Search Results - "Rolo, A.P."

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    Enhancement of brown fat thermogenesis using chenodeoxycholic acid in mice by Teodoro, J S, Zouhar, P, Flachs, P, Bardova, K, Janovska, P, Gomes, A P, Duarte, F V, Varela, A T, Rolo, A P, Palmeira, C M, Kopecký, J

    Published in International Journal of Obesity (01-08-2014)
    “…Objective: Besides their role in lipid absorption, bile acids (BAs) can act as signalling molecules. Cholic acid was shown to counteract obesity and associated…”
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    Dibenzofuran-induced mitochondrial dysfunction: Interaction with ANT carrier by Duarte, F.V., Gomes, A.P., Teodoro, J.S., Varela, A.T., Moreno, A.J.M., Rolo, A.P., Palmeira, C.M.

    Published in Toxicology in vitro (01-12-2013)
    “…•DBF exposure negatively affects liver mitochondria phosphorylative system.•DBF increases the threshold to the induction of the mitochondrial permeability…”
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    Corrigendum to “European contribution to the study of ROS: A summary of the findings and prospects for the future from the COST action BM1203 (EU-ROS)” [Redox Biol. 13 (2017) 94–162] by Egea, J., Fabregat, I., Kietzmann, T., Olaso-Gonzalez, G., Petry, A., Schulz, R., Vina, J., Winyard, P., Afonso, C.B., Andreadou, I., Antelmann, H., Antunes, F., Aslan, M., Bachschmid, M.M., Barbosa, R.M., Bernlohr, D., Bertrán, E., Bottari, S.P., Brito, P.M., Carrara, G., Casas, A.I., Chatzi, A., Conrad, M., Cooke, M.S., My-Chan Dang, P., De Smet, B., Dunn, J.D., Edson, A.J., El-Benna, J., Ferdinandy, P., Fladmark, K.E., Förstermann, U., Giniatullin, R., Giricz, Z., Griffiths, H., Hanf, A., Hernansanz-Agustín, P., Huang, J., Ilikay, S., Jansen-Dürr, P., Kalyanaraman, B., Kaminskyy, D., Kleanthous, M., Klotz, L.O., Korac, B., Koziel, R., Krieg, T., Laranjinha, J., Li, H., Matsui, R., Meredith, S.P., Messens, J., Miguel, V., Mikhed, Y., Milisav, I., Miranda-Vizuete, A., Mojović, M., Mouthuy, P.A., Münzel, T., Muzykantov, V., Nguyen, I.T.N., Oliveira, N.G., Palmeira, C.M., Papaevgeniou, N., Pavićević, A., Pedre, B., Pircalabioru, G.G., Pitt, A.R., Poulsen, H.E., Prieto, I., Robledinos-Antón, N., Rousset, F., Ruskovska, T., Saraiva, N., Schröder, K., Semen, K., Seredenina, T., Shakirzyanova, A., Smith, G.L., Soldati, T., Sousa, B.C., Spickett, C.M., Stancic, A., Stasia, M.J., Steinbrenner, H., Tuncay, E., Turan, B., Ursini, F., Vacek, J., Valentová, K., Van Breusegem, F., Yalçın, A.S., Yelisyeyeva, O., Žarković, N., Touyz, R.M., Grune, T., Lamas, S., Schmidt, H.H.H.W., Di Lisa, F., Daiber, A.

    Published in Redox biology (01-04-2018)
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