Search Results - "SILVA, Tatiana Canuto"
Food and nutritional security of semi-arid farm families benefiting from rainwater collection equipment in Brazil
Published in PloS one (14-07-2020)“…The objective of this study was to identify and describe the experience of family farmers and their respective families after using the Boardwalk Cistern…”
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Harvesting rainwater for food security: Farmers' perceptions of the Boardwalk Cisterns Program in Alagoas, Brazil
Published in Rural and remote health (01-07-2021)“…Introduction: Boardwalk Cisterns is a government program that aims to attend a population with precarious access to water in Brazil. Developed as part of the…”
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Capacidade instalada para o fortalecimento do Sistema de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em Sergipe
Published in Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Online) (26-04-2018)“…Estudo transversal realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade instalada para o fortalecimento do Sistema de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Sisan) em…”
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Avaliação da situação de insegurança alimentar em uma comunidade quilombola de Sergipe
Published in Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Online) (14-12-2017)“…Mesmo com avanços significativos em relação a políticas e programas no combate à miséria e à fome, Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombo perpassam por…”
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Harvesting rainwater for food security: Farmers' perceptions of the Boardwalk Cisterns Program in Alagoas, Brazil
Published in Rural and remote health (01-12-2021)“…Introduction: Boardwalk Cisterns is a government program that aims to attend a population with precarious access to water in Brazil. Developed as part of the…”
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Harvesting rainwater for food security: Farmers' perceptions of the Boardwalk Cisterns Program in Alagoas, Brazil
Published in Rural and remote health (01-07-2021)“…Introduction: Boardwalk Cisterns is a government program that aims to attend a population with precarious access to water in Brazil. Developed as part of the…”
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Nutritionist's job market: 80 years of history/Mercado de trabalho do nutricionista: 80 anos de historia
Published in Revista de nutrição (01-01-2019)“…To analyze the increase in the number of nutritionists and the aspects of the job market in the last decade. Critical test based on literature review and…”
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Nutritionist’s job market: 80 years of history
Published in Revista de nutrição (2019)“…ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the increase in the number of nutritionists and the aspects of the job market in the last decade. Methods Critical test based on…”
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População em situação de rua: percepções sobre o direito humano à alimentação adequada e das dificuldades cotidianas em busca da comida
Published in Revista Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Online) (29-01-2024)“…Introdução: Apesar da invisibilidade histórica, atualmente a população em situação de rua conta com a Política Nacional para a População em Situação de Rua que…”
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