Search Results - "Sagin, I.A."
Initial operation of the first 20 MeV tank of the INR linac
Published in Proceedings of the 1989 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, . 'Accelerator Science and Technology (1989)“…Recently the initial operation of the first 20-MeV Alvarez tank at the Soviet Institute for Nuclear Research (INR) has been completed. An 80-mA, 750-keV proton…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Proton beam acceleration up to 160 MeV at the Moscow meson factory linac
Published in Conference Record of the 1991 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (1991)“…The H/sup +/, H/sup -/ linac of the INR meson factory designed for accelerating the 0.5 mA average current beam to energies of up to 600 MeV is being tuned…”
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Conference Proceeding