Search Results - "Rodríguez Yánez, Tomas"
Molecular Mechanisms of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Published in International journal of molecular sciences (04-08-2022)“…The inflammatory component of diabetic kidney disease has become of great interest in recent years, with genetic and epigenetic variants playing a fundamental…”
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Prediabetes and CKD: Does a causal relationship exist
Published in Nefrología (01-09-2024)“…The relationship between diabetes and the development of kidney complications is well known, but the understanding of prediabetes and insulin resistance with…”
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Intensive Care Unit Acquired Weakness Associated With Acute Severe Asthma
Published in Clinical medicine insights. Case reports (01-06-2022)“…Context: Neuromuscular complications in the intensive care unit (ICU) are frequent, multifactorial, and clinically difficult to recognize during their acute…”
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Viral Cardiomyopathies Associated With SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Published in Clinical medicine insights. Case reports (01-03-2022)“…Context: Since the end of 2019 with the identification of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it produces, named COVID-19, various manifestations…”
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Dynamics of dengue and SARS-COV-2 co-infection in an endemic area of Colombia
Published in Tropical diseases, travel medicine and vaccines (15-05-2022)“…Since the COVID-19 outbreak, millions of people have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 around the world. An area of epidemiological relevance is Latin America,…”
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A Rare Case of Meningitis Caused by Alcaligenes faecalis in an Immunocompetent Patient
Published in Case reports in medicine (31-08-2022)“…Alcaligenes faecalis (A. faecalis) is a Gram-negative rod rarely isolated as an infective bacterium worldwide. The first cases of infections caused by this…”
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Neuromuscular blocking agents in the intensive care unit
Published in Journal of International Medical Research (01-09-2022)“…Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) are a controversial therapeutic option in the approach to the critically ill patient. They are not innocuous, and the…”
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Book Review Journal Article -
Multimodality cardiac imaging in the diagnostic approach to chronic dyspnea: a patient with pericardial lipoma
Published in Future cardiology (01-09-2022)“…Cardiac masses are rare entities that present with a very varied spectrum of manifestations ranging from asymptomatic to severe hemodynamic compromise. They…”
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Novel Biomarkers of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Published in Biomolecules (Basel, Switzerland) (31-03-2023)“…Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a highly prevalent condition worldwide. It represents one of the most common complications arising from diabetes mellitus (DM)…”
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Pneumomediastinum and Pneumothorax Following Non-invasive Respiratory Support in Patients With Severe COVID-19 Disease
Published in Curēus (Palo Alto, CA) (15-10-2021)“…The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic led to an increased number of patients with pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum owing to complications…”
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A man with pain and bluish discoloration of left arm
Published in Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open (01-12-2021)Get full text
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Análogos orales del GLP-1: perspectivas en el control glucémico y riesgo cardiorenal en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Published in Nefrología Latinoamericana (21-05-2024)“…La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es la primera causa de inicio de terapia renal sustitutiva en la actualidad. El manejo de la DM2 en los últimos años ha…”
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Prevalence of Chronic Infection by Hepatitis C Virus in Asymptomatic Population With Risk Factors in Cartagena, Colombia
Published in Frontiers in medicine (04-07-2022)“…IntroductionInfection by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important cause of chronic liver disease, considered a public health problem worldwide with high…”
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Prediabetes and CKD: Does a causal relationship exist
Published in Nefrología (01-09-2024)“…The relationship between diabetes and the development of kidney complications is well known, but the understanding of prediabetes and insulin resistance with…”
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Uso de dapagliflozina en pacientes con nefropatía por IgA: reporte de una serie de cinco casos
Published in Revista Colombiana de endocrinología, diabetes & metabolismo (15-11-2022)“…Introducción: los inhibidores del cotransportador sodio-glucosa tipo 2 (iSGLT2) son terapias innovadoras que han mostrado beneficios más allá del control…”
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Lipoma cardiaco
Published in Revista Colombiana de Cardiología (20-12-2022)“…Resumen Las masas cardiacas son entidades raras que cursan con un espectro muy variado de manifestaciones clínicas que van desde cuadros asintomáticos hasta…”
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Inhibidores de SGLT-2 en Nefropatía Lúpica. Podria considerarse una intervención de Nefroprotección
Published in Revista paraguaya de reumatología (01-12-2022)“…Resumen: El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es un trastorno reumatológico autoinmune crónico. Dentro de los órganos afectados con frecuencia se encuentran…”
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Trombosis de seno venoso asociada con infección por SARS-CoV-2
Published in Acta Neurológica Colombiana (27-04-2022)“…INTRODUCCION: La trombosis del seno venoso se considera una de las causas más infrecuentes de enfermedad cerebrovascular (ECV), prevalente en la edad joven…”
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Fenómeno de Lázaro : retorno de la circulación espontánea después del cese de reanimación cardiopulmonar prolongada en paciente con covid-19
Published in Revista ciencias biomédicas (01-07-2021)“…Introducción: la pandemia por la infección del SARS-CoV-2 o COVID-19 ha impactado de manera inimaginable los sistemas de salud a nivel mundial. La parada…”
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Prediabetes and CKD: Does a causal relationship exist
Published in Nefrología (01-09-2024)“…The relationship between diabetes and the development of kidney complications is well known, but the understanding of prediabetes and insulin resistance with…”
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