Search Results - "SELIG, Paulo Mauricio"

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  1. 1

    A review of environmental monitoring and auditing in the context of risk: unveiling the extent of a confused relationship by Viegas, Cláudia V., Bond, Alan, Duarte Ribeiro, José Luis, Selig, Paulo Maurício

    Published in Journal of cleaner production (01-05-2013)
    “…Monitoring and auditing are regarded as essential activities for process control and follow up, which contribute to improving performance in organizations and…”
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    Journal Article Conference Proceeding
  2. 2

    KNOWLEDGE WASTE IN ORGANIZATIONS: A REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES by Helio Aisenberg Ferenhof, Susanne Durst, Paulo Mauricio Selig

    “…In this paper, we are interested in the knowledge that is “wasted” in organizations, that is existing relevant knowledge that is overlooked in the process of…”
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    Journal Article
  3. 3

    Compartilhamento de conhecimento: estudo bibliométrico das publicações acadêmicas realizadas de 1994 a 2014 by Marilei Osinski, Darlan José Roman, Paulo Mauricio Selig

    Published in Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação (01-12-2015)
    “…Atualmente o conhecimento é considerado um dos principais fatores de produção e agregação de valor, tanto no meio acadêmico quanto organizacional. A Gestão do…”
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    Journal Article
  4. 4

    The role of ICTs for knowledge sharing in franchising networks by Rocha, Elenise Martins, Pacheco, Diego Augusto de Jesus, Silvério, Natália, Zanuzzi, Cinthya Mônica da Silva, Selig, Paulo Maurício

    “…Purpose Despite the significance of knowledge sharing for competitive advantage in networked businesses like franchising systems, there is a lack of…”
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    Journal Article
  5. 5

    Knowledge management practices in an agribusiness chain: differences between farmers who are members of agricultural cooperatives and suppliers of firms by Zanuzzi, Cinthya Mônica da Silva, Foguesatto, Cristian Rogério, Tonial, Graciele, Pivoto, Dieisson, Selig, Paulo Maurício

    Published in International journal of social economics (27-10-2021)
    “…PurposeDriven by scientific and technological intensification, Brazilian agribusinesses are among the main food producers and exporters worldwide. Knowledge…”
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    Journal Article
  6. 6

    A proposal of intellectual capital maturity model (ICMM) evaluation by Vaz, Caroline Rodrigues, Selig, Paulo Mauricio, Viegas, Claudia Viviane

    Published in Journal of intellectual capital (15-05-2019)
    “…Purpose The purpose of this paper is to propose a model to evaluate the degree of intellectual capital (IC) maturity into organizations…”
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    Journal Article
  7. 7

    Methods of evaluation of intangible assets and intellectual capital by Osinski, Marilei, Selig, Paulo Mauricio, Matos, Florinda, Roman, Darlan José

    Published in Journal of intellectual capital (10-07-2017)
    “…Purpose The competitive model has changed. In this context, society entered into an era in which intangible assets are the greatest assets of a company…”
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    Journal Article
  8. 8

    Informal knowledge processes: the underpinning for sustainability outcomes in EIA? by Bond, Alan J., Viegas, Cláudia V., Coelho de Souza Reinisch Coelho, Christianne, Selig, Paulo Maurício

    Published in Journal of cleaner production (2010)
    “…Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was originally tailored for restructuring rules and values regarding environmental protection, through interdisciplinary…”
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    Journal Article
  9. 9

    Knowledge-based, smart and sustainable cities: A provocation for a conceptual framework by Chang, Daniel Lage, Sabatini-Marques, Jamile, da Costa, Eduardo Moreira, Selig, Paulo Mauricio, Yigitcanlar, Tan

    Published in Journal of open innovation (01-03-2018)
    “…The smart and sustainable cities concept has become a globally hot topic during the last few decades, particularly following the catastrophic impacts of global…”
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    Journal Article
  10. 10

    M.G.J.A. - método para o gerenciamento jurídico-ambiental: uma aplicabilidade prática em um empreendimento termelétrico by Burlani, Rafael, Selig, Paulo Mauricio

    Published in Revista produção online (04-08-2009)
    “…O presente trabalho tem por objetivo sugerir para as organizações um método para o gerenciamento jurídico-ambiental, visando à identificação das leis…”
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    Journal Article
  11. 11

    Environmental management systems in small and medium-sized enterprises: an analysis and systematic review by Ferenhof, Helio Aisenberg, Vignochi, Luciano, Selig, Paulo Mauricio, Lezana, Álvaro Guillermo Rojas, Campos, Lucila M.S.

