Search Results - "Rolán, Emilio"
Shell color polymorphism in marine gastropods
Published in Evolutionary applications (01-02-2023)“…Marine gastropods are characterized by an incredible variation in shell color. In this review, we aim to introduce researchers to previous studies of shell…”
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Impact of Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Size Homoplasy on the Estimation of Population Genetic Diversity and the Detection of Selective Loci
Published in Genetics (Austin) (01-05-2008)“…AFLP markers are becoming one of the most popular tools for genetic analysis in the fields of evolutionary genetics and ecology and conservation of genetic…”
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Proteomics in evolutionary ecology: linking the genotype with the phenotype
Published in Molecular ecology (01-03-2012)“…The study of the proteome (proteomics), which includes the dynamics of protein expression, regulation, interactions and its function, has played a less…”
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Negative frequency‐dependent selection maintains shell banding polymorphisms in two marine snails (Littorina fabalis and Littorina saxatilis)
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-06-2021)“…The presence of shell bands is common in gastropods. Both the marine snails Littorina fabalis and Lttorina saxatilis are polymorphic for this trait. Such…”
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Historical Biogeography of the Marine Snail Littorina saxatilis Inferred from Haplotype and Shell Morphology Evolution in NW Spain
Published in PloS one (11-08-2016)“…The marine snail Littorina saxatilis exhibits extreme morphological variation between and within geographical regions and represents an excellent model for…”
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A new multitest correction (SGoF) that increases its statistical power when increasing the number of tests
Published in BMC bioinformatics (08-07-2009)“…The detection of true significant cases under multiple testing is becoming a fundamental issue when analyzing high-dimensional biological data. Unfortunately,…”
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Sympatric speciation as a by-product of ecological adaptation in the Galician Littorina saxatilis hybrid zone
Published in Journal of molluscan studies (01-02-2007)“…ABSTRACT On exposed rocky shores in northwestern Spain there is a striking polymorphism of Littorina saxatilis that has been claimed as an example of a…”
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comparative study of Gaussian mating preference functions: a key element of sympatric speciation models
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-10-2014)“…Simulating the evolution of reproductive isolation under sympatric speciation scenarios is a complex process that requires modelling several phases, including…”
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The scale-of-choice effect and how estimates of assortative mating in the wild can be biased due to heterogeneous samples
Published in Evolution (01-07-2015)“…The mode in which sexual organisms choose mates is a key evolutionary process, as it can have a profound impact on fitness and speciation. One way to study…”
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Published in Evolution (01-07-2007)“…Parallel speciation can occur when traits determining reproductive isolation evolve independently in different populations that experience a similar range of…”
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Sampling scale can cause bias in positive assortative mating estimates: evidence from two intertidal snails
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-10-2016)“…Assortative mating in the wild is commonly estimated by correlating between traits in mating pairs (e.g. the size of males and females). Unfortunately, such an…”
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Size selection by a gape‐limited predator of a marine snail: Insights into magic traits for speciation
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-01-2017)“…The intertidal snail Littorina saxatilis has repeatedly evolved two parallel ecotypes assumed to be wave adapted and predatory shore crab adapted, but the…”
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Selection on hybrids of ecologically divergent ecotypes of a marine snail: the relative importance of exogenous and endogenous barriers
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-02-2014)“…Unravelling the form of selection acting on hybrids of ecotypes undergoing ecological speciation is essential to understand the mechanisms behind the evolution…”
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A novel method for estimating the strength of positive mating preference by similarity in the wild
Published in Ecology and evolution (01-05-2017)“…Mating preference can be a driver of sexual selection and assortative mating and is, therefore, a key element in evolutionary dynamics. Positive mating…”
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Explosive radiation of Cape Verde Conus, a marine species flock
Published in Molecular ecology (01-01-2005)“…Nearly 50 species of the marine gastropod genus Conus are restricted to the Cape Verde archipelago. This unusual concentration of endemics within a single set…”
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Experimental evidence of mate choice as the driving mechanism behind negative assortative mating for shell colour in a marine snail
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-08-2024)“…How colour polymorphisms are maintained in natural populations constitutes a key subject of study for evolutionary ecologists. One of the mechanisms that has…”
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Insights into the role of differential gene expression on the ecological adaptation of the snail Littorina saxatilis
Published in BMC evolutionary biology (18-11-2010)“…In the past 40 years, there has been increasing acceptance that variation in levels of gene expression represents a major source of evolutionary novelty. Gene…”
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Proteomic Comparison between Two Marine Snail Ecotypes Reveals Details about the Biochemistry of Adaptation
Published in Journal of proteome research (01-11-2008)“…The proteomic changes occurring during speciation are fundamental to understand this process, though they have been rarely addressed until present. Therefore,…”
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Thermodynamic effects drive countergradient responses in the thermal performance of Littorina saxatilis across latitude
Published in The Science of the total environment (10-03-2023)“…Thermal performance curves (TPCs) provide a powerful framework to assess the evolution of thermal sensitivity in populations exposed to divergent selection…”
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Revealing the mechanisms of sexual isolation in a case of sympatric and parallel ecological divergence
Published in Biological journal of the Linnean Society (01-07-2008)“…Two ecotypes of a marine intertidal snail (Littorina saxatilis), living at different microhabitats and shore levels, have evolved in sympatry and in parallel…”
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