Search Results - "Ronald, P.S"
Multitarget Bayes filtering via first-order multitarget moments
Published in IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems (01-10-2003)“…The theoretically optimal approach to multisensor-multitarget detection, tracking, and identification is a suitable generalization of the recursive Bayes…”
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CPHD Filtering With Unknown Clutter Rate and Detection Profile
Published in IEEE transactions on signal processing (01-08-2011)“…In Bayesian multi-target filtering, we have to contend with two notable sources of uncertainty, clutter and detection. Knowledge of parameters such as clutter…”
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Robust Multi-Bernoulli Filtering
Published in IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing (01-06-2013)“…In Bayesian multi-target filtering knowledge of parameters such as clutter intensity and detection probability profile are of critical importance. Significant…”
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Closed-Form Solutions to Forward-Backward Smoothing
Published in IEEE transactions on signal processing (01-01-2012)“…We propose a closed-form Gaussian sum smoother and, more importantly, closed-form smoothing solutions for increasingly complex problems arising from practice,…”
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Resistance to Entomosporium mespili among cultivars of saskatoon, Amelanchier alnifolia
Published in Canadian journal of plant pathology (01-12-2001)“…Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt.) cultivars were evaluated for their resistance to Entomosporium leaf and berry spot disease, caused by the fungal…”
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Multitarget miss distance via optimal assignment
Published in IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans (01-05-2004)“…The concept of miss distance-Euclidean, Mahalanobis, etc.-is a fundamental, far-reaching, and taken-for-granted element of the engineering theory and practice…”
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Forward-Backward Probability Hypothesis Density Smoothing
Published in IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems (01-01-2012)“…A forward-backward probability hypothesis density (PHD) smoother involving forward filtering followed by backward smoothing is proposed. The forward filtering…”
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Combining ambiguous evidence with respect to ambiguous a priori knowledge. Part II: Fuzzy logic
Published in Fuzzy sets and systems (10-11-1995)“…This paper describes fuzzy conditioned Dempster-Shafer (FCDS) theory, a probability-based calculus for dealing with possibly imprecise and vague evidence when…”
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Representing rules as random sets, I: Statistical correlations between rules
Published in Information sciences (1996)“…I. R. Goodman, H. T. Nguyen, and others have proposed the theory of random sets as a unifying paradigm for evidence theory. The more types of ambiguous…”
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Infection process of Entomosporium mespili on leaves of saskatoon, Amelanchier alnifolia
Published in Canadian journal of plant pathology (01-09-2002)“…The infection process for Entomosporium leaf spot of saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) was evaluated with scanning electron microscopy. Following treatment…”
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CPHD filtering with unknown clutter rate and detection profile
Published in 14th International Conference on Information Fusion (01-07-2011)“…In Bayesian multi-target filtering we have to contend with two notable sources of uncertainty, clutter and detection. Knowledge of parameters such as clutter…”
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Representing rules as random sets, II: Iterated rules
Published in International journal of intelligent systems (01-08-1996)“…I. R. Goodman, H. T. Nguyen, and others have proposed the theory of random sets as a unifying paradigm for knowledge‐based systems. The more types of ambiguous…”
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Multi-Bernoulli filtering with unknown clutter intensity and sensor field-of-view
Published in 2011 45th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (01-03-2011)“…In Bayesian multi-target filtering knowledge of parameters such as clutter intensity and sensor field-of-view are of critical importance. Significant…”
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A closed form solution to the Probability Hypothesis Density Smoother
Published in 2010 13th International Conference on Information Fusion (01-07-2010)“…A closed form Gaussian mixture solution to the forward-backward Probability Hypothesis Density smoothing recursion is proposed. The key to the closed form…”
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The modified Dempster-Shafer approach to classification
Published in IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans (01-01-1997)“…This paper describes "modified Dempster-Shafer" (MDS), an approach to object identification which incorporates Bayesian prior distributions into an altered…”
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The forward-backward Probability Hypothesis Density smoother
Published in 2010 13th International Conference on Information Fusion (01-07-2010)“…A forward-backward Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) smoother involving forward filtering followed by backward smoothing is derived. The forward filtering…”
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Combining ambiguous evidence with respect to ambiguous a priori knowledge. I. Boolean logic
Published in IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A, Systems and humans (01-01-1996)“…This paper describes conditioned Dempster-Shafer (CDS) theory, a probabilistic calculus for dealing with possibly non-Bayesian evidence when the underlying a…”
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Multitarget miss distance and its applications
Published in FUSION 2002 (2002)“…The concept of miss distance-Euclidean, Mahalanobis, etc.-is a fundamental, far-reaching, and taken-for-granted element of the engineering theory and practice…”
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Cryogenic Magnetic Gradiometers for Space Applications
Published in IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing (01-07-1985)“…This article proposes the use of superconducting magneticgradiometer, magnetometer sensors based on SQUID technology as sensorsfor space-borne magnetic…”
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A scanning electron microscopic study of the morphology and geometry of neural surfaces and structures associated with the vestibular apparatus of the pigeon
Published in Journal of comparative neurology (1911) (15-01-1975)“…The scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to investigate the morphology of the neuroepithelial regions of the vestibular ampullary structures in 47 White…”
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