Search Results - "Sarkany, Janos"
FT-IR study of partial reduction of over-exchanged, O2-calcined CuII-ZSM-5 using flowing CO/He at stepwise increasing temperatures. Part 1
Published in Surface science (2004)Get full text
Conference Proceeding -
Adsorption of nitric oxide on platinum/silica: an infrared study
Published in Journal of physical chemistry (1952) (01-07-1987)Get full text
Journal Article -
Effects of water and ion-exchanged counterion on the FT-IR spectra of ZSM-5
Published in Applied catalysis. A, General (01-04-2002)Get full text
Journal Article -
Effects of water and ion-exchanged counterion on the FTIR spectra of ZSM-5. I. NaH-ZSM-5:: H-bonding with OH groups of zeolite and formation of H +(H 2O) n
Published in Applied catalysis. A, General (05-11-1999)“…A dried (773 K, Ar, 1 h) NaH-ZSM-5 sample (Si/Al = 20, Na/Al = 0.5) showed two sharp O–H vibrations at 3745 cm −1 (SiOH, terminal OH) and at 3612 cm −1…”
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Journal Article -
FT-IR study of partial reduction of over-exchanged, O2-calcined CuII-ZSM-5 using flowing CO/He at stepwise increasing temperatures. Part 1
Published in Surface science (01-09-2004)Get full text
Journal Article -
FTIR study on the interaction of O2 and CO with Cu+ ions in zeolite ZSM-5 Formation and reactivity of superoxide
Published in Journal of molecular structure (01-06-1997)Get full text
Journal Article -
Effects of water and ion-exchanged counterion on the FT-IR spectra of ZSM-5: Part III. Cu +(CO) 2–ZSM-5: interaction of Cu +(CO) 2 complex with H 2O and changes in skeletal T–O–T vibrations
Published in Applied catalysis. A, General (2002)“…The effect of water on Cu +(CO) 2–ZSM-5 ( n Si/ n Al=20, n Cu/ n Al=0.75) has been studied at 293 K by time-resolved FT-IR technique in transmission mode,…”
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Journal Article -
FT-IR study of partial reduction of over-exchanged, O 2-calcined Cu II-ZSM-5 using flowing CO/He at stepwise increasing temperatures. Part 1
Published in Surface science (20-09-2004)“…Over-exchanged, O 2-calcined 3.1 wt% Cu II-ZSM-5 ( n Si/ n Al=20, n Cu/ n Al=0.75) was treated with flowing CO/He mixture, with stepwise increases of the…”
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Journal Article -
Adsorption of No on Pt/SiO2: an infrared study
Published in Journal of physical chemistry (1952) (1987)Get full text
Journal Article -
Effects of water and ion-exchanged counterion on the FTIR spectra of ZSM-5. I. NaH-ZSM-5
Published in Applied catalysis. A, General (01-11-1999)Get full text
Journal Article -
FTIR study on the interaction of O 2 and CO with Cu + ions in zeolite ZSM-5 Formation and reactivity of superoxide
Published in Journal of molecular structure (16-06-1997)“…FTIR spectroscopy was used to study the interaction of Cu + ions with O 2 and CO. Cu + ions were produced by outgassing of a calcined, ion-exchanged 3.1 wt%…”
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Journal Article -
Effect of pretreatment on dispersion and structure of silica- and alumina-supported Pt catalysts
Published in Industrial & engineering chemistry product research and development (01-12-1983)Get full text
Journal Article -
Infrared study of the interaction between Lewis bases and surface hydroxyl groups of [formula omitted]
Published in Journal of molecular structure (01-06-1997)“…Transmission IR spectroscopic study at 298 K has revealed strong H-bonds between Lewis bases (LBs) containing one, [1-O], or two, [2-O], sp 3 hybridized O…”
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Journal Article -
Effect of CO pressure and temperature on Cu +-carbonyl complexes in over-exchanged [formula omitted] and their perturbation on framework vibration. An FTIR study
Published in Journal of molecular structure (01-06-1997)“…Three procedures were applied to obtain isolated Cu + ions and Cu +CO complex, using ion-exchanged 3.1% w/w Cu II ZSM-5 ( Si Al = 20 , Cu Al = 0.75 ). At 293…”
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Journal Article -
Effect of water on the autoreduction level of copper in excessively ion-exchanged [formula omitted]. An FTIR study
Published in Journal of molecular structure (01-06-1997)“…Thermal treatment of a calcined Cu ZSM-5 in inert gas (or in vacuum) is known as an aprotic autoreduction process when some of the Cu 2+ species are reduced to…”
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Journal Article -
Redox chemistry in excessively ion-exchanged Cu/Na-ZSM-5
Published in Catalysis letters (01-01-1992)Get full text
Journal Article -
Felületi izocianát komplexek képződésének és reakcióinak vizsgálata Al2O3 hordozóra felvitt pt-, pd- és rh katalizátorokon
Published 01-01-1977“…Áttekintettük az autó kipufogó gázok tisztításának főbb problémáit, a nitrojjéu-monoxld katalitikus bomlására és redukciójára vonatkozó fontosabb…”
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