Search Results - "Santos, Gabriela de Souza Dos"
Safe surgery: validation of pre and postoperative checklists
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-01-2017)“…to develop, evaluate and validate a surgical safety checklist for patients in the pre and postoperative periods in surgical hospitalization units…”
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Layered cryogels laden with Brazilian honey intended for wound care
Published in Polímeros, ciência e tecnologia (01-01-2020)“…Abstract PVA cryogels are well established as candidate biomaterials for wound healing applications but are not themselves biodegradable or antimicrobial…”
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Fatal journeys: causes of death in international travellers in South America
Published in Journal of travel medicine (29-08-2024)“…Understanding mortality among travellers is essential for mitigating risks and enhancing travel safety. However, limited evidence exists on severe illnesses…”
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Tecnologias para manutenção do Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica em neonatos: revisão integrativa
Published in Revista de Enfermagem da UFSM (08-02-2023)“…Objetivo: analisar a literatura científica acerca das tecnologias e cuidados para posicionamento e reposicionamento do cateter central de inserção periférica…”
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Phisical modalities on the functional performance in knee osteoarthritis: a sytematic review
Published in Fisioterapia em movimento (01-09-2017)“…Abstract Introduction: Despite recent advances in the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA), few studies have evaluated the longitudinal effect of physical…”
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Eficácia de um protocolo de exercícios em cadeia cinética fechada para indivíduos com dor femoropatelar
Published in Conscientiae saúde (28-12-2017)“…Introduo: Acredita-se que resultados controversos quanto melhor abordagem teraputica para a Dor Femoropatelar (DFP) estejam relacionados a no padronizao dos…”
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Modified Star Excursion Balance test: Prototype development, correction, and reliability of measurements
Published in Journal of bodywork and movement therapies (01-10-2024)“…Biomechanical analyses of human movement require precise methods for quantifying measurements. The Modified Star Excursion Balance Test (mSEBT) is utilized by…”
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Assessment of motor function in individuals with hemiplegia post-stroke
Published in Fisioterapia e pesquisa (2023)“…ABSTRACT This study aims to compare the performance of the sit-to-stand test and walking speed in individuals with chronic hemiplegia post-stroke and a control…”
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Ventilator-associated pneumonia risk factors in patients with severe COVID-19 in southern Brazil: A retrospective observational study
Published in Infection, disease & health (20-08-2024)“…During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a significant number of critical patients required ventilatory assistance in health institutions. In this context,…”
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SEBT in individuals with patellofemoral pain: an integrative review
Published in Fisioterapia em movimento (2022)“…Abstract Introduction: Decreased postural stability can be observed in individuals with patellofemoral pain (PP). The Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) is…”
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Universitários participantes de um programa de atividade física e lazer podem mudar seus hábitos de vida?
Published in Motrivivência : revista de educação física, esporte e lazer (06-07-2021)“…O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se universitários participantes de um programa de atividade física e lazer mudaram seus hábitos de vida; caso tenham…”
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The health facility as a risk factor for multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria in critically ill patients with COVID-19
Published in Clinics (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-01-2022)“…•Critically ill patients with COVID-19 can have secondary infections.•Some of them are caused by Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Gram-Negative Bacteria (GNB).•To…”
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Avaliação da função motora em hemiplégicos pós-acidente vascular encefálico
Published in Fisioterapia e pesquisa (2023)“…RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é comparar os desempenhos no teste de sentar e levantar e a velocidade de caminhada de indivíduos com hemiplegia crônica…”
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Safe surgery: validation of pre and postoperative checklists 1
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (10-07-2017)Get full text
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A promoção da higienização das mãos como estratégia para o cuidado seguro / The promotion of hygiene of the hands as a strategy for safe care
Published in Ciência, cuidado e saúde (05-06-2017)“…Pesquisa de intervenção promoveu a higienização de mãos em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica aplicando-se o Guia de Implantação da Estratégia Multimodal…”
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