Search Results - "S. E. Levchuk"

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  1. 1

    Territory contamination with the radionuclides representing the fuel component of Chernobyl fallout by Kashparov, V.A, Lundin, S.M, Zvarych, S.I, Yoshchenko, V.I, Levchuk, S.E, Khomutinin, Y.V, Maloshtan, I.M, Protsak, V.P

    Published in The Science of the total environment (30-12-2003)
    “…The data obtained through a series of experiments were used to specify the correlation of activities of the fuel component radionuclides of Chernobyl fallout…”
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    Operative assessment of radioactive contamination of agricultural land for their return to use by Khomutinin, Yu.V., Levchuk, S.E., Pavlyuchenko, V.V.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-03-2021)
    “…Significant regression dependencies between ambient equivalent dose rate and 137Cs contamination density, as well as between 137Cs and 90Sr contamination…”
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  4. 4

    Zoning of radioactively contaminated territories after the Chornobyl accident by Kashparov, V.O., Holiaka, D.M., Levchuk, S.E., Berkovskyy, V.B.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-09-2022)
    “…The radiological zoning of Chornobyl contaminated areas was one of the essential elements of social and radiation protection. The zoning was based on estimates…”
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    Resuspension and redistribution of radionuclides during grassland and forest fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: part II. Modeling the transport process by Yoschenko, V.I., Kashparov, V.A., Levchuk, S.E., Glukhovskiy, A.S., Khomutinin, Yu.V., Protsak, V.P., Lundin, S.M., Tschiersch, J.

    “…To predict parameters of radionuclide resuspension, transport and deposition during forest and grassland fires, several model modules were developed and…”
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  6. 6

    The uptake and excretion rate of 137Cs from the silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) at different feeding routine by Kashparova, O.V., Levchuk, S.E., Khomutinin, Yu.V., Pavlenko, P.M., Hrechaniuk, M.O., Kashparov, V.O.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-03-2022)
    “…Throughout 2016 - 2021, a series of experimental studies on 137Cs uptake and excretion rate constants for the silver Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) were…”
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    Assessment of the possibility of a return to the original use of pastures and hayfields abandoned after the Chornobyl accident by Khomutinin, Yu.V., Kosarchuk, O.V., Polishchuk, S.V., Lazarev, M.M., Levchuk, S.E., Pavliuchenko, V.V.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-03-2022)
    “…A radiological assessment of hayfields and pastures (Narodychy district, Zhytomyr region), which were taken out of economic use due to contamination after the…”
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  8. 8

    Mapping of radioactive contamination with predetermined confidence level by Khomutinin, Yu.V., Levchuk, S.E., Protsak, V.P., Kashparov, V.O.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-09-2020)
    “…Standard approaches to the construction of maps of radioactive contamination do not provide errors in map data, so such maps do not, in fact, guarantee the…”
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  9. 9

    Mapping of radionuclide-contaminated agricultural land to make them available for use by Khomutinin, Yu.V., Kashparov, V.O., Lazarev, M.M., Levchuk, S.E., Protsak, V.P., Pavliuchenko, V.V.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-09-2019)
    “…A probabilistic approach on description of radionuclide contamination of agricultural land as well as crops grown on the land was suggested. The approach can…”
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  10. 10

    90Sr and 137Cs inventories in the depots and biogenic fluxes of the typical forest stands in the Chernobyl exclusion zone by Holiaka, D.M., Levchuk, S.E., Yoschenko, V.I., Kashparov, V.A., Yoschenko, L.V., Holiaka, M.A., Pavliuchenko, V.V., Diachuk, P.P., Zadorozhniuk, R.M., Morozova, V.S.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-09-2020)
    “…The paper reports results of the study of depots and biogenic fluxes of 90Sr and 137Cs in the typical coniferous (Scots pine) and deciduous (Silver birch)…”
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    Модель біогенних потоків і депо 90Sr у забруднених соснових насадженнях by Holiaka, D. M., Levchuk, S. E., Yoschenko, V. I., Yoschenko, L. V., M. A., M. A.

