Search Results - "Sakamoto, Shinsuke"
Cold kiss still hot: limited temperature effects on envenomation performance in predatory strikes of a Japanese pit viper ( Gloydius blomhoffii )
Published in Proceedings of the Royal Society. B, Biological sciences (01-07-2024)“…Understanding how environmental factors affect the performance of predators can provide profound insights into predator-prey interactions from evolutionary and…”
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Long-term behavioral effects of social separation during early life in a social mammal, Octodon degus
Published in Scientific reports (12-06-2023)“…Social separation is thought to induce a strong stress response in social juvenile mammals, but little is known about how this response might vary throughout…”
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Effects of aging and delivery order on the breeding capacity of F344/N rats
Published in Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (2022)“…Reproductive performance affects the efficiency of the production of animals. Therefore, knowing the reproductive properties of each species or strain of…”
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Interspecific variation in wildlife responses to cattle, swine and chicken feed in the forests surrounding poultry farms
Published in Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (01-05-2022)“…To strengthen farm biosecurity, wildlife behaviors around livestock environments require significant attention. Livestock feed is considered one of essential…”
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Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from dairy cows and their surrounding environment on a livestock farm practicing prudent antimicrobial use
Published in International journal of hygiene and environmental health (01-03-2022)“…On a livestock farm where antimicrobial administration and its history had been managed for prudent use of antimicrobials, we surveyed antibiotic-resistant…”
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Optimization of inhaled anesthesia for Octodon degus using electroencephalography
Published in Experimental Animals (2024)“…Physiological responses to inhaled anesthetics vary among species. Therefore, a precise anesthetic technique is important for each individual species. In this…”
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Chromosomal Aberrations in Large Japanese Field Mice (Apodemus speciosus) Captured near Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant
Published in Environmental science & technology (18-04-2017)“…Since the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, radiation effects on nonhuman biota in the contaminated areas have been a major concern. Here, we…”
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Huddling facilitates expression of daily torpor in the large Japanese field mouse Apodemus speciosus
Published in Physiology & behavior (22-06-2014)“…Abstract Small endotherms employ multiple adaptations to maintain energy balance in winter, including spontaneous daily torpor and simultaneous huddling. The…”
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Chromosomal Aberrations in Wild Mice Captured in Areas Differentially Contaminated by the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Published in Environmental science & technology (18-08-2015)“…Following the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, radiation effects on nonhuman biota in the contaminated areas have been a great concern. The…”
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Individual differences in torpor expression in adult mice are related to relative birth mass
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-06-2018)“…Daily torpor is a physiological adaptation in small mammals and birds, characterised by drastic reductions in metabolism and body temperature…”
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Individual differences in torpor expression in adult mice are related to relative birth weight
Published in Journal of experimental biology (01-01-2018)“…Daily torpor is a physiological adaptation in small mammals and birds, characterised by drastic reductions in metabolism and body temperature…”
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Individual variation of daily torpor and body mass change during winter in the large Japanese field mouse (Apodemus speciosus)
Published in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (01-11-2018)“…Daily torpor is a strategy used by some overwintering small endotherms to aid in energy conservation. However, the pattern of torpor varies among individuals…”
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A distinct role of the queen in coordinated workload and soil distribution in eusocial naked mole-rats
Published in PloS one (05-09-2012)“…We investigated how group members achieve collective decision-making, by considering individual intrinsic behavioural rules and behavioural mechanisms for…”
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Behavioural interference among eusocial naked mole rats during work
Published in Journal of ethology (01-01-2019)“…It has been reported that individuals of cooperative breeding species occasionally interfere with the work of other group members. However, the occurrence and…”
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Magnitude of food overabundance affects expression of daily torpor
Published in Physiology & behavior (01-02-2015)“…Abstract Many small mammal species use torpor as a strategy for reducing energy expenditure in winter. Some rodent hibernators also hoard food to provide…”
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effects of maternal presence on natal dispersal are seasonally flexible in an asocial rodent
Published in Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (01-07-2015)“…In mammals, social tolerance among females, the philopatric sex, is formed through continued physical proximity between kin after offspring are weaned…”
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Optimum operating conditions for a two-stage gasification process fueled by polypropylene by means of continuous reactor over ruthenium catalyst
Published in Fuel processing technology (01-08-2010)“…We studied fuel gas production by means of pyrolysis and steam reforming of waste plastics for applications in solid oxide fuel cells. More specifically, we…”
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The effects of extracellular ATP and its receptor antagonists on pig oocytes during in vitro maturation
Published in Zygote (Cambridge) (01-12-2015)“…We measured the ATP concentrations in the porcine follicular fluid derived from three sizes of follicles (small: 6 mm in diameter). Then, the effects of…”
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Optimal cerebrospinal fluid magnesium ion concentration for vasodilatory effect and duration after intracisternal injection of magnesium sulfate solution in a canine subarachnoid hemorrhage model
Published in Journal of neurosurgery (01-04-2011)“…The optimal CSF Mg(++) concentration for vasodilation of spastic cerebral arteries after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and its duration are unknown. The…”
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Trap distance affects the efficiency and robustness in monitoring the abundance and composition of forest-floor rodents
Published in Journal of forest research (01-02-2015)“…Intensive monitoring of multiple taxonomic groups is essential to understand ecosystem structure and function. In such studies, plant ecologists desire to…”
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