Search Results - "Santos, Rafaela G. dos"
Perceptions of hemodialysis patients about dietary and fluid restrictions
Published in Brazilian Journal of Nephrology (01-04-2017)“…Dietary regimen for hemodialysis (HD) patients is complicate and identifying characteristics and reasons of those most likely to experience difficulty in…”
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A Sociodemographic Profile of Mask Use During the COVID-19 Outbreak Among Young and Elderly Individuals in Brazil: Online Survey Study
Published in JMIR aging (14-09-2021)“…Background: Sociodemographic variables may impact decision making regarding safety measures. The use and selection of adequate face masks is a safety and…”
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Higher Frequency of Fruit Intake Is Associated With a Lower Risk of Constipation in Hemodialysis Patients: A Multicenter Study
Published in Journal of renal nutrition (01-01-2021)“…Constipation is a multifactorial gastrointestinal disorder commonly found in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this multicenter cross-sectional study, we aimed to…”
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Effects of twelve weeks of dance Exergames on the quality-of-life variables of elderly Brazilian women enrolled in a community program
Published in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (01-10-2023)“…Exercise-based interventions can be a safe alternative to improve and maintain physical and mental health during the aging process. The aim of the present…”
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Frequency of intake of dietary fiber food groups, its determinants, and the relationship with hyperkalemia in hemodialysis patients in a multicenter study
Published in Nutrire : revista de Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentação e Nutrição = journal of the Brazilian Society of Food and Nutrition (05-08-2022)“…Purpose Patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) treatment can have a low intake of dietary fiber-rich food groups to decrease hyperkalemia risk. This multicenter…”
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Força de membros inferiores como indicador de incapacidade funcional em idosos
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (01-09-2013)“…O propósito deste estudo foi discriminar a quantidade de repetições no teste sentar e levantar da cadeira na estimativa da incapacidade funcional. Estudo…”
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Comparison of glycemic and lipid profiles indicators among obese children and adolescents treated at public or private services from the city of Ribeirão Preto (SP)
Published in Medicina (Sao Paulo. 197?) (08-12-2016)“…Design: Observational cross-sectional. Objectives: To compare the lipid and glycemic profiles of obese children and adolescents, followed at a public or a…”
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Adherence and knowledge about hyperphosphatemia treatment in hemodialysis patients with hyperphosphatemia
Published in Jornal brasileiro de nefrologia : 'orgao oficial de Sociedades Brasileira e Latino-Americana de Nefrologia (01-04-2010)“…Adequate dietary phosphorus intake and the use of phosphorus binders are the main tools for treating hyperphosphatemia. Thus, its success depends essentially…”
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Dielectric Thermal Analysis as a Tool for Quantitative Evaluation of the Viscosity and the Kinetics of Epoxy Resin Cure
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2006)“…Dielectric thermal analysis has been proved as a valuable tool for monitoring the epoxy curing process and the related rheological properties in the…”
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Published in Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation (01-06-2020)“…Abstract Background and Aims Constipation is a multifactorial gastrointestinal disorder commonly found in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this multi-centre…”
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Monitoring the epoxy curing by the dielectric thermal analysis method
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2004)“…Evaluation of epoxy cure in magnet impregnation is an important task because the final mechanical and electrical characteristics depend upon how the curing…”
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Adesão e conhecimento sobre o tratamento da hiperfosfatemia de pacientes hiperfosfatêmicos em hemodiálise Adherence and knowledge about hyperphosphatemia treatment in hemodialysis patients with hyperphosphatemia
Published in Jornal Brasileiro de nefrologia (01-06-2010)“…INTRODUÇÃO: A orientação dietética e o uso adequado de quelantes de fósforo são a base do tratamento da hiperfosfatemia. Assim, seu sucesso depende…”
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