Search Results - "Rodrigues, Rubens"
Multi-Biomarkers' Responses in Gills of Oreochromis niloticus Exposed to Glyphosate and Polyethylene Microplastic, Isolated and in Mixture
Published in Environmental toxicology (01-11-2024)“…Microplastics (MPs) and glyphosate-based herbicides (GBH) are among the most common contaminants in aquatic environments. In Brazilian rivers, both…”
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Published in Trabalho necessário (08-06-2018)“…O presente artigo pretende analisar o debate educacional, tendo como orientação central as articulações entre democratização e cultura, considerando as…”
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Angle Class II, subdivision, with agenesis of mandibular second molars and extrusion of maxillary second molars
Published in Dental press journal of orthodontics (01-04-2015)“…This clinical case reports the treatment of an Angle Class II malocclusion in a young woman with a balanced face affected by agenesis of second and third…”
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The influence of desensitizing dentifrices on pain induced by in-office bleaching
Published in Brazilian oral research (01-12-2013)“…The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the use of desensitizing dentifrices used 15 days prior to and after in-office tooth bleaching could…”
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A educação frente aos avanços do conservadorismo: uma análise a partir dos desafios e perspectivas freireanas
Published in Emancipação (01-09-2023)“…O artigo analisa os desafios e perspectivas freireanas frente aos avanços do conservadorismo na educação e na sociedade brasileira. Define como questão para a…”
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Direito à educação de estudantes do público da educação especial egressos do ensino fundamental paulistano
Published in Revista Videre (12-07-2024)“…O artigo trata da conclusão do ensino fundamental como direito de todas as pessoas, dever do Estado e condição de acesso à etapa final da educação básica…”
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Nucleolar organizer regions in Sittasomus griseicapillus and Lepidocolaptes angustirostris (Aves, Dendrocolaptidae): Evidence of a chromosome inversion
Published in Genetics and molecular biology (01-01-2013)“…Cytogenetic studies in birds are still scarce compared to other vertebrates. Woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptidae) are part of a highly specialized group within the…”
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A utopia de Paulo Freire
Published in Revista de educação popular (29-09-2021)“…O artigo analisa o sentido emancipatório em Paulo Freire. Articula esse sentido à dimensão humanista revolucionária que o autor atribuiu à educação para a…”
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Assessment of motivation, expectations and satisfaction of adult patients submitted to orthodontic treatment
Published in Dental press journal of orthodontics (01-04-2013)“…The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychological aspects of adult patients who sought and underwent orthodontic treatment, evaluating their…”
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Use of heterologous antigens for the immunodiagnosis of abdominal angiostrongyliasis by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Published in Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (01-11-2010)“…Angiostrongylus costaricensis has a broad geographic distribution spanning from North to South America and the infections of vertebrates with this nematode can…”
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Yop effector proteins from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis impair dendritic cell activation
Published in Advances in experimental medicine and biology (2012)Get more information
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Ser docente na gestão e ser gestão na docência: reflexões, articulações e autoformação contínua na Educação Profissional
Published in Devir Educação (18-06-2023)“…A dinâmica do campo educacional desenvolve aspectos próprios de envolvimento de professor na gestão para o desenvolvimento políticas públicas e governança…”
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Intrapelvic Migration of the Cephalic Screw of a Proximal Femoral Long Intramedullary Nail: Case Report
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-02-2020)“…The use of cephalomedullary devices has gained popularity in the treatment of proximal femoral fractures. Despite their biomechanical advantages, several…”
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Imposto sobre Bens e Serviços: análise da carga tributária em uma empresa do lucro presumido
Published in Cadernos de ciências sociais aplicadas (25-04-2022)“…Este trabalho tem como foco o estudo da proposta de Emenda Constitucional nº 45/2019, analisando as principais características do Imposto sobre Bens e Serviços…”
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Flood Pulse Effects on the Growth of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum in the Amazon Basin
Published in Fishes (01-06-2024)“…Fish growth is a fundamental biological process driven by a multitude of intrinsic (within-individual) and extrinsic (environmental) factors that underpin…”
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Nexus of superior councils with governance in Higher Education Institutions
Published in Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação (09-08-2024)Get full text
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Entrevista Roberto Leher: As atuais condições da Educação Superior no Brasil
Published in Libertas (Juiz de Fora, Brazil) (09-12-2021)“…Entrevista concedida pelo Professor Roberto Leher (UFRJ) para a Revista Libertas. Entrevistador prof. Dr. Rubens Luiz Rodrigues (UFJF)…”
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Avulsion injury of the rat brachial plexus triggers hyperalgesia and allodynia in the hindpaws: a new model for the study of neuropathic pain
Published in Brain research (29-08-2003)“…In the present study, we sought to characterise a behavioural model of persistent peripheral neuropathic pain produced by avulsion of the right brachial plexus…”
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Sensors of Encoding and Decoding Based on Superstructure Fiber Bragg Gratings Modulated in Amplitude and Phase for applications in systems OCDMA - 63 chip
Published in Fiber and integrated optics (02-11-2019)“…In this paper, we report a series of incremental optical coding and decoding sensors using their respective fiber Bragg grating superstructure (SS-FBG). We…”
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A ética na práxis freireana: educação para a liberdade e emancipação humana
Published in Revista katálysis (2024)“…Resumo: Este artigo analisa a ética na práxis educativa freireana e busca responder a seguinte questão: como se articula a ética na concepção de educação…”
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