Search Results - "Samuel I. Levy-Tacher"
Niche Differentiation and its Relationship with Food Abundance and Vegetation Complexity in Four Frugivorous Bat Species in Southern Mexico
Published in Biotropica (01-09-2015)“…Species can co‐exist within a community when their use of limiting resources is differentiated. To test whether differentiation facilitates coexistence, we…”
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Fast-growing pioneer tree stands as a rapid and effective strategy for bracken elimination in the Neotropics
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-10-2013)“…1. Large areas of agricultural land around the world are degraded as a consequence of dominance by bracken fern (Pteridium spp.). Tropical production systems…”
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Testing the Performance of Fourteen Native Tropical Tree Species in Two Abandoned Pastures of the Lacandon Rainforest Region of Chiapas, Mexico
Published in Restoration ecology (01-05-2012)“…The rainforest of Mexico has been degraded and severely fragmented, and urgently require restoration. However, the practice of restoration has been limited by…”
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Applying Indigenous Knowledge to the Restoration of Degraded Tropical Rain Forest Clearings Dominated by Bracken Fern
Published in Restoration ecology (01-05-2010)“…The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, southern Mexico, have traditionally used a long fallow rotational slash-and-burn system for maize production in small clearings…”
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Redefining Secondary Forests in the Mexican Forest Code: Implications for Management, Restoration, and Conservation
Published in Forests (01-05-2014)“…The Mexican Forest Code establishes structural reference values to differentiate between secondary and old-growth forests and requires a management plan when…”
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Natural Regeneration after Long-Term Bracken Fern Control with Balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) in the Neotropics
Published in Forests (01-06-2015)“…In many parts of the Neotropics, deforested areas are often colonized by the highly competitive invasive bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), which inhabits…”
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Positive effects of surrounding rainforest on composition, diversity and late-successional seed dispersal by bats
Published in Basic and applied ecology (01-06-2015)“…The configuration of a heterogeneous landscape has an important effect on species composition and landscape processes. The importance of the size, shape and…”
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Tropical rain-forest matrix quality affects bat assemblage structure in secondary forest patches
Published in Journal of mammalogy (01-12-2012)“…We studied Phyllostomidae bat assemblage structure in patches of secondary forest dominated by the pioneer tree Ochroma pyramidale, largely (>85%) or partially…”
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Lacandon Maya forest management: Restoration of soil fertility using native tree species
Published in Ecological engineering (01-12-2006)“…In southern Mexico, where rainforests are being degraded rapidly, the Lacandon Maya use an agroforestry system that both restores and conserves the rainforest…”
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Diversidad y estructura de franjas de árboles en una matriz agrícola (tolchés) en relación con la intensidad de uso forestal en Yaxcabá, Yucatán
Published in Botanical sciences (01-04-2021)“…Antecedentes: Los tolchés son franjas de árboles dentro del paisaje agrícola yucateco; proporcionan varios servicios ecosistémicos, incluyendo el suministro de…”
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Emergy evaluation of Lacandon Maya indigenous swidden agroforestry in Chiapas, Mexico
Published in Agroforestry systems (2006)“…The Lacandon Maya of Chiapas, Mexico practice a system of swidden agroforestry that mimics the surrounding ecosystem and its successional stages. Their fields…”
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Fast‐growing pioneer tree stands as a rapid and effective strategy for bracken elimination in the N eotropics
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-10-2013)“…Large areas of agricultural land around the world are degraded as a consequence of dominance by bracken fern ( Pteridium spp.). Tropical production systems…”
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Importancia de la vegetación secundaria para el aprovechamiento de productos forestales maderables en Calakmul, Campeche
Published in Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias forestales y del ambiente (09-09-2024)“…Introducción. La vegetación secundaria en el estado de Campeche es base de la producción agrícola y forestal y su capital biológico es función del tiempo de…”
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Survival and growth of three Quercus species under contrasting coverage conditions in southern Mexico
Published in Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias forestales y del ambiente (01-08-2017)“…Abstract Introduction: Intensive use modifies the composition and structure of the forests of southern Mexico, limiting the natural repopulation of Quercus…”
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Germination of two varieties of Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. from the Lacandon Jungle, Chiapas
Published in Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias forestales y del ambiente (01-01-2019)“…Abstract Introduction: Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. is a fast-growing native species of economic and ecological importance. It is currently the only…”
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Uso y manejo de la vegetación leñosa en el fundo legal de Yaxcaba, Yucatán, México/Forest use and management of woody vegetation in the fundo legal of Yaxcaba, Yucatan, Mexico
Published in Acta botánica mexicana (01-01-2020)“…Antecedentes y Objetivos: El fundo legal (FL) es una franja de vegetación forestal que delimita periféricamente a los poblados, provee de múltiples servicios…”
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Aspectos florísticos de Lacanhá Chansayab, Selva Lacandona,Chiapas
Published in Acta botánica mexicana (2006)“…entre 1993 y 1999 se realizaron herborizaciones sistemáticas en rodales de selva alta perennifolia, acahuales de diferentes edades y milpas pertenecientes a la…”
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El aprovechamiento agrícola intensivo de los Hubchés (Acahuales o comunidades secundarias) de Yucatán
Published in Revista geográfica - Instituto panamericano de geografía e historia (01-07-2000)“…This essay goes deep into the role played by the vegetation in the nowadays agricultural production system in Yucatán, with an emphasis in its successional…”
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Germinación de dos variedades de Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. de la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas
Published in Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias forestales y del ambiente (29-10-2018)“…Introducción: Ochroma pyramidale (Cav. ex Lam.) Urb. es una especie nativa de crecimiento rápido con importancia económica y ecológica. Actualmente, es la…”
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Supervivencia y crecimiento de tres especies de Quercus bajo condiciones contrastantes de cobertura en el sur de México
Published in Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias forestales y del ambiente (01-05-2017)“…Introducción: El aprovechamiento intensivo modifica la composición y estructura de los bosques del sur de México, limitando la repoblación natural de especies…”
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