Search Results - "Santos, Thiago Faria dos"
A new Malaxis (Orchidaceae: Malaxidinae) from the Campos de Altitude of the Atlantic rainforest in southern Brazil
Published in Nordic journal of botany (01-12-2023)“…Malaxis ybytus is proposed as a new species from the wetlands of the Campos de Altitude of the Atlantic rainforest of south Brazil, Serra do…”
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Revision of Liparis (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Malaxidinae) in Brazil
Published in Rodriguésia (2023)“…Abstract The presence of Liparis occurring in Brazil was revised, resulting in three taxons confirmed in national territory. Nine lectotypifications and six…”
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Malaxis engelsii (Malaxidinae), a new species from the upper montane forest of the Atlantic Rainforest in southern Brazil
Published in Lankesteriana (17-04-2024)“…Malaxis engelsii is a newly discovered orchid found in the upper montane forests of the Atlantic Rainforest in Paraná, Brazil. This species is characterized…”
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Octomeria (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) no estado do Paraná, Brasil
Published in Rodriguésia (2020)“…Resumo Octomeria (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) consiste de cerca de 150 espécies neotropicais, das quais aproximadamente 95 ocorrem no Brasil. Através de…”
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Floral Studies in Octomeria R. BR. (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae)
Published in Feddes repertorium (01-06-2020)“…Octomeria is a well‐represented basal genus in the subtribe Pleurothallidinae, the main myophile group of the Orchidaceae. The systematics of the genus is…”
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Efeito do uso de coroas não circulares sobre o desempenho de ciclistas: revisão de literatura
Published in Arquivos de Ciências do Esporte (31-07-2019)“…Objetivo: Verificar a influência do uso de coroas-não-circulares (CNC) e coroas-circulares (CC) sobre os parâmetros biomecânicos, fisiológicos e no desempenho…”
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