Search Results - "SCHNEIDER, B. H"
Observation of Broadband Entanglement in Microwave Radiation from a Single Time-Varying Boundary Condition
Published in Physical review letters (10-04-2020)“…Entangled pairs of microwave photons are commonly produced in the narrow frequency band of a resonator, which represents a modified vacuum density of states…”
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Optomechanical coupling between a multilayer graphene mechanical resonator and a superconducting microwave cavity
Published in Nature nanotechnology (01-10-2014)“…The coupling of graphene resonators with superconducting cavities with quality factors exceeding 220,000 represents an important step towards the realization…”
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Coupling carbon nanotube mechanics to a superconducting circuit
Published in Scientific reports (03-09-2012)“…The quantum behaviour of mechanical resonators is a new and emerging field driven by recent experiments reaching the quantum ground state. The high frequency,…”
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Relational Aggression, Gender, and Peer Acceptance: Invariance Across Culture, Stability Over Time, and Concordance Among Informants
Published in Developmental psychology (01-07-1997)“…It has been proposed that overt physical and verbal aggression are more prevalent among boys and that covert aggression in the context of interpersonal…”
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Highly sensitive optical chip immunoassays in human serum
Published in Biosensors & bioelectronics (2000)“…Over the past decade the ability of refractometric optical sensors to quantitatively measure a wide range of biomolecules has been demonstrated. These include…”
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Optical chip immunoassay for hCG in human whole blood
Published in Biosensors & bioelectronics (2000)“…We report on the development of an integrated optic chip sensor for performing rapid and sensitive immunoassays with human whole blood using human chorionic…”
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Dehydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase Deficiency in a Cancer Patient Undergoing 5-Fluorouracil Chemotherapy
Published in Anticancer research (01-03-2004)“…We present a case of a Caucasian cancer patient undergoing 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-containing chemotherapy in our department. The 49-year-old female patient…”
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Child-Parent Attachment and Children's Peer Relations: A Quantitative Review
Published in Developmental psychology (01-01-2001)“…The central premise of attachment theory is that the security of the early child-parent bond is reflected in the child's interpersonal relationships across the…”
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Hartman interferometer: versatile integrated optic sensor for label-free, real-time quantification of nucleic acids, proteins, and pathogens
Published in Clinical chemistry (Baltimore, Md.) (01-09-1997)“…The Hartman interferometer, a proprietary integrated optic sensor, provides a basis for a broad range of biomedical diagnostics, including antibody-based and…”
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Cross-Cultural Comparison as Doorkeeper in Research on the Social and Emotional Adjustment of Children and Adolescents
Published in Developmental psychology (01-07-1998)“…Cross-cultural comparison serves a crucial function as a final test of paradigms that emerge in intracultural studies of child and adolescent adjustment and…”
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Published in Clinical psychology review (1998)“…We examined the extent to which program integrity (i.e., the degree to which programs were implemented as planned) was verified and promoted in evaluations of…”
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Predicting Children's Friendship Status from Their Dyadic Interaction in Structured Situations of Potential Conflict
Published in Child development (01-06-1997)“…Dyads of 8-year-old friends identified by sociometric friendship nominations were followed through the end of the school year to determine if they remained…”
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Effects of vascular or luminal administration and of simultaneous glucose availability on glutamine utilization by isolated rat small intestine
Published in International journal of colorectal disease (01-04-1999)“…This study examined whether the route of glutamine administration and the simultaneous availability of glucose affect intestinal glutamine metabolism. We…”
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Impact of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase on 5-fluorouracil treatment in cancer patients
Published in European journal of medical research (30-05-2003)“…The aim of the study is the identification of cancer patients at increased risk for severe toxicity prior to the administration of 5-FU…”
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Impact of low prostate specific antigen on prostate cancer--a rare case report
Published in European journal of medical research (26-07-2007)“…This article presents a rare case of a common disease, prostate cancer. A 57 year-old patient undergoing annual check-up for prostate cancer presents with a…”
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Probing the charge of a quantum dot with a nanomechanical resonator
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (28-09-2012)“…We have used the mechanical motion of a carbon nanotube (CNT) as a probe of the average charge on a quantum dot. Variations of the resonance frequency and the…”
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Bullying and the Big Five: A Study of Childhood Personality and Participant Roles in Bullying Incidents
Published in School psychology international (01-05-2003)“…Research on the social context of bullying includes children who help the victim, assist the bully or remain outsiders. 96 children from two public schools in…”
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A multimethod exploration of the friendships of children considered socially withdrawn by their school peers
Published in Journal of abnormal child psychology (01-04-1999)“…Friendships of children considered socially withdrawn by their school peers were investigated within a population of elementary school children. Reciprocal…”
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Social acceptance of children with mental retardation: Testing the contact hypothesis with an Italian sample
Published in International journal of behavioral development (01-05-2001)“…The purpose of this study was to explore the acceptance of peers with mental retardation (MR) in an Italian elementary school hosting a cluster of pupils with…”
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Observation of broadband entanglement in microwave radiation from a single time-varying boundary condition
Published 21-09-2018“…Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 140503 (2020) Entangled pairs of microwave photons are commonly produced in the narrow frequency band of a resonator, which represents a…”
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