Search Results - "Santos, Pedro Doneux"
Evaluation of the results from surgical treatment of the terrible triad of the elbow
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2014)“…to evaluate the results from surgical treatment of the terrible triad of the elbow (fracture of the radial head, fracture of the coronoid process and elbow…”
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Axillary artery lesion secondary to fracturing of the proximal third of the humerus: case report
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-01-2015)“…Lesions of the axillary artery are rare in patients with fracturing of the proximal third of the humerus and may have greatly varying clinical manifestations…”
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Hill–Sachs lesion measurement with tridimensional models in anterior shoulder instability
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2018)“…To evaluate the reproducibility and repeatability of Hill–Sachs lesion measurement from computed tomography images, with computer software and tridimensional…”
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Evaluation of the functional results after rotator cuff arthroscopic repair with the suture bridge technique
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2017)“…To evaluate the results of arthroscopic treatment of large and extensive rotator cuff injuries (RCI) that involved the supra and infraspinatus muscles using…”
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Clinical evaluation of arthroscopic treatment of shoulder adhesive capsulitis
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-01-2017)“…To evaluate the results of arthroscopic releases performed in patients with adhesive capsulitis refractory to conservative treatment. This was a retrospective…”
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Published in Acta ortopedica brasileira (01-10-2015)“…To evaluate the fatty infiltration and atrophy of the supraespinatus in the pre- and postoperative of a rotator cuff lesion (RCL), by MRI. Ten patients with…”
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Outcomes of non-arthroplasty surgical treatment of proximal humeral head fractures
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2016)“…This study aimed to assess the outcomes of patients with humeral head fractures treated by reduction and osteosynthesis. A total of 53 shoulders (52 patients)…”
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Obstetric paralysis: anterior arthroscopic release of the shoulder and transfer of the latissimus dorsi using a homologous graft
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2016)“…Description of a new surgical technique for treating the shoulders of patients with sequelae of obstetric paralysis. Preliminary analysis on the results…”
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Brachial artery injury due to closed posterior elbow dislocation: case report
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2016)“…An association between closed posterior elbow dislocation and traumatic brachial artery injury is rare. Absence of radial pulse on palpation is an important…”
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Are the good functional results from arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff injuries maintained over the long term?
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-01-2016)“…To evaluate whether the good and excellent functional results from arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff tears are maintained over the long term. From…”
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Evaluation of the results and complications of the Latarjet procedure for recurrent anterior dislocation of the shoulder
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-11-2015)“…Evaluate the results and complications of Latarjet procedure in patients with anterior recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. Fifty-one patients (52 shoulders)…”
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Biomechanical evaluation between the modified Mason-Allen stitch and the locked double-tie stitch on the infraspinatus of sheep
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-11-2014)“…To evaluate and compare the in vitro biomechanical results from two stitches: the Mason-Allen stitch, as modified by Habermeyer; and the locked double-tie…”
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Functional evaluation of arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff injuries in patients with pseudoparalysis
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2014)“…to evaluate the functional result from arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff injuries in patients with pseudoparalysis, defined as incapacity to actively raise…”
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Functional evaluation of patients with injury of the distal insertion of the biceps brachii muscle treated surgically
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2014)“…to functionally evaluate patients with injury of the distal insertion of the biceps brachii muscle that was treated surgically. between April 2002 and June…”
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Evaluation of the Results from Partial Arthroplasty for Treating Shoulder Osteoarthrosis
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2013)“…In this study we aim at statistically evaluating the results of the surgical treatment of the osteoarthrosis of the shoulder (OAS) with partial shoulder…”
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Osteoma osteóide de acrômio que simula dor acrômio-clavicular
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-01-2014)“…O osteoma osteóide é um tumor ósseo benigno que se apresenta geralmente em adultos jovens com dor noturna, aliviada por repouso e anti-inflamatórios. Pode…”
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Avaliação dos resultados da redução aberta e da fixação interna das fraturas graves da extremidade proximal do úmero em idosos
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-01-2014)“…avaliar clinica e radiologicamente os resultados obtidos com a redução aberta e a fixação interna das fraturas graves da extremidade proximal do úmero (FGEPU)…”
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Tratamento do cotovelo rígido com artroplastia de interposição associada ao fixador externo articulado
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (2009)Get full text
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Avaliação da mensuração da lesão de Hill‐Sachs em modelos tridimensionais na luxação anterior de ombro
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2018)“…Verificar se há reprodutibilidade e repetibilidade das mensurações diretas da lesão de Hill‐Sachs (HS), a partir de imagens de reconstrução tomográficas, com o…”
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Avaliação dos resultados funcionais após reparo artroscópico do manguito rotador com a técnica equivalente transóssea (suture bridge)
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2017)“…Avaliar o resultado do tratamento artroscópico das lesões do manguito rotador (LMR) grandes e extensas dos tendões dos músculos supraespinal e infraespinal por…”
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