Search Results - "Samuel I. Levy-Tacher"

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  1. 1

    Niche Differentiation and its Relationship with Food Abundance and Vegetation Complexity in Four Frugivorous Bat Species in Southern Mexico by Vleut, Ivar, Galindo‐González, Jorge, Boer, Willem Frederik, Levy‐Tacher, Samuel I, Vazquez, Luis‐Bernardo

    Published in Biotropica (01-09-2015)
    “…Species can co‐exist within a community when their use of limiting resources is differentiated. To test whether differentiation facilitates coexistence, we…”
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  2. 2

    Fast-growing pioneer tree stands as a rapid and effective strategy for bracken elimination in the Neotropics by Douterlungne, David, Thomas, Evert, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I.

    Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-10-2013)
    “…1. Large areas of agricultural land around the world are degraded as a consequence of dominance by bracken fern (Pteridium spp.). Tropical production systems…”
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    Testing the Performance of Fourteen Native Tropical Tree Species in Two Abandoned Pastures of the Lacandon Rainforest Region of Chiapas, Mexico by Román-Dañobeytia, Francisco J., Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Aronson, James, Rodrigues, Ricardo Ribeiro, Castellanos-Albores, Jorge

    Published in Restoration ecology (01-05-2012)
    “…The rainforest of Mexico has been degraded and severely fragmented, and urgently require restoration. However, the practice of restoration has been limited by…”
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    Applying Indigenous Knowledge to the Restoration of Degraded Tropical Rain Forest Clearings Dominated by Bracken Fern by Douterlungne, David, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I, Golicher, Duncan J, Dañobeytia, Francisco Román

    Published in Restoration ecology (01-05-2010)
    “…The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, southern Mexico, have traditionally used a long fallow rotational slash-and-burn system for maize production in small clearings…”
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  5. 5

    Redefining Secondary Forests in the Mexican Forest Code: Implications for Management, Restoration, and Conservation by Francisco J. Román-Dañobeytia, Samuel I. Levy-Tacher, Pedro Macario-Mendoza, José Zúñiga-Morales

    Published in Forests (01-05-2014)
    “…The Mexican Forest Code establishes structural reference values to differentiate between secondary and old-growth forests and requires a management plan when…”
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    Natural Regeneration after Long-Term Bracken Fern Control with Balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) in the Neotropics by Samuel I. Levy-Tacher, Ivar Vleut, Francisco Román-Dañobeytia, James Aronson

    Published in Forests (01-06-2015)
    “…In many parts of the Neotropics, deforested areas are often colonized by the highly competitive invasive bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), which inhabits…”
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    Positive effects of surrounding rainforest on composition, diversity and late-successional seed dispersal by bats by Vleut, Ivar, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Galindo-González, Jorge, de Boer, Willem F.

    Published in Basic and applied ecology (01-06-2015)
    “…The configuration of a heterogeneous landscape has an important effect on species composition and landscape processes. The importance of the size, shape and…”
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  8. 8

    Tropical rain-forest matrix quality affects bat assemblage structure in secondary forest patches by Vleut, Ivar, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Galindo-González, Jorge, de Boer, Willem F., Ramírez-Marcial, Neptalí

    Published in Journal of mammalogy (01-12-2012)
    “…We studied Phyllostomidae bat assemblage structure in patches of secondary forest dominated by the pioneer tree Ochroma pyramidale, largely (>85%) or partially…”
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  9. 9

    Lacandon Maya forest management: Restoration of soil fertility using native tree species by Diemont, Stewart A.W., Martin, Jay F., Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Nigh, Ronald B., Lopez, Pedro Ramirez, Golicher, J. Duncan

    Published in Ecological engineering (01-12-2006)
    “…In southern Mexico, where rainforests are being degraded rapidly, the Lacandon Maya use an agroforestry system that both restores and conserves the rainforest…”
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    Diversidad y estructura de franjas de árboles en una matriz agrícola (tolchés) en relación con la intensidad de uso forestal en Yaxcabá, Yucatán by Cortés-Sosa, Diana M., Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Ramírez Marcial, Neptalí, Navarrete Gutiérrez, Darío A., Rodríguez-Sánchez, Perla Victoria

