Search Results - "Roosen, R."

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  1. 1

    The H1 very forward proton spectrometer at HERA by Astvatsatourov, A., Cerny, K., Delvax, J., Favart, L., Hreus, T., Janssen, X., Roosen, R., Sykora, T., Van Mechelen, P.

    “…The very forward proton spectrometer, VFPS, is a component of the H1 detector at the HERA collider. Scattered protons emitted with a polar angle less than…”
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  2. 2

    Simulations of microstructural evolution: anisotropic growth and coarsening by Roosen, Andrew R., Carter, W.Craig

    Published in Physica A (01-12-1998)
    “…Two-dimensional calculations of anisotropic growth and coarsening are illustrated. This model is intended to simulate the development of microstructure in…”
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  3. 3

    Equilibrium Shape of Internal Cavities in Sapphire by Choi, Jung-Hae, Kim, Doh-Yeon, Hockey, Bernard J., Wiederhorn, Sheldon M., Handwerker, Carol A., Blendell, John E., Carter, W. Craig, Roosen, Andrew R.

    Published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society (01-01-1997)
    “…The equilibrium shape of internal cavities in sapphire was determined through the study of submicrometer internal cavities in single crystals. Cavities formed…”
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  4. 4

    Modeling reactive wetting by Warren, J.A., Boettinger, W.J., Roosen, A.R.

    Published in Acta materialia (22-05-1998)
    “…When a liquid alloy spreads on a metal substrate, interdiffusion may result in partial dissolution of the substrate and/or formation of intermetallic phases…”
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  5. 5

    Wulffman: A tool for the calculation and display of crystal shapes by Roosen, Andrew R, McCormack, Ryan P, Carter, W.Craig

    Published in Computational materials science (01-03-1998)
    “…A computational tool called Wulffman has been developed to determine, quickly and easily, the shape with minimal surface energy (Wulff shape) for solids of…”
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  7. 7

    Measurement of charged particle multiplicity distributions in DIS at HERA and its implication to entanglement entropy of partons: H1 Collaboration by Andreev, V., Baty, A., Begzsuren, K., Belousov, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bystritskaya, L., Avila, K. B. Cantun, Cerny, K., Chekelian, V., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Deshpande, A., Diaconu, C., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Gayler, J., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Grebenyuk, A., Grindhammer, G., Henderson, R. C. W., Hoffmann, D., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Janssen, X., Jung, A. W., Jung, H., Kapichine, M., Katzy, J., Klein, M., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Krücker, D., Krüger, K., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Lipka, K., List, B., Li, W., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Martyn, H.-U., Maxfield, S. J., Mehta, A., Meyer, A. B., Meyer, H., Meyer, J., Morozov, A., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Nowak, G., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Park, S., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Perez, E., Radescu, V., Raicevic, N., Ravdandorj, T., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Robmann, P., Roosen, R., Rostovtsev, A., Sankey, D. P. C., Schmitt, S., Schmookler, B. A., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Soloviev, Y., South, D., Spaskov, V., Specka, A., Steder, M., Stella, B., Truöl, P., Tseepeldorj, B., Tu, Z., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Wegener, D., Wünsch, E., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zohrabyan, H., Zomer, F.

    “…Charged particle multiplicity distributions in positron-proton deep inelastic scattering at a centre-of-mass energy s = 319  GeV are measured. The data are…”
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  8. 8

    Measurement of jet production cross sections in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA: H1 Collaboration by Andreev, V., Bolz, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bylinkin, A., Bystritskaya, L., Campbell, A. J., Avila, K. B. Cantun, Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Fleischer, M., Gabathuler, E., Gayler, J., Goerlich, L., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Greenshaw, T., Grindhammer, G., Haidt, D., Henderson, R. C. W., Hladkỳ, J., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Jung, H., Kiesling, C., Klein, M., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Krücker, D., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Levonian, S., Lipka, K., List, J., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Maxfield, S. J., Meyer, H., Meyer, J., Mikocki, S., Morozov, A., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Nowak, G., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Perez, E., Pirumov, H., Plačakytė, R., Polifka, R., Raicevic, N., Ravdandorj, T., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Rostovtsev, A., Rotaru, M., Šálek, D., Sauter, M., Sauvan, E., Schmitt, S., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Sefkow, F., Soloviev, Y., Sopicki, P., Steder, M., Stella, B., Straumann, U., Sykora, T., Traynor, D., Truöl, P., Tsakov, I., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Van Mechelen, P., Vazdik, Y., Wegener, D., Wünsch, E., Žáček, J., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zohrabyan, H., Zomer, F.

