Magnesium supplementation alleviates drought damage during vegetative stage of soybean plants
Published in PloS one (03-11-2023)“…Our working hypothesis was that magnesium (Mg) supplementation modulates plant performance under low water availability and improves drought tolerance in…”
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Selection of Soybean and Cowpea Cultivars with Superior Performance under Drought Using Growth and Biochemical Aspects
Published in Plants (Basel) (31-08-2023)“…Identifying cultivars of leguminous crops exhibiting drought resistance has become crucial in addressing water scarcity issues. This investigative study aimed…”
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Silicon increases the production and quality of cherry tomato under different electrical conductivity levels
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-05-2022)“…The addition of high nutrient concentrations to irrigation water increases its electrical conductivity by contributing to its salinity, resulting in crop yield…”
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Salt stress on physiology, biometry and fruit quality of grafted Passiflora edulis
Published in Bioscience journal (01-05-2020)“…The production of grafted passion fruit is an alternative for plant adaptation to saline environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect…”
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Soil macrofauna associated with cover crops in an Oxisol from the southwest of Piauí state, Brazil
Published in Arquivos do Instituto Biológico (São Paulo) (2020)“…The soil macrofauna is fundamental for the maintenance of soil quality. The aim of this study was to characterize the soil macrofauna under different species…”
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Efficiency of nitrogen and potassium application on phytotechnical parameters and yield of melon
Published in Bioscience journal (30-12-2020)“…Phytotechnical parameters, yield and fertilizer use efficiency are relevant to the rational management of fertigation, especially in cultivation of high…”
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Published in Caatinga (01-07-2019)“…ABSTRACT The evaluation of the yield of crops and their efficiency of use of water and nitrogen is essential to optimize the management of production factors…”
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Identification of cowpea genotypes for drought tolerance
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-03-2011)“…The genotypes selection for drought tolerance is very important for world food production, principally in arid regions or sites with irregular rain…”
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Heliconia cv. Golden Torch cultivated under different irrigation depths in protected environment
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-01-2018)“…ABSTRACT The genus Heliconia is commercially detached by the exotic appearance of the inflorescences but is susceptible to lack of moisture in the soil, being…”
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Níveis de salinidade e manejo da fertirrigação sobre características da berinjela cultivada em ambiente protegido
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-03-2013)“…Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de salinidade do solo sobre as variáveis fenológicas e de produção da berinjela, cultivada em vasos e em…”
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Intermittence in irrigation management and nitrogen optimize yield and water use efficiency in baby lettuce
Published in Spanish journal of agricultural research : SJAR (01-01-2023)“…Aim of the study: To evaluate the influence of irrigation management strategies and nitrogen (N) on baby lettuce growth, yield, and water use efficiency in a…”
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Salt stress on physiology, biometry and fruit quality of grafted Passiflora edulis
Published in Bioscience journal (01-02-2020)“…The production of grafted passion fruit is an alternative for plant adaptation to saline environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect…”
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Helicônia cv. Golden Torch cultivada sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação em ambiente protegido
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (26-04-2018)“…The genus Heliconia is commercially detached by the exotic appearance of the inflorescences but is susceptible to lack of moisture in the soil, being necessary…”
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Níveis de salinidade e manejo da fertirrigação sobre características da berinjela cultivada em ambiente protegido Levels of salinity and fertigation management on the characteristics of the eggplant when grown in a protected environment
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-03-2013)“…Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de salinidade do solo sobre as variáveis fenológicas e de produção da berinjela, cultivada em vasos e em…”
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Níveis de salinidade e manejo da fertirrigação sobre características da berinjela cultivada em ambiente protegido
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-03-2013)Get full text
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Helicônia cv. Golden Torch cultivada sob diferentes lâminas de irrigação em ambiente protegido
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (01-04-2018)“…O gênero Heliconia se destaca comercialmente pela aparência exótica de suas inflorescências. São plantas sensíveis à falta de umidade no solo, sendo necessário…”
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Identification of cowpea genotypes for drought tolerance Identificação de genótipos de feijão-caupi tolerantes à seca
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-03-2011)“…The genotypes selection for drought tolerance is very important for world food production, principally in arid regions or sites with irregular rain…”
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Levels of salinity and fertigation management on the characteristics of the eggplant when grown in a protected environment
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-01-2013)“…The objective was to study the effects of different levels of soil salinity on the phenological variables and production of the eggplant when grown in pots in…”
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