Search Results - "Rojas, María I."
Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg levels in umbilical cord blood in preeclampsia
Published in The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine (18-05-2016)“…Introduction: Preeclampsia is one of the major causes of maternal and neonatal mortality. During pregnancy, the immune system must maintain the tolerance to…”
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Recovering Sustainable Mobility after COVID-19: The Case of Almeria (Spain)
Published in Applied sciences (01-02-2024)“…The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a significant change in mobility habits within cities, leading to a significant decrease in the use of collective urban…”
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Presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA on Surfaces of Public Places and a Transportation System Located in a Densely Populated Urban Area in South America
Published in Viruses (23-12-2021)“…Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a highly transmissible RNA virus that causes COVID-19. Being aware of the presence of the virus…”
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The Lower Cretaceous Atzompa Formation in south-central Mexico; record of evolution from extensional backarc basin margin to carbonate platform
Published in Journal of sedimentary research (01-06-2016)“…Lower Cretaceous depositional systems of southwestern Oaxaquia, in south-central Mexico, were influenced by initiation of a continental arc on mainland Mexico…”
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Mineralogical Evolution of Kaolin-Based Drinking Water Treatment Waste for Use as Pozzolanic Material. The Effect of Activation Temperature
Published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society (01-10-2013)“…This study reports on exhaustive scientific research into the influence of the activation temperature of inert waste from drinking water treatment plants for…”
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Neurocysticercosis: local and systemic immune-inflammatory features related to severity
Published in Medical microbiology and immunology (01-02-2012)“…Neurocysticercosis (NC) is caused by the establishment of Taenia solium cysticerci in the central nervous system. Previous studies have established that…”
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A Discussion on the Application of Terminology for Urban Soil Sealing Mitigation Practices
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (18-07-2022)“…Soil sealing is one of the most serious environmental problems today regarding its impact on cities. This article presents an analysis of the different urban…”
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Crecimiento físico de niños con hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita perdedora de sal durante los dos primeros años de vida en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño
Published in Acta médica peruana (06-12-2019)“…Objetivo: Describir el crecimiento físico de niños con hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) perdedora de sal durante los dos primeros años de vida,…”
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Environmental evidence for a pygmy blue whale aggregation area in the Subtropical Convergence Zone south of Australia
Published in Marine mammal science (01-10-2018)“…The importance of the Subtropical Convergence Zone south of Australia as a feeding area to the pygmy blue whale of the eastern Indian Ocean was investigated to…”
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Handwashing and Detergent Treatment Greatly Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load on Halloween Candy Handled by COVID-19 Patients
Published in mSystems (29-10-2020)“…Although SARS-CoV-2 is primarily transmitted by respiratory droplets and aerosols, transmission by fomites remains plausible. During Halloween, a major event…”
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A Distinct Contractile Injection System Gene Cluster Found in a Majority of Healthy Adult Human Microbiomes
Published in mSystems (01-08-2020)“…To engage with host cells, diverse pathogenic bacteria produce syringe-like structures called contractile injection systems (CIS). CIS are evolutionarily…”
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Inteligencia emocional y cumplimiento de los compromisos de gestión escolar del personal directivo de educación inicial
Published in Investigación Valdizana (25-07-2019)“…El objetivo del trabajo de investigación fue demostrar cómo se relaciona la inteligencia emocional con los compromisos de gestión escolar en el personal…”
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Individual specialization in a migratory grazer reflects long-term diet selectivity on a foraging ground: implications for isotope-based tracking
Published in Oecologia (01-10-2018)“…Stable isotope analysis (SIA) can be a useful tool for tracking the long-distance movements of migratory taxa. However, localscale sources of isotopic…”
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Swabbing the Urban Environment - A Pipeline for Sampling and Detection of SARS-CoV-2 From Environmental Reservoirs
Published in Journal of visualized experiments (09-04-2021)“…To control community transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) during the 2020 global pandemic, most countries implemented…”
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Inteligencia emocional y cumplimiento de los compromisos de gestión escolar del personal directivo de educación inicial
Published in Investigación Valdizana (01-07-2019)“…El objetivo del trabajo de investigación fue demostrar cómo se relaciona la inteligencia emocional con los compromisos de gestión escolar en el personal…”
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Novel Use of Kaolin Wastes in Blended Cements
Published in Journal of the American Ceramic Society (01-10-2009)“…This paper describes the influence of different thermally activated clay wastes (ACW) on the hydration phases in cement pastes containing two percentages of…”
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Características clínicas y hormonales del síndrome de insensibilidad a andrógenos
Published in Revista peruana de pediatría (31-12-2008)“…Objetivo: Estudiar las características clínicas y hormonales de pacientes portadores del síndrome de insensibilidad a andrógenos. Material y Métodos: Se han…”
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Occurrence of Squash yellow mild mottle virus and Pepper golden mosaic virus in Potential New Hosts in Costa Rica
Published in The plant pathology journal (2013)“…Leaf samples of Solanum lycopersicum, Capsicum annuum, Cucurbita moschata, Cucurbita pepo, Sechium edule and Erythrina spp. were collected. All samples were…”
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