    “…A precision measurement of jet cross sections in neutral current deep-inelastic scattering for photon virtualities 5.5 < Q 2 < 80 GeV 2 and inelasticities 0.2…”
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  9. 9

    Determination of electroweak parameters in polarised deep-inelastic scattering at HERA: H1 Collaboration and H. Spiesberger (Mainz) by Andreev, V., Begzsuren, K., Bolz, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bylinkin, A., Bystritskaya, L., Campbell, A. J., Cantun Avila, K. B., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Eckerlin, G., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Gayler, J., Goerlich, L., Grab, C., Grebenyuk, A., Greenshaw, T., Hladkỳ, J., Hoffmann, D., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Jung, H., Kapichine, M., Katzy, J., Kiesling, C., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Kretzschmar, J., Krücker, D., Krüger, K., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Laycock, P., Lebedev, A., Levonian, S., List, B., List, J., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Maxfield, S. J., Mehta, A., Meyer, J., Morozov, A., Müller, K., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Petrukhin, A., Radescu, V., Raicevic, N., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Robmann, P., Roosen, R., Rostovtsev, A., Rotaru, M., Šálek, D., Schmitt, S., Schoeffel, L., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Soloviev, Y., Sopicki, P., South, D., Spaskov, V., Specka, A., Spiesberger, H., Steder, M., Stella, B., Straumann, U., Sykora, T., Thompson, P. D., Traynor, D., Truöl, P., Tsakov, I., Tseepeldorj, B., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Van Mechelen, P., Vazdik, Y., Wegener, D., Wünsch, E., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zohrabyan, H., Zomer, F.

    “…The parameters of the electroweak theory are determined in a combined electroweak and QCD analysis using all deep-inelastic e + p and e - p neutral current and…”
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  10. 10

    Measurement of jet production cross sections in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA by Andreev, V, Baghdasaryan, A, Begzsuren, K, Belousov, A, Bolz, A, Boudry, V, Brandt, G

    “…A precision measurement of jet cross sections in neutral current deep-inelastic scattering for photon virtualities [Formula omitted] and inelasticities…”
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  11. 11

    Erratum to: Measurement of jet production cross sections in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA: H1 Collaboration by Andreev, V., Begzsuren, K., Bolz, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bylinkin, A., Bystritskaya, L., Campbell, A. J., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Fleischer, M., Gabathuler, E., Gayler, J., Goerlich, L., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Grindhammer, G., Haidt, D., Henderson, R. C. W., Hladkỳ, J., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Jung, H., Kiesling, C., Klein, M., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Krücker, D., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Levonian, S., Lipka, K., List, J., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Maxfield, S. J., Meyer, H., Meyer, J., Mikocki, S., Morozov, A., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Nowak, G., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Petrukhin, A., Pirumov, H., Plačakytė, R., Polifka, R., Raicevic, N., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Rostovtsev, A., Rotaru, M., Šálek, D., Sankey, D. P. C., Sauter, M., Sauvan, E., Schmitt, S., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Soloviev, Y., Sopicki, P., Steder, M., Stella, B., Straumann, U., Sykora, T., Traynor, D., Truöl, P., Tsakov, I., Tseepeldorj, B., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Vazdik, Y., Wegener, D., Wünsch, E., Žáček, J., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zohrabyan, H., Zomer, F.

    “…The measurement of the jet cross sections by the H1 collaboration had been compared to various predictions including the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO)…”
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  12. 12

    Measurement of exclusive π+π- and ρ0 meson photoproduction at HERA: H1 Collaboration by Andreev, V., Baty, A., Begzsuren, K., Belousov, A., Bolz, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bystritskaya, L., Cantun Avila, K. B., Cerny, K., Chekelian, V., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Deshpande, A., Diaconu, C., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Gayler, J., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Grebenyuk, A., Grindhammer, G., Henderson, R. C. W., Hoffmann, D., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Janssen, X., Jung, A. W., Jung, H., Kapichine, M., Katzy, J., Klein, M., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Krücker, D., Krüger, K., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Lipka, K., List, B., Li, W., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Martyn, H.-U., Maxfield, S. J., Mehta, A., Meyer, A. B., Meyer, H., Meyer, J., Morozov, A., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Nowak, G., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Park, S., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Radescu, V., Raicevic, N., Ravdandorj, T., Reimer, P., Robmann, P., Roosen, R., Rostovtsev, A., Sankey, D. P. C., Schmitt, S., Schmookler, B. A., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Soloviev, Y., South, D., Spaskov, V., Specka, A., Steder, M., Stella, B., Thompson, P. D., Traynor, D., Truöl, P., Tu, Z., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Van Mechelen, P., Wegener, D., Žáček, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zohrabyan, H.

