Search Results - "Rusu, Vitalie"

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  1. 1

    Procesul penal în cauzele cu minori: reflecții de ordin istoric Criminal proceedings in juvenile: historical reflections by Vitalie Rusu

    “…The problem of criminal proceedings in juvenile cases has been and continues to remain one of the most important in criminal procedure science. In the…”
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    Procesul penal în cauzele cu minori: reflecții de ordin istoric by Rusu, Vitalie

    “…The problem of criminal proceedings in juvenile cases has been and continues to remain one of the most important in criminal procedure science. In the…”
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    Particularitățile obiectului probatoriului în cazurile privind traficul de ființe umane by Rusu, Vitalie, Jitariuc, Vitalie

    Published in Dreptul (București) (2023)
    “…Trafficking in human beings is a substantial component of the international criminal business. However, the economic instability of different regions and the…”
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    Unele particularităţi metodologice privind investigarea infracţiunilor din domeniul insolvabilităţii//Some methodological particulars regarding the investigation of insolvency offences by Vitalie Rusu, Natalia Janu

    “…The impetuous evolution of market relations has led to the need for proper legal regulation of several aspects of economic life, including those relating to…”
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    Reflecții de ordin doctrinar privind bazele tactice ale activității speciale de investigații // Doctrinal reflections on the tactical bases of the special investigation activity by Vitalie Rusu, Serghei Gavajuc

    “…The basic task of forensic tactics is to organize the forensic activity as efficiently as possible in relation to the purpose of the criminal prosecution…”
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    Reflecții de ordin doctrinar privind bazele tactice ale activității speciale de investigații by Rusu, Vitalie, Gavajuc, Serghei

    “…The basic task of forensic tactics is to organize the forensic activity as efficiently as possible in relation to the purpose of the criminal prosecution…”
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    Abordări conceptuale privind tactica audierii persoanelor care fac declaraţii cu bună ştiinţă false by Rusu, Vitalie, Nastas, Andrei

    “…An interrogation is a process of obtaining statements from a person who has information relevant to the investigation and examination of criminal cases. This…”
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    Unele particularităţi metodologice privind investigarea infracţiunilor din domeniul insolvabilităţii by Rusu, Vitalie, Janu, Natalia

    “…The impetuous evolution of market relations has led to the need for proper legal regulation of several aspects of economic life, including those relating to…”
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    Published in Dreptul (București) (01-01-2023)
    “…Trafficking in human beings is a substantial component of the international criminal business. However, the economic instability of different regions and the…”
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    Unele aspecte de ordin teoretico-practic privind audierea victimelor infracțiunilor de trafic de ființe umane by Rusu, Vitalie, Jitariuc, Vitalie

    Published in Dreptul (București) (2021)
    “…Trafficking in human beings is an offence against human dignity and fundamental freedoms and, therefore, a serious violation of human rights. The Group of…”
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    “…It was only in the second half of the last century that the physical examination came to be recognised and regulated as an evidentiary procedure and an…”
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    Considerations on the Appearance and Development of Humanitarian Legislative Norms in the Framework of International Relations during the Middle Ages by Rusu, Vitalie

    “…During the Middle Ages, war did not aim at glory, but interests, and the peace state was not considered honourable, but humiliating, as initially, the causes…”
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