    Published in Journal of cleaner production (01-07-2014)
    “…This article seeks to answer the following question: based on the scientific publications on this topic, what aspects of environmental management systems are…”
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    Journal Article
  12. 12

    A human capital measurement scale by Vidotto, Juarez Domingos Frasson, Ferenhof, Helio Aisenberg, Selig, Paulo Mauricio, Bastos, Rogerio Cid

    Published in Journal of intellectual capital (10-04-2017)
    “…Purpose Despite the large number of academic publications in human capital, there are few instruments to measure it. The purpose of this paper is to develop a…”
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    Journal Article
  13. 13

    Intellectual capital dimensions: state of the art in 2014 by Ferenhof, Helio Aisenberg, Durst, Susanne, Zaniboni Bialecki, Mariana, Selig, Paulo Mauricio

    Published in Journal of intellectual capital (01-01-2015)
    “…Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review extant literature to identify models intended to measure/classify intellectual capital (IC) to establish the…”
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    Journal Article
  14. 14

    Perspectiva da governança de informação nas organizações: da predição à ação das práticas de gestão da informação e do conhecimento by Daehn, Cheryl Maureen, Selig, Paulo Mauricio

    Published in Ciência da Informação em Revista (04-04-2023)
    “…A governança de informação é determinante para a criação de valor ao usuário e à sociedade, tanto na esfera pública quanto na privada. O objetivo desta…”
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    Journal Article
  15. 15


    “…Sustainability indicators (SIs) are important elements in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) processes. By means of Content Analysis, the documentary…”
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    A visão de especialistas sobre a sustentabilidade corporativa frente às diversas formações de cadeias produtivas by Fey Jappur, Rafael, De Souza Campos, Lucila Maria, Hoffmann, Valmir Emil, Selig, Paulo Mauricio

    Published in Revista produção online (01-10-2008)
    “…Para que as organizações sejam sustentáveis, estas devem buscar um equilíbrio entre as três dimensões que balizam o conceito de sustentabilidade corporativa: a…”
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    Journal Article
  17. 17

    Learning in organizations as outcome of environmental assessment processes by Silva, Antonio Waldimir Leopoldino da, Steil, Andrea Valéria, Selig, Paulo Maurício

    Published in Ambiente & sociedade (01-04-2013)
    “…This study aims to investigate environmental assessments (EAs) as a factor in the learning process, both within organizations that elaborate the EAs and those…”
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    Journal Article
  18. 18

    Compartilhamento de conhecimento: estudo bibliométrico das publicações acadêmicas realizadas de 1994 a 2014 by Osinski, Marilei, Roman, Darlan José, Selig, Paulo Mauricio

    “…Atualmente o conhecimento é considerado um dos principais fatores de produção e agregação de valor, tanto no meio acadêmico quanto organizacional. A Gestão do…”
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    Journal Article
  19. 19

    Indicadores de sustentabilidade em processos de avaliação ambiental estratégica by Silva, Antonio Waldimir Leopoldino da, Selig, Paulo Maurício, Morales, Aran Bey Tcholakian

    Published in Ambiente & sociedade (01-12-2012)
    “…Os indicadores de sustentabilidade (IdS) são utilizados para demonstrar os efeitos que as intervenções humanas exercem sobre o meio ambiente. Em processos de…”
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    Journal Article
  20. 20

    Maturity Assessment Model of Intellectual Capital for Manufacturing Organization by Rodrigues Vaz, Caroline, Selig, Paulo Mauricio

    Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-01-2016)
    “…This article proposes a model to evaluate the degree of intellectual capital maturity for manufacturing organizations. This research is of an applied nature,…”
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    Journal Article