Search Results - "Rodrigo Alves Ferreira"
Neonatal thyrotropin levels and auditory neural maturation in full-term newborns
Published in PloS one (16-06-2021)“…Objective This study aimed to look for a possible relationship between thyrotropin (TSH) values from neonatal bloodspot screening testing and newborn lower…”
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Effects of intrauterine latent iron deficiency on auditory neural maturation in full-term newborns
Published in Jornal de pediatria (01-03-2020)“…This study analyzed the relationship between latent iron deficiency evaluated by ferritin, and the myelination of the central nervous system evaluated through…”
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Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Published in Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (01-06-2017)“…Abstract Objectives: to investigate the prevalence of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and its sociodemographic, reproductive and newborn-related factors…”
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Effects of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on cardiovascular risk markers in patients with endometriosis: a comparative study with the GnRH analogue
Published in Contraception (Stoneham) (01-02-2010)“…Abstract Background The study was conducted to evaluate the cardiovascular risk markers associated with endometriosis and the influence of the levonorgestrel…”
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Desafios da intergeracionalidade em tempos de pandemia: conflitos, cooperação e (re)construção de sociabilidades
Published in Percursos (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil) (02-06-2023)“…Este artigo objetivou compreender as relações intergeracionais durante o distanciamento social. Foi adotada a abordagem qualitativa em consonância com as…”
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Effects of intrauterine latent iron deficiency on auditory neural maturation in full‐term newborns
Published in Jornal de Pediatria (Versão em Português) (01-03-2020)“…This study analyzed the relationship between latent iron deficiency evaluated by ferritin, and the myelination of the central nervous system evaluated through…”
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Avaliação da Reserva Ovariana: Comparação entre a Dosagem do FSH Basal e o Teste do Clomifeno Evaluation of Ovarian Reserve: Comparison Between Basal FSH Level and Clomiphene Test
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-06-2002)“…Objetivo: avaliar a reserva ovariana por meio da dosagem do FSH no 3º dia do ciclo menstrual, comparando-o com o teste do clomifeno, e correlacionar os…”
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Avaliação da Reserva Ovariana: Comparação entre a Dosagem do FSH Basal e o Teste do Clomifeno
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-06-2002)Get full text
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Avaliação da Reserva Ovariana: Comparação entre a Dosagem do FSH Basal e o Teste do Clomifeno
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-06-2002)“…Objetivo: avaliar a reserva ovariana por meio da dosagem do FSH no 3º dia do ciclo menstrual, comparando-o com o teste do clomifeno, e correlacionar os…”
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