Search Results - "Ruy Carvalho"
Physiological and biochemical changes in ‘Fuyu’ persimmon buds during dormancy
Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2022)“…This study identified physiological and biochemical changes in ‘Fuyu’ persimmon buds during dormancy. Branches were collected between March and August 2015…”
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Maturation, processing and seed storage of Elephantopus mollis Kunth
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (2019)“…Elephantopus mollis Kunth (Asteraceae) is an aromatic medicinal species native to South and Central America with hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antitumor…”
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Applications in environmental bioinorganic: Nutritional and ultrastructural evaluation and calculus of thermodynamic and structural properties of metal-oxalate complexes
Published in Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy (05-11-2015)“…[Display omitted] •Theoretical analysis together with the techniques of atomic absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy.•Oxalate-metal…”
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Dormancy of 'Imperial Gala' apple and 'Hosui' pear tree buds in a region of low chill occurrence
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-12-2014)“…The objective of this work was to evaluate the dormancy dynamic of Imperial Gala apple tree buds and Hosui pear tree buds in a region of low chill occurrence…”
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Annual maximum daily rainfall trends in the Midwest, southeast and southern Brazil in the last 71 years
Published in Weather and climate extremes (01-10-2014)“…The aim of this study was to model, based on the overall distribution of extreme values, the probability of occurrence of a particular level of annual maximum…”
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Respiratory activity of apical meristems of plagiotropic branches of Araucaria angustifolia Kuntze
Published in Ciência florestal (01-01-2016)“…Araucaria angustifolia decreases its growth ratio during the fall and winter in response to adverse environmental conditions such as in temperate fruits where…”
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Assessment of toxicity of cadmium and lead in tomato
Published in Eclética química (01-04-2018)“…Having the objective of evaluating the effect of application of cadmium and lead in tomato in the content, rate of growth and translocation in different parts…”
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Identifying necessary conditions to deep-tech entrepreneurship
Published in RAUSP management journal (05-05-2023)“…Purpose This paper aims to address which resources provided by an entrepreneurial ecosystem (EE) are necessary for deep technology entrepreneurship…”
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Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Data Imputation for Daily Rainfall Series in Homogeneous Zones
Published in Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia (01-06-2016)“…Abstract Spatio-temporal modelling is an area of increasing importance in which models and methods have often been developed to deal with specific…”
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Published in Ciência florestal (03-06-2016)“…Araucaria angustifolia apresenta redução da taxa de crescimento durante o ano, podendo ser resposta às condições ambientais desfavoráveis, como ocorre nas…”
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Produção de pimentão em ambiente protegido com água residuária
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (07-11-2019)“…Objetivou-se estudar o desempenho agronômico do pimentão cv. Ikeda, irrigado com diferentes qualidades de água, sob dois métodos de manejos de irrigação:…”
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Pensamento único e repetição em Schopenhauer
Published in Voluntas (01-06-2016)“…O artigo pretende discutir aspectos teóricos e metodológicos relativos a metafísica da natureza de Schopenhauer, objetivando mostrar que a noção de pensamento…”
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Estimation of dry spells in three Brazilian regions — Analysis of extremes
Published in Atmospheric research (01-10-2013)“…The aim of this study was to model the occurrence of extreme dry spells in the Midwest, Southeast and Southern regions of Brazil and estimate the return period…”
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Interpoladores geoestatísticos na análise da distribuição espacial da precipitação anual e de sua relação com altitude
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-09-2012)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a contribuição da variável auxiliar altitude, na estimativa da distribuição espacial da precipitação anual média no…”
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Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de guanxuma sob influência do envelhecimento acelerado e da luz
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-09-2009)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito do envelhecimento acelerado e da presença da luz na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de guanxuma (Sida…”
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Patterns of technological intensity in Brazilian industry: A comparative study with developed countries
Published in Innovation (North Sydney) (01-04-2005)“…The present work aims to demonstrate that Brazilian industries display levels of efforts in technology that differ from those encountered in developed…”
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Qualidade fisiológica de sementes de uva-do-japão após envelhecimento acelerado e armazenamento
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-07-2010)“…Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito do teste de envelhecimento acelerado e de condições de armazenamento na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de Hovenia…”
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Geoestatística na determinação da variabilidade espacial de características químicas do solo sob diferentes preparos
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-08-2002)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar, mediante a geoestatística, a variabilidade espacial de pH, Ca, Mg, P e K em Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro distrófico,…”
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Kalman filter and correction of the temperatures estimated by PRECIS model
Published in Atmospheric research (01-10-2011)“…The purpose of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of the estimation the monthly mean temperature simulated by the PRECIS model—scenarios A2 and B2 of the…”
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Bioatividade de óleos essenciais de sassafrás e eucalipto em cascudinho
Published in Ciência rural (01-03-2010)“…Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a bioatividade de óleos essenciais de sassafrás (Ocotea odorifera) e eucalipto (Eucalyptus viminalis) no controle de…”
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