    “…Exclusive photoproduction of ρ 0 ( 770 ) mesons is studied using the H1 detector at the ep collider HERA. A sample of about 900,000 events is used to measure…”
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  13. 13

    Determination of the strong coupling constant [Formula omitted] in next-to-next-to-leading order QCD using H1 jet cross section measurements by Andreev, V, Baghdasaryan, A, Begzsuren, K, Belousov, A, Bertone, V, Bolz, A, Boudry, V

    “…The strong coupling constant [Formula omitted] is determined from inclusive jet and dijet cross sections in neutral-current deep-inelastic ep scattering (DIS)…”
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  14. 14

    Search for QCD instanton-induced processes at HERA in the high-Q2 domain: H1 Collaboration by Andreev, V., Bolz, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bylinkin, A., Bystritskaya, L., Campbell, A. J., Cantun Avila, K. B., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Fleischer, M., Gabathuler, E., Gayler, J., Goerlich, L., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Greenshaw, T., Grindhammer, G., Haidt, D., Henderson, R. C. W., Hladkỳ, J., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Jung, H., Kiesling, C., Klein, M., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Krücker, D., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Levonian, S., Lipka, K., List, J., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Maxfield, S. J., Meyer, H., Meyer, J., Mikocki, S., Morozov, A., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Nowak, G., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Perez, E., Pirumov, H., Plačakytė, R., Pokorny, B., Polifka, R., Radescu, V., Ravdandorj, T., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Robmann, P., Roosen, R., Rostovtsev, A., Rotaru, M., Šálek, D., Sankey, D. P. C., Sauter, M., Schoeffel, L., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Soloviev, Y., Sopicki, P., South, D., Spaskov, V., Specka, A., Stella, B., Straumann, U., Sykora, T., Thompson, P. D., Traynor, D., Tsakov, I., Van Mechelen, P., Vazdik, Y., Wünsch, E., Žáček, J., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zohrabyan, H.

    “…Signals of QCD instanton-induced processes are searched for in neutral current deep-inelastic scattering at the electron-proton collider HERA in the kinematic…”
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  15. 15

    Exclusive ρ0 meson photoproduction with a leading neutron at HERA: H1 Collaboration by Andreev, V., Begzsuren, K., Bolz, A., Boudry, V., Brandt, G., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bystritskaya, L., Campbell, A. J., Cantun Avila, K. B., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Daum, K., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Fleischer, M., Gabathuler, E., Gayler, J., Goerlich, L., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Greenshaw, T., Grindhammer, G., Haidt, D., Henderson, R. C. W., Hladkỳ, J., Horisberger, R., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Jung, H., Kiesling, C., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Kretzschmar, J., Krüger, K., Landon, M. P. J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Levonian, S., Lipka, K., List, B., Lobodzinski, B., Malinovski, E., Martyn, H.-U., Maxfield, S. J., Meyer, A. B., Meyer, H., Mikocki, S., Morozov, A., Müller, K., Naumann, Th, Newman, P. R., Niebuhr, C., Nowak, G., Ozerov, D., Patel, G. D., Perez, E., Petrukhin, A., Picuric, I., Pirumov, H., Pitzl, D., Plačakytė, R., Pokorny, B., Povh, B., Raicevic, N., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Rostovtsev, A., Rotaru, M., Sankey, D. P. C., Sauter, M., Sauvan, E., Schmitt, S., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Soloviev, Y., South, D., Spaskov, V., Specka, A., Steder, M., Sykora, T., Traynor, D., Truöl, P., Tseepeldorj, B., Turnau, J., Valkárová, A., Van Mechelen, P., Vazdik, Y., Wegener, D., Wünsch, E., Zhang, Z.

