Search Results - "Rodrigues, Milenna Karoline"
Hepatic ultrasonography in three breeds of healthy calves: Nellore, Curraleiro Pe‐duro and Pantaneiro
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-01-2021)“…An ultrasonography was performed in 21 healthy male calves of Nellore (n = 8), Curraleiro Pe‐duro (n = 7) and Pantaneiro (n = 6) breeds, between 8 and…”
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Imobilização de fratura em região de tíbia e fíbula em carneiro com muleta de Thomas
Published in PUBVET (03-10-2023)“…Cases of long bone fracture are quite common in the clinical routine of large animals owing to the territoriality, character and management of the herd. Most…”
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Estado da arte sobre a síndrome cólica por compactação em equinos
Published in PUBVET (05-02-2024)“…Colic syndrome or acute abdomen is a disease that occurs from a chain of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, with clinical signs of abdominal pain. In…”
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Intoxicação acidental por ureia em novilha: Relato de caso
Published in PUBVET (27-10-2023)“…The production of cattle in Brazil in an extensive system promoted an increase in the use of dietary urea, due to low protein levels and less degradability of…”
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Intoxicação acidental por ureia em novilha: Relato de caso
Published in PUBVET (01-10-2023)“…A produção de bovinos no Brasil em sistema extensivo promoveu aumento na utilização de ureia dietética, devido à baixos teores de proteína e menor…”
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