Search Results - "Santos, Elton Lima"
Polyculture of curimata pacu (Prochilodus argenteus) and canela shrimp (Macrobrachium acanthurus) feed with dehydrated cassava leaf meal
Published in Latin american journal of aquatic research (01-03-2019)“…Polyculture systems are integrated cultivation systems where two or more aquatic species are maintained at the same place using locally available ecological…”
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Ultrastructure of intracytoplasmic Rickettsia-like infection of the gills of the teleost Archosargus probatocephalus (Sparidae) in northeastern Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinaria (01-01-2020)“…Abstract A histopathological survey was conducted to investigate the presence of microparasites in fish Archosargus probatocephalus in a river near Maceió,…”
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Evaluation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings exposed to the pesticide pyriproxyfen
Published in Latin american journal of aquatic research (01-11-2020)“…Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) is one of the most produced fish for human consumption globally; however, these fish are susceptible to exposure to toxic…”
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Genetic characterization of tambaqui stocks from two pisciculture stations in the lower São Francisco River
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (06-11-2020)“…Pisciculture has been an important part of the economy in many regions of Brazil, and the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) stands out as one of the country’s…”
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Ultrastructure of phagocytes and oocysts of Nematopsis sp. (Apicomplexa, Porosporidae) infecting Crassostrea rhizophorae in Northeastern Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de parasitologia veterinaria (01-01-2019)“…This work describes the detailed ultrastructural morphology of the phagocyte imprisoning an oyster of Nematopsis (Apicomplexa) found in Crassostrea…”
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First record of Lernaea cyprinacea (Linnaeus, 1758) (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) on Betta splendens in Brazil
Published in Revista Principia (17-07-2020)“…The aim of this work is to bring this first record of L. cyprinacea in B. splendens. The anchor worm, also known as L. cyprinacea is an ectoparasitic copepod…”
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Levedura de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) em dietas para tilápia do Nilo
Published in Revista de ciências agroveterinárias (01-04-2024)“…A pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar a utilização da levedura de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) desidratada pelo método spray dryer…”
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Estudo das espécies de peixes cultivadas no Núcleo de Piscicultura do Centro de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Alagoas
Published in Diversitas Journal (24-01-2021)“…RESUMO: É fato que muitas são as preocupações que giram em torno da segurança alimentar e sustentabilidade mundial. Para tal fato, aponta-se a criação de…”
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Potential of carapeba (Eugerres brasilianus) for aquaculture production
Published in Latin american journal of aquatic research (01-09-2016)“…Eugerres brasilianus is an appreciated commercial species in the market of the northeastern region of Brazil. The purpose of this study was to analyze and…”
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Farelo de mamona em dietas para tilápia do Nilo
Published in Revista de ciências agroveterinárias (04-08-2023)“…No cultivo de peixes, um dos entraves é o gasto com a alimentação, que pode chegar até 70% dos custos de produção. Diante desse fato, os pesquisadores vêm…”
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Capacidade antioxidante e atividade de colinesterases em Prochilodus argenteus sob restrição alimentar
Published in Revista Principia (26-03-2022)“…Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da restrição alimentar na capacidade antioxidante e atividade de colinesterases em formas jovens do curimatã-pacu…”
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Efeito da adição de farinha de vísceras de aves sobre o desempenho zootécnico de alevinos de tilápia do Nilo
Published in Revista de ciências agroveterinárias (12-12-2022)“…O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da inclusão da farinha de vísceras de aves em dietas para alevinos de tilápia do Nilo, sobre o…”
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Crescimento heterogêneo de tilápia do Nilo alimentados com resíduo de biscoito na dieta
Published in Ciência Agrícola (21-12-2017)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de quatro níveis da adição de resíduo de biscoito (0, 7.0, 14.0 e 21.0%) na dieta de juvenis de tilápia do Nilo…”
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Performance and digestibility of Nile tilapia fed with pineapple residue bran./Desempenho e digestibilidade da tilapia do Nilo recebendo dietas com farelo de residuo de abacaxi
Published in Acta scientiarum. Animal sciences (01-01-2012)“…Two experiments were conducted, the first being the digestibility of feed and the second performance in an attempt to evaluate the residue of pineapple bran in…”
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Ocorrência de fungos de campo e armazenamento em ingredientes e rações para suínos
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-05-2014)“…The present research aimed to evaluate the occurrence of field fungi and storage in vegetable and mineral components of a diet formulated for pigs. The…”
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Published in Desafios (Palmas) (21-07-2020)“…The This study evaluated the effect of levels of garlic powder (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 added to diets for Nile tilapia on animal performance, villi…”
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Aspects on the mental health of riverside farmers from the lower São Francisco in Alagoas/Aspectos sobre a saúde mental de agricultores ribeirinhos do baixo São Francisco em Alagoas
Published in Diversitas Journal (01-07-2020)“…The aim of this research was to evaluate the common mentaldisorderspresenceofagricultural and fisheries workers from the lower São Franciscoriverregion,…”
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Polyculture of curimata-pacu feed with dehydrated cassava leaf meal
Published in Latin american journal of aquatic research (01-03-2019)“…Polyculture systems are integrated cultivation systems where two or more aquatic species are maintained at the same place using locally available ecological…”
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Analysis of the economic competitiveness of the potential of electric energy production from biogas from bovine waste in Alagoas / Análise da competitividade econômica do potencial de produção de energia elétrica a partir do biogás proveniente de dejetos bovinos em Alagoas
Published in Diversitas Journal (01-09-2018)“…Brazil has a large hydroelectric source, but it faces energy supply challenges caused by variations in the rainfall regime and growing demands for the…”
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Uma alternativa energética e ambientalmente sustentável ao agricultor familiar: dia de campo sobre biodigestores rurais
Published in Diversitas Journal (30-04-2017)Get full text
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