Search Results - "Rosin, Iu A"

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  1. 1

    Doppler ultrasonography in children with sequelae of acute neuroinfections by Rosin, Iu A

    “…Transcranial dopplerography was performed in 125 children with late (1-3 years) neurologic sequelae of acute neuroinfections. Decreased blood flow velocity…”
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  2. 2

    Computerized electroencephalography of acute neuro-infections in children by Rosin, Iu A, Sorokina, M N

    “…Spectral and visual analysis of EEG was performed in 156 children with acute neuroinfections. It revealed some variants of EEG tracings, related to different…”
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    Subdural exudate in bacterial meningitis in children by Sorokina, M N, Zinchenko, A P, Bass, R L, Rosin, Iu A, Khachatrian, V A, Alekseeva, L A, Mosenkov, V V, Nasyrov, R A, Sergeev, S V

    “…A subdural exudate (SE) complicating bacterial meningitis in 28 children was diagnosed by the findings at diaphanoscopy, subdurography, thermography, CT, EEG,…”
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