Search Results - "Sørensen, Allan H"
Bremsstrahlung from Relativistic Heavy Ions in a Fixed Target Experiment at the LHC
Published in Advances in high energy physics (01-01-2015)“…We calculate the emission of bremsstrahlung from lead and argon ions in ultraperipheral collisions in a fixed target experiment (AFTER) that uses the LHC…”
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Precision Measurement of Trident Production in Strong Electromagnetic Fields
Published in Physical review letters (17-02-2023)“…We demonstrate experimentally that the trident process e^{-}→e^{-}e^{+}e^{-} in a strong external field, with a spatial extension comparable to the effective…”
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Elastic photonuclear cross sections for bremsstrahlung from relativistic ions
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01-04-2016)“…In this paper, we provide a procedure to calculate the bremsstrahlung spectrum for virtually any relativistic bare ion with charge 6e or beyond, Z⩾6, in…”
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On the nonperturbative contributions to the stopping of H- and He-like heavy ions
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01-11-2007)“…The nonperturbative contributions to the electronic stopping of hydrogen- and heliumlike heavy ions penetrating matter in frozen charge states at energies of…”
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Influence of atomic screening on fragmentation of ultrarelativistic lead ions in LHC collimators
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (15-08-2009)“…When a lead beam is collimated in the CERN LHC some of the ions fragment in the collimators causing problems downstream. For design purposes the fragmentation…”
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Bremsstrahlung from Relativistic Heavy Ions in a FixedTarget Experiment at the LHC
Published in Advances in high energy physics (2015)“…We calculate the emission of bremsstrahlung from lead and argon ions in ultraperipheral collisions in a fixed target experiment (AFTER) that uses the LHC…”
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The pair-production channel in atomic processes
Published in Radiation physics and chemistry (Oxford, England : 1993) (01-06-2006)“…Assisted by the creation of electron–positron pairs, new channels for ionization, excitation, and charge transfer open in atomic collisions when the energy is…”
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Pair production and bremsstrahlung contributions to the stopping of relativistic heavy ions
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01-04-2005)“…We examine the energy loss to electron–positron pairs and bremsstrahlung for relativistic heavy ions penetrating matter. Pair production is the dominant source…”
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Stopping of relativistic hydrogen- and heliumlike heavy ions
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01-10-2002)“…The stopping power for hydrogen- and heliumlike heavy ions penetrating matter at energies of 100–1000 MeV/u is calculated. For hydrogenlike ions the difference…”
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Bremsstrahlung from relativistic heavy ions in matter
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (01-02-2010)“…The emission of electromagnetic radiation by relativistic bare heavy ions penetrating ordinary matter is investigated. Our main aim is to determine the…”
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Differential Measurement of Trident Production in Strong Electromagnetic Fields
Published 07-07-2023“…In this paper, we present experimental results and numerical simulations of trident production, $e^-\rightarrow e^-e^+e^-$, in a strong electromagnetic field…”
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Channelling and channelling radiation
Published in Nature (London) (22-01-1987)“…Research of channeling phenomena has developed since the early 1960s, and today, there are many applications. Radiation emitted by channeled megaelectronvolt…”
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Particle production in crystals
Published in Nature (London) (18-06-1987)“…The results of an experiment are presented which demonstrates that a single crystal provides a very efficient alternative source of an external electromagnetic…”
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Precision Measurement of Trident Production in Strong Electromagnetic Fields
Published 04-11-2022“…We demonstrate experimentally that the trident process $e^-\rightarrow e^-e^+e^-$ in a strong external field, with a spatial extension comparable to the…”
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Radiation Reaction near the Classical Limit in Aligned Crystals
Published 24-08-2020“…Phys. Rev. D 102, 052004 (2020) An accelerated charged particle emits electromagnetic radiation. If the driving force is sufficiently strong, the radiated…”
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Bremsstrahlung from relativistic heavy ions in a fixed target experiment at the LHC
Published 23-03-2015“…We calculate the emission of bremsstrahlung from lead and argon ions in A Fixed Target ExpeRiment (AFTER) that uses the LHC beams. With nuclear charges of $Ze$…”
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