Search Results - "Santos, Erika Aparecida Araújo dos"
Superoxide dismutase and catalase activity in collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) seminal plasma and their relation to sperm quality
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-03-2018)“…The study of the seminal plasma help us to understand the mechanisms by which reactive oxygen species (ROS) affect the sperm. The antioxidant enzymes, as the…”
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Viabilidade do sêmen de tatus-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus) centrifugado e diluído em Tris ou agua de coco em pó
Published in Ciência rural (01-09-2014)“…Foram avaliados os efeitos da centrifugação associada ao uso de dois diluentes na manutenção da viabilidade espermática em tatus-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus)…”
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Assessment of the interaction between straw size and thawing rate and its impact on in vitro quality of post-thaw goat semen
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-03-2012)“…The objective of this study was to analyze interactions between different straw sizes and thawing rates on the post-thaw goat semen parameters. Twenty-one…”
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Viabilidade do sêmen de tatus-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus) centrifugado e diluído em Tris ou agua de coco em pó
Published in Ciência rural (01-09-2014)“…Foram avaliados os efeitos da centrifugação associada ao uso de dois diluentes na manutenção da viabilidade espermática em tatus-peba (Euphractus sexcinctus)…”
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Viability of the six-banded armadillos centrifugado e diluido em Tris ou agua de coco em po
Published in Ciência rural (01-09-2014)“…The effects of the centrifugation associated to the use of two extenders on the viability of six-banded armadillo's (Euphractus sexcinctus) sperm were…”
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Viability of the six-banded armadillos centrifugado e diluido em Tris ou agua de coco em po
Published in Ciência rural (01-09-2014)“…The effects of the centrifugation associated to the use of two extenders on the viability of six-banded armadillo's (Euphractus sexcinctus) sperm were…”
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