Search Results - "S V Paukov"
The pathological anatomy of alcoholic disease
Published in Alʹmanakh klinicheskoĭ medit͡s︡iny (30-07-2020)“…The problem of alcohol abuse is high on the agenda for the whole world both medically and socially. However, the fight against this disease is less than…”
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Cardiac and vascular changes in the patho- and morphogenesis of alcohol use disorder
Published in Kardiovaskuli͡a︡rnai͡a︡ terapii͡a︡ i profilaktika (14-11-2020)“…Aim. To reveal the patho- and morphogenesis of microvascular injury, cardiac and vascular changes in individuals with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and the role…”
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Structural and Functional Fundamentals of Alcoholic Disease
Published in Rossiĭskiĭ zhurnal gastroėnterologii, gepatologii, koloproktologii (12-11-2018)“…Aim. To suggest a new perspective on chronic alcohol intoxication by means of investigating the associated severe multiple organ pathology, which frequently…”
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Costal cartilage structural and functional changes in children with a funnel or keeled chest
Published in Arkhiv patologii (2017)“…Congenital chest wall deformities (CCWDs) in children are severe diseases leading to cosmetic defects and diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular…”
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The morphology and molecular bases of damage to the stem cell niche of respiratory acini in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-11-2014)“…The authors present the material of their study of the morphological and molecular biological features of damage to the stem cell niches (SCN) in the…”
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The morphological and morphometric study of amianthoid transformation of the costal cartilage in health and in keeled chest deformity in children
Published in Arkhiv patologii (2016)“…Amianthoid transformation (AT) is the accumulations of abnormal collagen structures (amianthoid fibers) in the hyaline cartilages, tumors, and tendons. Neither…”
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Functional morphology of ischemic cardiomyopathy
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-11-2014)“…To show that ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM) that is generally believed to be a variant of chronic heart disease (CHD) and an analogue of chronic heart failure…”
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Development of academic A.I. Strukov's ideas in the modem pathologic anatomy
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-05-2012)Get more information
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The leading figure of Russian medicine (on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of A. I. Strukov's birth)
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-05-2011)Get more information
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The Corypheus in Russian pathological anatomy. On the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Ivanovich Strukov
Published in Arkhiv patologii (2021)“…The article dedicated to the 120 anniversary of the birth of Academician A.I. Strukov shows his role in the development of Russian and European pathological…”
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Transformations of mitochondria in damaged cardiomyocytes
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-03-1998)“…Time course of intermitochondrial contacts in rat cardiomyocytes is studied in myocardial hypertrophy followed by its regression, alcoholic cardiomyopathy,…”
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Pharmacodynamics and clinical effectiveness of clopidogrel and atorvastin in patients with acute coronary syndrome and hyperlipidaemia
Published in Kardiovaskuli͡a︡rnai͡a︡ terapii͡a︡ i profilaktika (01-08-2009)“…Aim. To study pharmacodynamics and clinical effectiveness of clopidogrel and atorvastatin in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and hyperlipidaemia…”
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Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor moexipril in the treatment of arterial hypertension. Possibilities of moexipril in the treatment of postmenopausal women
Published in Kardiologiia (2006)“…Data on efficacy and safety of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor moexipril in the treatment of arterial hypertension are reviewed. Such advantages of…”
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Alcoholism and alcohol disease
Published in Terapevtic̆eskii arhiv (2001)Get more information
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Immune granulomatous inflammation as the body's adaptive response
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-07-2014)“…Based on their studies and literature analysis, the authors offer a hypothesis for the adaptive pattern of chronic immune granulomatous inflammation occurring…”
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Pathogenesis and morphogenesis of alcoholic disease
Published in Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine (01-12-1996)Get full text
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Morphofunctional examination of the heart in rats with the alcohol withdrawal syndrome
Published in Cor et vasa (English ed.) (1989)“…Using histochemical methods, light and electron microscopy, authors examined rat heart 2-6 hours, 1, 3, and 7 days after discontinuation of forced intoxication…”
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Causes of the people death from drunkenness and alcoholism
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-05-2012)“…We analyzed causes of 1008 people death, who abused by alcohol. Among them 2 groups were separated out: people died due to drunkenness and due to alcoholism…”
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Immunomorphologic features of epithelial-stromal relationships at hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma
Published in Arkhiv patologii (01-05-2012)“…The results of a immunomorphologic comprehensive study of epithelial-stromal relationships in the uterus hyperplasia and endometrial cancer suggest that the…”
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