Search Results - "Savina, O. N."
Electrostatic turbulence in electron temperature jumps of the solar atmosphere
Published in Astronomy letters (01-10-2015)“…We discuss the connection of the formation and properties of solar atmosphere transition region characterized by a steep electron temperature gradient with…”
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Possibility of magnetospheric VLF response to atmospheric infrasonic waves
Published in Earth, planets, and space (01-01-2012)“…In this paper, we consider a model of the influence of atmospheric infrasonic waves on VLF magnetospheric whistler wave excitation. This excitation occurs as a…”
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Conditions for the Excitation of Type I Solar Bursts
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-12-2023)“…According to modern concepts, Type I noise storms in the meter wavelength range (30–400 MHz), consisting of a large number of narrow-band short bursts, are…”
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Nonlinear response of the equatorial current jet to external action and its influence on electromagnetic waves of the whistle range in the magnetosphere
Published in Cosmic research (2015)“…The nonlinear response of the equatorial current jet to external actions is considered, as well as some geophysical effects produced by it. Irradiating the…”
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Use of the Event Matrix for Chorus from the Lower Frequency Band to Determine Some Characteristics of Their Excitation Mechanism
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-10-2024)“…The article studies quantitative characteristics of the mechanism of excitation of VLF chorus emissions by analyzing high-resolution data from the Van Allen…”
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The Response of a Plasma Magnetospheric Maser to Atmospheric Perturbations
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-10-2022)“…The effect of weak external influences associated with infrasonic waves in the ionosphere on the operation of a plasma magnetospheric maser (PMM) is…”
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Influence of Collective Processes in the Middle Jovian Magnetosphere on the Diffusion of Relativistic Electrons across Magnetic Shells
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-12-2022)“…The effect of global resonance in Jupiter’s middle magnetosphere is largely determined by the magnitude and functional dependence of the radial diffusion…”
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Hausdorff Dimension of Typical Very Low Frequency Chorus Emissions and Verification of Their Mechanism of Excitation
Published in Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics (01-03-2024)“…Modern mathematical tools are used to perform a quantitative study of the complexity of electromagnetic VLF chorus emissions in the region of their excitation…”
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Stationary internal waves in the upper atmosphere with allowance for inhomogeneity, nonlinearity, and losses
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-09-2015)“…The possibility of the existence of a solitary internal gravity wave at heights of the Earth’s thermosphere is considered. Analytical results were obtained in…”
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The Features of Quasi-Periodic ELF-Radiation Outside the Plasmosphere
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-12-2023)“…New information about ELF/VLF emissions is being considered outside the plasmasphere, contained in the data of observations performed on the Van Allen Probe…”
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Filtering Features of Long Acoustic-Gravity Waves in a Windless Atmosphere
Published in Radiophysics and quantum electronics (01-07-2014)“…Equations for the wave perturbations of velocity and pressure in a nonisothermal atmosphere are considered. It is noted that the pressure perturbation has…”
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Special Features of Chorus Excitation by Means of the Beam-Pulse-Amplifier Mechanism in Ducts of Enhanced and Depleted Cold-Plasma Density with Refraction Reflection
Published in Cosmic research (01-02-2022)“…Features of the implementation of a beam-pulse amplifier (BPA) of whistler waves in magnetospheriс enhanced and depleted ducts with refraction reflection are…”
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Instability Conditions of Ion-Acoustic Oscillations in the Transition Region and Lower Solar Corona
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-12-2019)“…The preconditions for the formation of electron temperature jumps with scales comparable to the mean free path of electrons in the solar atmosphere are…”
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Synchronized oscillations in energetic electron fluxes and whistler wave intensity in Jupiter's middle magnetosphere
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics (01-09-2005)“…Synchronized oscillations in energetic electron fluxes and electromagnetic wave emissions at the planetary rotation period have been observed in and near…”
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Heat flux as a source of ion-acoustic oscillations in the transition region of the solar atmosphere
Published in Astronomy letters (01-05-2009)“…Based on model calculations, we show that ion-acoustic oscillations can be excited by heat fluxes in a plasma. We discuss the probable effect of ion-acoustic…”
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Wave disturbances near the temperature jump in the transition region of the solar atmosphere
Published in Astronomy letters (01-06-2006)“…We theoretically analyzed the properties of surface waves near the temperature jump in the solar atmosphere whose dispersion relation is identical in form to…”
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Exponential and local Lamb waves in the nonisothermal atmosphere as an obstacle to the acoustic-gravity disturbance propagation up to the ionosphere
Published in Journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics (01-02-2015)“…In this study generalized Lamb waves in a nonisothermal atmosphere have been examined theoretically. Our results suggest that the pressure component of the…”
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Features of the radial diffusion of energetic electrons in the middle Jovian magnetosphere
Published in Cosmic research (01-05-2016)“…In this paper, the radial diffusion of energetic electrons in the Jovian radiation belts is considered. It is noted that the influence of global resonance in…”
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Magnetospheric VLF response to the atmospheric infrasonic waves
Published in Advances in space research (01-01-2003)“…We consider the influence of atmospheric infrasonic waves on VLF whistler features in the Earth electron radiation belts. An infrasonic wave produces…”
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Generalized polarization relationships for acoustic gravity waves in the nonisothermal atmosphere with the wind
Published in Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (01-03-2006)“…The nonlinear equation of the first order of the Riccati type has been obtained for the wave impedance of acoustic gravity waves in the nonisothermal…”
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