (Li with Tc approximately 18-20 K at pressure 35-48 GPa) is shown to arise from…”
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Quantum Monte Carlo study of an interaction-driven band-insulator-to-metal transition
Published in Physical review letters (26-01-2007)“…We study the transitions from band insulator to metal to Mott insulator in the ionic Hubbard model on a two-dimensional square lattice using determinant…”
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First-order isostructural mott transition in highly compressed MnO
Published in Physical review letters (25-03-2005)“…We present evidence for an isostructural, first-order Mott transition in MnO at 105+/-5 GPa, based on high-resolution x-ray emission spectroscopy and…”
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Cerium volume collapse: results from the merger of dynamical mean-field theory and local density approximation
Published in Physical review letters (31-12-2001)“…The merger of density-functional theory in the local density approximation and many-body dynamical mean-field theory allows for an ab initio calculation of Ce…”
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Effects of strong interactions in a half-metallic magnet: A determinant quantum Monte Carlo study
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (03-04-2013)“…Understanding the effects of electron-electron interactions in half-metallic magnets (HMs), which have band structures with one gapped spin channel and one…”
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Gapless inhomogeneous superfluid phase with spin-dependent disorder
Published in New journal of physics (15-02-2013)“…We show that the presence of a spin-dependent random potential in a superconductor or a superfluid atomic gas leads to distinct transitions at which the energy…”
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Insulating ferromagnetism in La4Ba2Cu2O10: an Ab initio wannier function analysis
Published in Physical review letters (14-10-2002)“…Microscopic mechanisms of the puzzling insulating ferromagnetism of half-filled La4Ba2Cu2O10 are elucidated with energy-resolved Wannier states. The dominant…”
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