    Published in Botanical sciences (01-04-2021)
    “…Antecedentes: Los tolchés son franjas de árboles dentro del paisaje agrícola yucateco; proporcionan varios servicios ecosistémicos, incluyendo el suministro de…”
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    Emergy evaluation of Lacandon Maya indigenous swidden agroforestry in Chiapas, Mexico by DIEMONT, Stewart A. W, MARTIN, Jav F, LEVY-TACHER, Samuel I

    Published in Agroforestry systems (2006)
    “…The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Mexico practice a system of swidden agroforestry that mimics the surrounding ecosystem and its successional stages. Their fields…”
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    Fast‐growing pioneer tree stands as a rapid and effective strategy for bracken elimination in the N eotropics by Douterlungne, David, Thomas, Evert, LevyTacher, Samuel I.

    Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-10-2013)
    “…Large areas of agricultural land around the world are degraded as a consequence of dominance by bracken fern ( Pteridium spp.). Tropical production systems…”
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    Survival and growth of three Quercus species under contrasting coverage conditions in southern Mexico by Rivas-Rivas, Maximino B., Ramírez-Marcial, Neptalí, Perales, Hugo, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Bonfil, Consuelo

    “…Abstract Introduction: Intensive use modifies the composition and structure of the forests of southern Mexico, limiting the natural repopulation of Quercus…”
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  15. 15

    Germination of two varieties of Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. from the Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas by Toledo-González, Karina A., Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Macario-Mendoza, Pedro A., Nova-Vázquez, José A. de

    “…Abstract Introduction: Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. is a fast-growing native species of economic and ecological importance. It is currently the only…”
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    Uso y manejo de la vegetación leñosa en el fundo legal de Yaxcaba, Yucatán, México/Forest use and management of woody vegetation in the fundo legal of Yaxcaba, Yucatan, Mexico by Rodríguez-Sánchez, Perla Victoria, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I, Ramfrez-Marcial, Neptalf, Estrada-Lugo, Erin Ingrid Jane

    Published in Acta botánica mexicana (01-01-2020)
    “…Antecedentes y Objetivos: El fundo legal (FL) es una franja de vegetación forestal que delimita periféricamente a los poblados, provee de múltiples servicios…”
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  17. 17

    Aspectos florísticos de Lacanhá Chansayab, Selva Lacandona,Chiapas by Samuel I. Levy Tacher, J. Rogelio Aguirre Rivera, Jos\u00E9 D. Garc\u00EDa Perez, Mar\u00EDa Magdalena Mart\u00EDnez Romero

    Published in Acta botánica mexicana (2006)
    “…entre 1993 y 1999 se realizaron herborizaciones sistemáticas en rodales de selva alta perennifolia, acahuales de diferentes edades y milpas pertenecientes a la…”
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    El aprovechamiento agrícola intensivo de los Hubchés (Acahuales o comunidades secundarias) de Yucatán by Tacher, Samuel I. Levy, Rivera, J. Rogelio Aguirre

    “…This essay goes deep into the role played by the vegetation in the nowadays agricultural production system in Yucatán, with an emphasis in its successional…”
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    Germinación de dos variedades de Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. de la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas by Toledo-González, Karina A., Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Macario-Mendoza, Pedro A., De Nova-Vázquez, José A.

    “…Introducción: Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. es una especie nativa de crecimiento rápido con importancia económica y ecológica. Actualmente, es la…”
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    Supervivencia y crecimiento de tres especies de Quercus bajo condiciones contrastantes de cobertura en el sur de México by Rivas-Rivas, Maximino B., Ramírez-Marcial, Neptalí, Perales, Hugo, Levy-Tacher, Samuel I., Bonfil, Consuelo

    “…Introducción: El aprovechamiento intensivo modifica la composición y estructura de los bosques del sur de México, limitando la repoblación natural de especies…”
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