Search Results - "Sampaio Menezes, Honório"
Vascular complications with injection implants: treatment with hyperbaric chamber
Published in Case reports in plastic surgery and hand surgery (01-01-2021)“…The use of facial fillers has increased over the years because they are less invasive and present lower risks and faster results, along with shorter recovery…”
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Replacement of gluteal implants by polymethyl methacrylate filler: case report
Published in Case reports in plastic surgery and hand surgery (01-01-2019)“…Silicone prostheses are an alternative to shape the buttock but further studies are still needed to support the effectiveness of its use. A patient sought…”
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Aesthetic correction of lesion by post-liposuction corticoid infiltration using subcision, PMMA filling, and CO2 laser
Published in Case reports in plastic surgery and hand surgery (01-01-2019)“…Introduction: Post-liposuction fibrosis is a relatively common complication which can be repaired. Case report: We report a case of cutaneous atrophy and…”
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Gluteal Augmentation with Polymethyl Methacrylate: A 10-year Cohort Study
Published in Plastic and reconstructive surgery. Global open (01-05-2019)“…BACKGROUND:Many techniques for buttocks augmentation have been developed and published, for a more natural, satisfactory, and safe result for the patient. It…”
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Association between cervical lesion grade and micronucleus frequency in the Papanicolaou test
Published in Genetics and molecular biology (01-09-2014)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the frequency of micronuclei (MN) and the cellular changes detected in the conventional…”
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The effect of maternal hypercholesterolemia on the placenta and fetal arteries in rabbits
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-01-2012)“…To investigate the degree of placental permeability in dyslipidemic rabbits and the consequent vascular dysfunction in fetuses of female rabbits with high…”
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Antidepressant behavioral effects of duloxetine and fluoxetine in the rat forced swimming test
Published in Acta cirúrgica brasileira (01-10-2007)“…To compare the effects of the antidepressant drugs duloxetine and fluoxetine on depressive behaviors in rodents. Eighteen male Wistar rats were given systemic…”
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Antidepressant behavioral effects of duloxetine and amitriptyline in the rat forced swimming test
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-10-2008)“…To compare the effects of the antidepressant drugs duloxetine and amitriptyline on depressive behaviors in rats. Fifteen male Wistar rats were given systemic…”
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Pattern of drug consumption without medical prescription in the city of Porto Alegre, RS
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2008)“…Self-medication is a very common practice not only in Brazil but also in other countries. It is defined as medication of oneself without medical advice, the…”
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Comparison of rimonabant and sibutramine treatment effects on food compulsion in rats
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-12-2009)“…To compare the therapeutic effect of rimonabant, a new drug which is a selective antagonist of CB1 receptors, with the sibutramine. It is an experimental…”
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Regression of gestational diabetes induced cardiomegaly in offspring of diabetic rat
Published in Acta cirurgica brasileira (01-07-2009)“…To compare body weight and length, heart weight and length, heart-to-body weight ratio, glycemia, and morphometric cellular data of offspring of diabetic rats…”
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Pattern of drug consumption without medical prescription in the city of Porto Alegre, RS
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2008)“…Self-medication is a very common practice not only in Brazil but also in other countries. It is defined as medication of oneself without medical advice, the…”
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Aesthetic correction of lesion by post-liposuction corticoid infiltration using subcision, PMMA filling, and CO 2 laser
Published in Case reports in plastic surgery and hand surgery (2019)“…Post-liposuction fibrosis is a relatively common complication which can be repaired. We report a case of cutaneous atrophy and diffuse irregularity of the…”
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The evaluation of maté (Ilex paraguariensis) genetic toxicity in human lymphocytes by the cytokinesis-block in the micronucleus assay
Published in Toxicology in vitro (01-04-2008)“…The present study evaluates the clastogenic and/or aneugenic potential of maté (Ilex paraguariensis) – previously tested for the presence of 48…”
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The effect of maternal hypercholesterolemia on the placenta and fetal arteries in rabbits Efeito da hipercolesterolemia maternal sobre a placenta e as artérias fetais em coelhos
Published in Acta cirúrgica brasileira (01-01-2012)“…PURPOSE: To investigate the degree of placental permeability in dyslipidemic rabbits and the consequent vascular dysfunction in fetuses of female rabbits with…”
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Comparison of rimonabant and sibutramine treatment effects on food compulsion in rats Comparação do efeito do rimonabanto e da sibutramina no tratamento da compulsão alimentar em ratos
Published in Acta cirúrgica brasileira (01-12-2009)“…PURPOSE: To compare the therapeutic effect of rimonabant, a new drug which is a selective antagonist of CB1 receptors, with the sibutramine. METHODS: It is an…”
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Padrão de consumo de medicamentos sem prescrição médica na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2008)“…A automedicação é uma prática bastante difundida não apenas no Brasil, mas também em outros países. Essa é definida como uso de medicamentos sem prescrição…”
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Tattoo removal with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in a Brazilian population
Published in Revista Brasileira de cirurgia plástica (2014)Get full text
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Ácido Láctico como indicativo de aptidão física em ratos
Published in Revista brasileira de medicina do esporte (01-06-2010)“…INTRODUÇÃO: Os modelos experimentais são utilizados para simulações de situações relacionadas ao treinamento físico. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo…”
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Regression of gestational diabetes induced cardiomegaly in offspring of diabetic rat Regressão da miocardiopatia hipertrófica em filhotes de ratas diabéticas
Published in Acta cirúrgica brasileira (01-08-2009)“…PURPOSE: To compare body weight and length, heart weight and length, heart-to-body weight ratio, glycemia, and morphometric cellular data of offspring of…”
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