Search Results - "Rodrigues, Luís P."
The relationship between motor competence and health-related fitness in children and adolescents
Published in PloS one (28-06-2017)“…In the last twenty years, there has been increasing evidence that Motor Competence (MC) is vital for developing an active and healthy lifestyle. This study…”
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Motor profile of Portuguese preschool children on the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2: A cross-cultural study
Published in Research in developmental disabilities (01-06-2013)“…•Cultural sensitivity of the PDMS-2 was tested in 540 Portuguese children.•Age and gender effects in motor performance were found.•Separate norms for boys and…”
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Influence of age, sex and somatic variables on the motor performance of pre-school children
Published in Annals of human biology (01-09-2013)“…Abstract Background: Biological factors can affect the motor development process of children. However, the magnitude of these effects throughout the…”
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The nature and dimensions of achievement goals: mastery, evaluation, competition, and self-presentation goals
Published in The Spanish journal of psychology (01-01-2014)“…The present study aimed to clarify the nature and dimensions of achievement goals and to examine structural differences in students' goals across school…”
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Normative values of the motor competence assessment (MCA) from 3 to 23 years of age
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-09-2019)“…Growing evidence of the importance of motor competence for developing a healthy lifestyle has been established in the last decade. Nonetheless, no single…”
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Development and validation of a model of motor competence in children and adolescents
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-07-2016)“…Objectives: This study was aimed at developing a quantitative model to evaluate motor competence (MC) in children and adolescents, to be applicable in…”
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A school-based physical activity intervention in primary school: effects on physical activity, sleep, aerobic fitness, and motor competence
Published in Frontiers in public health (20-02-2024)“…The "Super Quinas" project evaluated the effectiveness of an intervention program to improve physical activity, aerobic fitness, sleep, and motor competence on…”
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Physical Activity in Adolescents: Examining Influence of the Best Friend Dyad
Published in Journal of adolescent health (01-06-2013)“…Abstract Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the influence of dyadic friendship relationships on adolescent physical activity (PA) behavior. Unique…”
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Siblings' Influence on the Motor Competence of Preschoolers
Published in Children (Basel) (08-03-2021)“…The number of single-child families has been rising steadily in recent years, resulting in a childhood absent of sibling relationships. Being an only child has…”
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Physical Fitness and Somatic Characteristics of the Only Child
Published in Frontiers in pediatrics (25-06-2020)“…The purpose of this study was to examine if only child show differences on somatic growth and physical fitness compared to be a child with siblings. The…”
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Through the Looking Glass: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Evidence, Providing New Insight for Motor Competence and Health
Published in Sports medicine (Auckland) (01-04-2022)“…Introduction In 2008, a conceptual model explaining the role of motor competence (MC) in children’s physical activity (PA), weight status, perceived MC and…”
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Link between Motor Competence and Health Related Fitness in Children and Adolescents
Published in Sports (Basel) (15-06-2017)“…This study examined motor competence (MC) behavior in 6- to 14-year-old children, and investigated the differences in health-related fitness (HRF) between high…”
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Model invariance of the Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) from early childhood to young adulthood
Published in Journal of sports sciences (18-10-2021)“…The Motor Competence Assessment (MCA) is an innovative instrument to assess motor competence along the lifespan. The MCA model and normative values were…”
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Developmental pathways of change in fitness and motor competence are related to overweight and obesity status at the end of primary school
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-01-2016)“…Abstract Objectives To test how different developmental pathways of health-related physical fitness and motor competence tests relate to weight status…”
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Affordances for Motor Skill Development in Home, School, and Sport Environments: A Narrative Review
Published in Perceptual and Motor Skills (01-06-2019)“…Through development, a child's varied movement contexts provide different opportunities or affordances for action that are fundamental to promoting motor…”
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Book Review Journal Article -
Classes of developmental trajectories of body mass index: Differences in motor competence and cardiorespiratory fitness
Published in Journal of sports sciences (18-03-2020)“…The purpose was to identify classes of different developmental trajectories of BMI and testing them for differences in motor competence (MC) and…”
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Motor Competence and Difficulty of Self-Set Goals on Motor Learning
Published in Journal of motor behavior (22-11-2024)“…Motor competence is associated with the perceived difficulty of a task. This study hypothesized that children with higher motor competence perceive certain…”
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Correlation between BMI and motor coordination in children
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-01-2012)“…Abstract Objectives : To analyze the association between motor coordination (MC) and body mass index (BMI) across childhood and early adolescence. Design :…”
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Developmental pathways of cardiorespiratory fitness from 6 to 15 years of age
Published in European journal of sport science (01-02-2021)“…Most of the information gathered about physical fitness of paediatric populations are cross-sectional, resulting in normative perspectives that account for…”
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