Search Results - "SEMEDO, A"

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    A global ensemble of ocean wave climate statistics from contemporary wave reanalysis and hindcasts by Morim, J., Erikson, L. H., Hemer, M., Young, I., Wang, X., Mori, N., Shimura, T., Stopa, J., Trenham, C., Mentaschi, L., Gulev, S., Sharmar, V. D., Bricheno, L., Wolf, J., Aarnes, O., Perez, J., Bidlot, J., Semedo, A., Reguero, B., Wahl, T.

    Published in Scientific data (22-06-2022)
    “…There are numerous global ocean wave reanalysis and hindcast products currently being distributed and used across different scientific fields. However, there…”
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    Journal Article
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    Regional water balance modelling using flow-duration curves with observational uncertainties by Westerberg, I. K, Gong, L, Beven, K. J, Seibert, J, Semedo, A, Xu, C.-Y, Halldin, S

    Published in Hydrology and earth system sciences (14-08-2014)
    “…Robust and reliable water-resource mapping in ungauged basins requires estimation of the uncertainties in the hydrologic model, the regionalisation method, and…”
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    Observed development of the vertical structure of the marine boundary layer during the LASIE experiment in the Ligurian Sea by SEMPREVIVA, A. M, SCHIANO, M. E, TRANSERICIL, C, PENSIERI, S, SEMEDO, A, TOME, R, BOZZANO, R, BORGHINI, M, GRASSO, F, SOERENSEN, L. L, TEIXEIRA, J

    Published in Annales geophysicae (1988) (01-01-2010)
    “…In the marine environment, complete datasets describing the surface layer and the vertical structure of the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL), through…”
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    Forecasting the flight activity of Lobesia botrana (Denis '' Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Southwestern Spain by Gallardo, A, Ocete, R, López, M.A, Maistrello, L, Ortega, F, Semedo, A, Soria, F.J

    Published in Journal of applied entomology (1986) (01-09-2009)
    “…This study aimed at elaborating a forecasting tool of the phenology of the serious pest Lobesia botrana in Southwestern Spanish vineyards, by analysing data on…”
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    Authentic Leadership and Improved Individual Performance: Affective Commitment and Individual Creativity’s Sequential Mediation by Duarte, Ana Patrícia, Ribeiro, Neuza, Semedo, Ana Suzete, Gomes, Daniel Roque

    Published in Frontiers in psychology (07-05-2021)
    “…Authentic leadership has become increasingly important in the literature, attracting the attention of many scholars in the last decade. This study adopted an…”
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    Chitinolytic activity of actinomycetes from a cerrado soil and their potential in biocontrol by Gomes, R.C, Semedo, L.T.A.S, Soares, R.M.A, Alviano, C.S, Linhares, L.F, Coelho, R.R.R

    Published in Letters in applied microbiology (01-02-2000)
    “…R.C. GOMES, L.T.A.S. SEME(r)DO, R.M.A. SOARES, C.S. ALVIANO, L.F. LINHARES and R.R.R. COELHO.2000.The crude enzyme extracts from five actinomycetes selected…”
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    Purification of a thermostable endochitinase from Streptomyces RC1071 isolated from a cerrado soil and its antagonism against phytopathogenic fungi by Gomes, R.C, Semedo, L.T.A.S, Soares, R.M.A, Linhares, L.F, Ulhoa, C.J, Alviano, C.S, Coelho, R.R.R

    Published in Journal of applied microbiology (01-04-2001)
    “…Aims: The chitinolytic activity of an actinomycete, isolated from a tropical acidic ferrasol (FAO) under cerrado (savanna) vegetation, is reported. Methods and…”
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    Impact of surface waves in a Regional Climate Model by Anna Rutgersson, Øyvind Sætra, Alvaro Semedo, Björn Carlsson, Rajesh Kumar

    “…A coupled regional atmosphere-wave model system is developed with the purpose of investigating the impact of climate changes on the wave field, as well as…”
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    The standard molar enthalpy of the base catalysed hydrolysis of methyl paraben revisited by Bento, Rafael N., Rendas, Miguel A., Semedo, Valdir A.R., Bernardes, Carlos E.S., Santos, M. Soledade C.S., Diogo, Hermínio P., Antunes, Fernando, Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.

    Published in The Journal of chemical thermodynamics (01-12-2016)
    “…•The enthalpy of the base catalysed hydrolysis of methyl paraben, ΔrHmo, was measured by isothermal calorimetry at 298K to 310K.•A linear correlation was found…”
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    Streptomyces drozdowiczii sp. nov., a novel cellulolytic streptomycete from soil in Brazil by Semedo, L. T. A. S, Gomes, R. C, Linhares, A. A, Duarte, G. F, Nascimento, R. P, Rosado, A. S, Margis-Pinheiro, M, Margis, R, Silva, K. R. A, Alviano, C. S, Manfio, G. P, Soares, R. M. A, Linhares, L. F, Coelho, R. R. R

    “…Instituto de Microbiologia Prof. Paulo de Góes 1 , Universidade do Brasil, UFRJ, CCS, Bloco I, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), 21941-590, Brazil Instituto…”
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    Alcinous’ speaking name in the Odyssey: The king of a strong mind by Semêdo, Rafael de Almeida

    Published in Cadernos de Letras da UFF (12-07-2019)
    “…In this article I contend that the name of Alcinous, the king of the Phaeacians in the Odyssey, is comprised of the terms alkí, ‘strength”, and nóos, ‘mind”,…”
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    Endocellulase and exocellulase activities two Streptomyces strains isolated from a forest soil by Semedo, L.T.A.S, Gomes, R.C, Bon, E.P.S, Soares, R.M.A, Linhares, L.F, Coelho, R.R.R

    “…Two Streptomyces strains, M7a and M23, from a Brazilian forest soil were evaluated for the cellulase production of their supernatants after growth in a…”
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    Protein synthesis inhibitory activity in culture filtrates from new strains of Streptomyces isolated from Brazilian tropical soils by Reis, S.A., Costa, L.V., Cavalcanti, E.D.C., Giambiagi‐deMarval, M., Semêdo, L.T.A.S., Coelho, R.R.R., Moussatché, N., Damaso, C.R.A.

    Published in Letters in applied microbiology (01-01-2003)
    “…Aims: To investigate the effect of the culture supernatants from three newly isolated Streptomyces strains, 221, 235 and 606 on eukaryotic cells. Methods and…”
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    Potencial das Actinobactérias na Biodegradação de Hidrocarbonetos by Pereira, Drielle Seabra, Gomes, Rosana Canuto, Semêdo, Luzia Teixeira A. S.

    Published in Revista Eletrônica Teccen (17-11-2016)
    “…A crescente dependência mundial que o petróleo vem exercendo, tem acarretado sua introdução no meio ambiente, gerando contaminação e destruição de diferentes…”
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    Potencial das Actinobactérias na Biodegradação de Hidrocarbonetos by Drielle Seabra Pereira, Rosana Canuto Gomes, Luzia Teixeira A. S. Semêdo

    Published in Revista Eletrônica Teccen (01-07-2015)
    “…A crescente dependência mundial que o petróleo vem exercendo, tem acarretado sua introdução no meio ambiente, gerando contaminação e destruição de diferentes…”
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