Search Results - "Rodríguez Álvarez, Marina"
Randomized Clinical Trial with e-MotionalTraining ® 1.0 for Social Cognition Rehabilitation in Schizophrenia
Published in Frontiers in psychiatry (26-02-2018)“…Schizophrenia patients present deficits in social cognition (SC), emotion and social perception, theory of mind (ToM), and attributional style. This study…”
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Perfil cognitivo alumnado de 1º de ESO y relación con rendimiento académico
Published in Revista de estudios e investigación en psicología y educación (15-12-2017)“…El objetivo principal de esta investigación consiste en conocer el perfil cognitivo que presenta el alumnado de primer curso de Educación Secundaria de un…”
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Neuropsychological impairment and gender differences in HIV‐1 infection
Published in Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences (01-10-2008)“…Aims: Research into neuropsychological consequences of HIV has focused mainly on male subjects, and therefore very little is known about the disease in female…”
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Influencia de factores no relacionados con la infección en el rendimiento neuropsicológico de seropositivos al VIH
Published in Revista de neurologiá (01-09-2002)Get full text
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Influence of depressed mood on neuropsychologic performance in HIV‐seropositive drug users
Published in Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences (01-06-2003)“…Some studies point out that depression affects the performance of HIV patients in neuropsychological tasks, but at present this effect is not clear. The…”
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Neuropsychological impairment and the natural history of HIV-1 infection in Spanish subjects
Published in Functional neurology (01-07-2007)“…The authors set out to determine the rates and pattern of neuropsychological impairment shown by seropositive Spanish patients in different stages of HIV…”
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Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (01-07-2004)“…According to demographic studies, 20-25% of the population of Spain will be elderly in 2020. This ageing of the population entails a notable increase in…”
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Reserva cognitiva y demencia
Published in Anales de psicología (Murcia, Spain) (2004)Get full text
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Rendimiento neuropsicológico y sintomatología depresiva en la demencia tipo alzheimer de inicio tardío esporádica
Published in Revista de neurologiá (01-04-2004)Get full text
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Memoria visuoconstructiva en politoxicómanos
Published in Revista de la Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría (01-01-1992)“…En nuestro trabajo estudiamos la hipótesis de la presencia de deterioro mnésico en sujetos politoxicómanos que utilizan la heroína como droga principal de…”
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CA-125 antigen as peritoneal tuberculosis marker
Published in Revista clínica espanõla (01-10-2001)Get more information
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Solitary metachronous pancreatic metastasis of renal adenocarcinoma
Published in Revista española de enfermedades digestivas (01-06-1993)“…We report the case of a patient who underwent a left nephrectomy for clear cell adenocarcinoma. Four years later he presented with jaundice due to a single…”
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Diverticulitis of the cecum. Presentation of 2 cases
Published in Medicina clínica (01-09-1982)Get more information
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Therapy of cancer of the rectum: personal experience
Published in Revista espanola de las enfermedades del aparato digestivo (01-01-1980)Get more information
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