    “…A first measurement is presented of exclusive photoproduction of ρ 0 mesons associated with leading neutrons at HERA. The data were taken with the H1 detector…”
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  16. 16
  17. 17

    Measurement of multijet production in ep collisions at high Q2 and determination of the strong coupling αs by Andreev, V., Baghdasaryan, A., Begzsuren, K., Belousov, A., Belov, P., Brandt, G., Brinkmann, M., Brisson, V., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Bystritskaya, L., Cantun Avila, K. B., Cerny, K., Chekelian, V., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Daum, K., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Dodonov, V., Dossanov, A., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J., Fleischer, M., Ghazaryan, S., Glazov, A., Goerlich, L., Gogitidze, N., Grab, C., Greenshaw, T., Hladkỳ, J., Hoffmann, D., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Jacquet, M., Janssen, X., Jung, H., Kiesling, C., Klein, M., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kostka, P., Kretzschmar, J., Lange, W., Lebedev, A., Lipka, K., List, B., Martyn, H.-U., Maxfield, S. J., Mehta, A., Meyer, H., Morozov, A., Müller, K., Newman, P. R., Niebuhr, C., Olsson, J. E., Ozerov, D., Pahl, P., Pascaud, C., Pitzl, D., Plačakytė, R., Polifka, R., Radescu, V., Raicevic, N., Ravdandorj, T., Rizvi, E., Robmann, P., Roosen, R., Rotaru, M., Rusakov, S., Šálek, D., Sankey, D. P. C., Sauter, M., Schmitt, S., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Schultz-Coulon, H.-C., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Sopicki, P., Spaskov, V., Steder, M., Stella, B., Sykora, T., Thompson, P. D., Truöl, P., Tseepeldorj, B., Turnau, J., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Wegener, D., Wünsch, E., Žáček, J., Zhang, Z., Žlebčík, R., Zomer, F.

    “…Inclusive jet, dijet and trijet differential cross sections are measured in neutral current deep-inelastic scattering for exchanged boson virtualities 150 < Q…”
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  18. 18

    Materials science in the information age by Schwartz, Lyle H., Glotzer, Sharon C., Hall, Dale E., Roosen, Andrew R., Warren, James A.

    Published in Technology in society (01-01-1996)
    “…The explosive growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web is revolutionizing society by making information accessible in new ways to people in all corners of…”
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  19. 19

    Measurement of inclusive ep cross sections at high Q2 at s=225 and 252 GeV and of the longitudinal proton structure function FL at HERA by Andreev, V., Baghdasaryan, A., Baghdasaryan, S., Begzsuren, K., Bradt, G., Brinkmann, M., Brisson, V., Britzger, D., Buniatyan, A., Campbell, A. J., Cantun Avila, K. B., Ceccopieri, F., Contreras, J. G., Dainton, J. B., Daum, K., Diaconu, C., Dobre, M., Dubak, A., Eckerlin, G., Egli, S., Elsen, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feltesse, J., Fomenko, A., Gabathuler, E., Gayler, J., Ghazaryan, S., Glazov, A., Goerlich, L., Gogitidze, N., Grebenyuk, A., Greenshaw, T., Grindhammer, G., Henderson, R. C. W., Herbst, M., Hladkỳ, J., Hoffmann, D., Hreus, T., Huber, F., Janssen, X., Kapichine, M., Kiesling, C., Klein, M., Kleinwort, C., Kogler, R., Kretzschmar, J., Krüger, K., Landon, M. P. J., Lebedev, A., Levonian, S., Lipka, K., List, B., List, J., Martyn, H.-U., Mehta, A., Meyer, A. B., Meyer, H., Morozov, A., Müller, K., Newman, P. R., Niebuhr, C., Nowak, G., Olivier, B., Olsson, J. E., Pahl, P., Pascaud, C., Patel, G. D., Perez, E., Petrukhin, A., Picuric, I., Plačakytė, R., Polifka, R., Raspereza, A., Ravdandorj, T., Reimer, P., Rizvi, E., Robmann, P., Rusakov, S., Šálek, D., Sankey, D. P. C., Sauter, M., Schmitt, S., Schoeffel, L., Schöning, A., Sefkow, F., Shushkevich, S., Soloviev, Y., South, D., Spaskov, V., Stella, B., Truöl, P., Tsakov, I., Turnau, J., Valkárová, A., Vallée, C., Van Mechelen, P., Vazdik, Y., Wünsch, E., Zhang, Z.

    “…Inclusive e p double differential cross sections for neutral current deep inelastic scattering are measured with the H1 detector at HERA. The data were taken…”
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  20. 20

    A simple model of fully-faceted grain growth and coarsening with non-linear growth laws by Bishop, Catherine M., Satet, Raphaelle L., Cannon, Rowland M., Craig Carter, W., Roosen, Andrew R.

    “…A numerical simulation of the growth and coarsening of completely faceted particles in a two-dimensional closed system is described. The particles grow from a…”
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