Search Results - "Sampaio, Catarina"
Portuguese Advance Directives-a twist against futility? A cross sectional study
Published in São Paulo medical journal (2024)“…Advance Directive documents allow citizens to choose the treatments they want for end-of-life care without considering therapeutic futility. To analyze…”
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Journal Article -
35963 WALANT technique for hand surgery: what’s the advantage? – case report
Published in Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (01-09-2023)“…Please confirm that an ethics committee approval has been applied for or granted: Not relevant (see information at the bottom of this page)Background and…”
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Advanced directives' knowledge among Portuguese palliative patients and caregivers: do the sociodemographic factors influence it? A cross-sectional survey
Published in BMC palliative care (01-07-2023)“…The influence of demographic factors on the completion and knowledge of the Portuguese Advance Directives (PAD) and the Health Care Proxy's (HCP) role is still…”
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Clavipectoral Fascia Plane Block Combined With Superficial Cervical Plexus Block for the Removal of Osteosynthesis Material From Clavicle Fracture
Published in Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) (08-08-2023)“…Clavipectoral fascial plane block combined with superficial cervical plexus block has been used as an anesthetic and analgesic technique in mid-clavicle…”
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Do surrogates predict patient preferences more accurately after a physician-led discussion about advance directives? A randomized controlled trial
Published in BMC palliative care (12-07-2022)“…Caregivers frequently assume the role of surrogate decision-makers but often are unable to accurately predict patients’ preferences. This trial aims to find if…”
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Delay in head and neck cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on health outcomes
Published in Brazilian oral research (01-01-2020)“…The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has created unprecedent challenges for healthcare systems worldwide. Oncology services have been reorganized…”
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Alvar Aalto and Álvaro Siza: The Link between Architecture and Nature in the Construction of Place
Published in Athens Journal of Architecture (online) (01-07-2015)“…The link between architecture and nature, from the standpoint of the relation of architecture with its place and, in a broader sense, with the landscape it…”
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Advance directives in palliative care: how do they affect patients’ hope?
Published in Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.) (01-09-2024)“…Healthcare teams avoid discussing Advance Directives, fearing the discussion will disrupt the patient’s hope. However, hope helps palliative patients cope with…”
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Punção Acidental da Dura e Cefaleia Pós-punção da Dura na População Obstétrica: Oito Anos de Experiência
Published in Acta médica portuguesa (01-04-2016)“…Introdução: A punção acidental da dura é uma importante complicação da anestesia regional e a cefaleia pós-punção continua a ser causa de morbilidade na…”
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O Teletrabalho: Algumas Considerações sobre os Instrumentos de Trabalho e o Pagamento de Despesas em Portugal
Published in Revista de direito, estado e telecomunicações (01-10-2024)“…[Purpose] The purpose of this article is to analyze and reflect on the employer's obligations towards the teleworker, to provide the equipment and systems…”
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36258 New onset COVID-19 related thrombocytopenia in the immediate postpartum period: a case report
Published in Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (01-09-2023)“…Please confirm that an ethics committee approval has been applied for or granted: Not relevant (see information at the bottom of this page)Gestational…”
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Advance directives in palliative care-a new tool to improve the communication between patients and caregivers?
Published in International journal of palliative nursing (02-07-2023)“…In palliative care, caregivers frequently act as surrogate decision-makers, but their knowledge of patients' preferences for end-of-life care is sometimes…”
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35960 Accidental dural puncture in a morbidly obese pregnant woman: what now? – case report
Published in Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (01-09-2023)“…Please confirm that an ethics committee approval has been applied for or granted: Not relevant (see information at the bottom of this page)Spinal-epidural…”
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36400 Low dose of intratecal morphine in patients undergoing open liver resection
Published in Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (01-09-2023)“…Please confirm that an ethics committee approval has been applied for or granted: Not relevant (see information at the bottom of this page)Thoracic epidural…”
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Published in Ambivalências (10-11-2023)“…O presente artigo debruça-se sobre os resultados alcançados numa investigação centrada em compreender a realidade psicossocial de mulheres refugiadas em…”
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Women's health access in the context of forced migration in Portugal: vulnerabilities and adaptation
Published in Revista Ciência Plural (31-08-2023)“…Introduction: This article presents, the vulnerabilities related with regarding access to health services faced by refugee women. Objective: The overall goal…”
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36245 Treatment of neuropathic pain with peripheral nerve block: case report
Published in Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (01-09-2023)“…Please confirm that an ethics committee approval has been applied for or granted: Not relevant (see information at the bottom of this page)Background and…”
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Equity Research - Corticeira Amorim, Sgps, S.A. : Green Bonds – Sustainable Finance, but Not for All
Published 01-01-2019“…This project consists of an Equity Research on Corticeira Amorim, SGPS, S.A., with a special emphasis on Green Bonds as a potential source of funding. This…”
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Dissertation -
Implementação de Ferramentas Lean no Setor da Macharia de uma Empresa de Fundição
Published 01-01-2023“…O presente trabalho representa um projeto de estudo e implementação de ferramentas Lean numa empresa de fundição com ambiente Engineer to Orderno setor da…”
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Dissertation -
Exploring the Role of Vav3 in the Repair of Toxin-induced Plasma Membrane Damage
Published 01-01-2021“…A saúde e o bem-estar de uma célula dependem diretamente da integridade da sua membrana plasmática (PM) e da sua capacidade em repará-la após eventos de rutura…”
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