Search Results - "SANDERCOE, TRENT M."
Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene Rearrangement Studies in the Diagnosis of a Paediatric Conjunctival Lesion
Published in Case reports in ophthalmology (01-01-2019)“…We present a case whereby standard immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry studies for a conjunctival biopsy were unable to reliably differentiate between the…”
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VEGF expression by ganglion cells in central retina before formation of the foveal depression in monkey retina: Evidence of developmental hypoxia
Published in Journal of comparative neurology (1911) (14-07-2003)“…In macaque monkeys the foveal depression forms between fetal day (Fd) 105 and birth (Fd 172 of gestation). Before this, the incipient fovea is identified by a…”
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Early recognition of CLN3 disease facilitated by visual electrophysiology and multimodal imaging
Published in Documenta ophthalmologica (01-06-2023)“…Background Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis is a group of neurodegenerative disorders with varying visual dysfunction. CLN3 is a subtype which commonly presents…”
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Anatomy and development of the macula: specialisation and the vulnerability to macular degeneration
Published in Clinical and experimental optometry (01-09-2005)“…The central retina in primates is adapted for high acuity vision. The most significant adaptations to neural retina in this respect are: 1. The very high…”
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Astrocyte Proliferation During Development of the Human Retinal Vasculature
Published in Experimental eye research (01-11-1999)“…Wholemounts of human fetal retinas were labeled with antibodies to Ki67 or proliferating cell nuclear antigen, to map the distribution of proliferating cells…”
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Adults with strabismus seek surgery for pyschosocial benefits
Published in Taiwan journal of ophthalmology (2014)“…The goal of strabismus surgery is to align the eyes, help eliminate diplopia, and restore and/or expand binocular visual function. Adults with strabismus are…”
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