Search Results - "Salefranque, F"
Electroencephalography in premature and full-term infants. Developmental features and glossary
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-05-2010)“…Summary Following the pioneering work of C. Dreyfus-Brisac and N. Monod, research into neonatal electroencephalography (EEG) has developed tremendously in…”
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β1-adrenergic antagonists and melatonin reset the clock and restore sleep in a circadian disorder, Smith-Magenis syndrome
Published in Journal of medical genetics (01-01-2003)Get full text
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Pathological features of neonatal EEG in preterm babies born before 30 weeks of gestationnal age
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-10-2007)“…Pathological features on very premature EEG concern background abnormalities and abnormal ictal and nonictal patterns. Positive rolandic sharp waves keep an…”
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Pathological patterns in neonatal EEG before 30 weeks of gestational age
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-06-2007)“…Pathological features on very premature EEG concern background abnormalities and abnormal patterns. Positive rolandic sharp waves keep an important place…”
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Electroencephalography in premature and full-term infants. Developmental features and glossary
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (2013)Get full text
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Électroencéphalographie du nouveau-né prématuré et à terme. Aspects maturatifs et glossaire
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-04-1999)“…À l'issue des travaux pionniers réalisés par C. Dreyfuss-Brisac et N. Monod, une école d'EEG néonatal s'est développée en France. Douze médecins issus de cette…”
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Electroencephalography in premature and full-term infants. Developmental features and glossary: Electroencephalography in premature and full-term infants
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-05-2010)“…Following the pioneering work of C. Dreyfus-Brisac and N. Monod, research into neonatal electroencephalography (EEG) has developed tremendously in France…”
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ß1-adrenergic antagonists and melatonin reset the clock and restore sleep in a circadian disorder, Smith-Magenis syndrome
Published in Journal of medical genetics (01-01-2003)Get full text
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adrenergic antagonists and melatonin reset the clock and restore sleep in a circadian disorder, Smith-Magenis syndrome
Published in Journal of medical genetics (01-01-2003)Get full text
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[beta]1-adrenergic antagonists and melatonin reset the clock and restore sleep in a circadian disorder, Smith-Magenis syndrome
Published in Journal of medical genetics (01-01-2003)“…(D) Circadian variations of plasma melatonin before and after β-adrenergic antagonist administration in SMS. Because the circadian rhythm of melatonin is…”
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Indications of electroencephalogram in the newborn
Published in Archives de pédiatrie : organe officiel de la Société française de pédiatrie (01-07-2004)“…The electroencephalogram (EEG), an easy-to-use and non invasive cerebral investigation, is a useful tool for diagnosis and early prognosis in newborn babies…”
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Les aspects pathologiques de l’EEG du nouveau-né prématuré avant 30 semaines d’âge postmenstruel
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-06-2007)“…Les aspects pathologiques de l’EEG du grand prématuré portent sur les anomalies de l’organisation du tracé de fond et sur la présence de figures pathologiques…”
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Hemifacial spasm or subcortical epilepsy?
Published in Epileptic disorders (01-06-1999)“…ABSTRACT A child with Goldenhar's syndrome presented at about one week of age with stereotyped, repetitive paroxysmal episodes of hemifacial contraction,…”
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Diagnosis of brain death in the newborn and the child
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-07-1992)“…The purpose of this article was to sum up the problems raised by diagnosis of brain death in the child through a review of the literature. The clinical and…”
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Beta 1-adrenergic antagonists and melatonin reset the clock and restore sleep in a circadian disorder, Smith-Magenis syndrome
Published in Journal of medical genetics (01-01-2003)Get full text
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Convulsions pyridoxino-dépendantes
Published in Archives de pédiatrie : organe officiel de la Société française de pédiatrie (01-09-1996)Get full text
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Electroencephalography of the premature and term newborn. Maturational aspects and glossary
Published in Neurophysiologie clinique (01-04-1999)“…From the first publication of C. Dreyfus-Brisac and N. Monod, a strong tradition combined with tremendous development of neonatal EEG has taken place in…”
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