    Published in Naukovij vìsnik NLTU Ukraïni (Online) (26-12-2019)
    “…Лісові екосистеми вважають найбільш постраждалими внаслідок радіаційного забруднення після аварій на Чорнобильській і Фукусімській АЕС. Потрапивши у довкілля…”
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  12. 12

    Forecasting of 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclides intake into agricultural crops by Khomutinin, Yu.V., Zhurba, M.A., Levchuk, S.E., Kosarchuk, O.V., Polishchuk, S.V., Pavliuchenko, V.V.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-09-2021)
    “…Maps of the 137Cs contamination of abandoned agricultural land in Narodychi district (Zhytomyr region) were built using data of the radiological survey…”
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  13. 13

    Current state of 137Cs contamination of cow milk in the northern regions of Ukraine by S. E. Levchuk, M. M. Lazarev, V. V. Pavliuchenko

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-06-2016)
    “…Analysis of the results of the selective monitoring of 137Cs in cow milk in settlements, where values of the milk contamination have not met requirements of…”
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    Soil contamination with 90Sr in the near zone of the Chernobyl accident by Kashparov, V.A, Lundin, S.M, Khomutinin, Yu.V, Kaminsky, S.P, Levchuk, S.E, Protsak, V.P, Kadygrib, A.M, Zvarich, S.I, Yoschenko, V.I, Tschiersch, J

    “…Representative large-scale soil sampling on a regular grid of step width about 1 km was carried out for the first time in the near zone of the Chernobyl…”
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    Published in Health physics (1958) (01-03-1999)
    “…Weathering of fuel particles and the subsequent leaching of radionuclides causes Sr mobility in Chernobyl soils to increase with time after deposition. Studies…”
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    Dynamics of 137Cs uptake from water to Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) by Kashparova, O.V., Teien, H.-C., Levchuk, S.E., Protsak, V.P., Korepanova, K.D., Salbu, B., Ibatullin, I.I., Kashparov, V.O.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-03-2020)
    “…The rate constants of 137Cs uptake in Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) from the water with a potassium content of 2 mg·L-1 at T = 5 °C without feeding (kw =…”
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    Dynamics of the 137Cs excretion from Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) at different water temperatures by Kashparova, O.V., Teien, H.C., Levchuk, S.E., Pavlenko, V.S., Salbu, B., Kashparov, V.O.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-12-2019)
    “…Freshwater fish such as Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio) don’t need a feed at a water temperature below 10 °С. To study the rate constants of 137Cs excretion…”
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    Optimization of radiation monitoring of agricultural products and lands by Khomutinin, Yu.V., Levchuk, S.E., Pavliuchenko, V.V.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-12-2016)
    “…General methodology of optimization of the number of samples and subsamples for measurements, collected during monitoring, was presented. The methods of…”
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  19. 19

    Distribution of 137Cs activity concentration in wood scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) of Zhytomyr Polissya after the Chernobyl accident by Holiaka, D.M., Levchuk, S.E., Protsak, V.P., Kashparov, V.A.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (01-08-2017)
    “…Using the calculated values for wood samples (relative diameter, height and relative activity concentration of 137Cs) selected in different parts of the…”
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    Vertical distribution of 90Sr in soil profiles and its uptake by scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) wood growing within the Chernobyl exclusion zone by Holiaka, D.M., Levchuk, S.E., Kashparov, V.A., Holiaka, M.A., Yoschenko, L.V., Otreshko, L.N., Kosarchuk, O.V., Lazarev, N.M.

    Published in I͡A︡derna fizyka ta enerhetyka (25-06-2020)
    “…Statistical and graphical interpretation of 90Sr vertical distributions in soil profiles up to a depth of 1.0 m was presented based on the study of the typical…”
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