Search Results - "SPOTTS, J V"
EMG responses resulting from transient and steady-state dynamic isometric loading of the human biceps can be distinguished
Published in Journal of electromyography and kinesiology (01-02-2000)“…In order to determine if differences in human muscle EMG response to steady-state (STD) dynamic load and transient (TRN) load could be detected, two distinct…”
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Correlates of Sensation Seeking by Heavy, Chronic Drug Users
Published in Perceptual and motor skills (01-04-1984)“…Product-moment correlations among number of drugs used and several measures of constructs related to sensation seeking were examined for four matched groups of…”
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Drugs and personality: extraversion-introversion
Published in Journal of clinical psychology (01-03-1984)“…Eysenck theorizes that stimulants induce introversion and that depressants induce extraversion; common sense suggests opposite expectations. Scores on the…”
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A new perspective on intervention in heavy, chronic drug use
Published in International journal of the addictions (01-01-1985)“…No single intervention strategy can solve all problems of drug abuse. Large-scale methods do not contribute to understanding or solving the problems of…”
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Drug misuse and psychopathology: a meta-analysis of 16PF research
Published in International journal of the addictions (1991)“…This report presents a meta-analysis of a series of published 16PF findings which describe score profiles of nine groups of substance users/abusers, a nonuser…”
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Characteristics of Responses to Tests of Creativity: A Second Look
Published in Perceptual and motor skills (01-10-1965)“…This study sheds light on the controversy concerning measurement of creativity, that is, Guilford's trait approach versus Torrance's emphasis on the person…”
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Psychopathology and chronic drug use: a methodological paradigm
Published in International journal of the addictions (1983)“…Four carefully matched groups, each containing nine male, chronic users of a specific type of substance, were compared with each other and with a group of nine…”
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Drugs and personality: comparison of drug users, nonusers, and other clinical groups on the 16PF
Published in International journal of the addictions (01-01-1991)“…This article reviews published 16PF research on drug users. It also compares the 16PF scores of a new sample of nonusers with scores of matched groups of…”
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Drugs and personality: dependence of findings on method
Published in The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse (1986)“…Past studies on relationships between drug use and personality are open to criticism on theoretical and methodological grounds. Properly conducted research may…”
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Ego development, dragon fights, and chronic drug abusers
Published in International journal of the addictions (01-01-1982)“…Developmental antecedents of adult behavior are described for four matched groups of chronic drug users (cocaine, amphetamine, opiates, barbiturates, and…”
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A life-theme theory of chronic drug abuse
Published in NIDA research monograph (01-03-1980)Get more information
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The relationship of popularity to performance on the Goodenough Draw-A-Man test
Published in Journal of Consulting Psychology (01-04-1959)“…The results support the hypotheses: that performance of children in drawing the face of the human figure is related to popularity, and that performance in…”
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Drug-induced ego states. I. Cocaine: phenomenology and implications
Published in International journal of the addictions (1984)“…The ego state experienced by chronic users of cocaine is described in terms of sensorimotor functioning, cognitive functioning, emotionality, spatiality ,…”
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The phenomenological structure of drug-induced ego states. II. Barbiturates and sedative-hypnotics: phenomenology and implications
Published in International journal of the addictions (1984)“…Empirically derived descriptions of experiential states, induced by heavy, chronic consumption of drugs, provide valuable information for treatment personnel…”
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From theory to practice: the planned treatment of drug users. Interview by Stanley Einstein
Published in International journal of the addictions (01-12-1989)Get more information
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The relationship of popularly to performance on the Goodenough draw-a-man test
Published in Journal of consulting psychology (01-04-1959)Get full text
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A theory of adolescent substance abuse
Published in Advances in alcohol & substance abuse (01-03-1985)“…This report applies a theory of psychological individuation to inferences drawn from an 8-year series of clinical studies of men who practice heavy, chronic…”
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Relationships of Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Cognitive Styles to Creative Test Performance
Published in Perceptual and motor skills (01-02-1967)“…138 undergraduate males were administered individual and group measures of perceptual field-independence. Most Ss were also administered two measures of…”
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