Search Results - "Rodríguez, Yeny E."
Determinants of the Efficiency of Electricity Generation in Latin America and Caribbean Countries Using a Cragg’s Regression Model
Published in Energies (Basel) (01-12-2023)“…Measuring and understanding the evolution of the electricity generation efficiency sector is a relevant task for policymakers. This study focuses on assessing…”
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Strategic renewal of family firms to face vulnerability risks during times of crisis
Published in International journal of social economics (01-11-2024)“…PurposeThis study aims to unveil the impact of strategic renewal and its implications on employment during the COVID-19 pandemic. It explores the role of…”
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Construction of an efficient portfolio of power purchase decisions based on risk-diversification tradeoff
Published in Energy economics (01-05-2017)“…We present a methodology based on the tradeoff between risk and diversification in order to evaluate a purchase portfolio of energy, where the assets refer to…”
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Diversified behavioral portfolio as an alternative to Modern Portfolio Theory
Published in The North American journal of economics and finance (01-11-2021)“…•In portfolio theory, investor preferences can be modeled as non-statistical uncertainties using fuzzy set.•Higher moments of asset returns are involved as…”
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Wind Put Barrier Options Pricing Based on the Nordix Index
Published in Energies (Basel) (23-02-2021)“…Wind power generators face risks derived from fluctuations in market prices and variability in power production, generated by their high dependence on wind…”
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Dynamic Data Envelopment Analysis Model Involving Undesirable Outputs in the Electricity Power Generation Sector: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean Countries
Published in Energies (Basel) (15-12-2020)“…Studying the evolution of the efficiency of the electricity generation sector is a relevant task for policy makers, and requires the undesirable outputs…”
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GARCH-based put option valuation to maximize benefit of wind investors
Published in Applied energy (31-12-2014)“…•We propose a methodology of put options pricing for users investing in wind projects.•ARIMA–GARCH models for forecasting electricity prices are used to…”
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Women in the family business: self and family's influence on their perceptions of financial performance
Published in International journal of gender and entrepreneurship (29-11-2023)“…PurposeThis study examines how women and men in family firms respond differently when asked about perceptions of financial performance. The study poses three…”
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Overconfidence and disposition effect in the stock market: A micro world based setting
Published in Journal of behavioral and experimental finance (01-03-2019)“…Modern financial theory relies on the rationality assumption of investors even though, evidence suggests that market investors are affected by behavioural…”
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Multiperiod Portfolio of Energy Purchasing Strategies including Climate Scenarios
Published in Energies (Basel) (01-05-2022)“…Because electricity retailers must ensure that energy supply matches end-user demand, electricity that is not traded through bilateral contracts is typically…”
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Incentives for wind power investment in Colombia
Published in Renewable energy (01-03-2016)“…This paper develops an energy policy measure for renewable sources in Colombia, in particular wind generation. The proposal is done at the decentralized level,…”
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Family business risk-taking and financial performance: Is it easier said than done?
Published in Journal of family business strategy (01-12-2021)“…•We analyze the risk-performance relationship, and we distinguish between risk taking orientation (RTO) and entrepreneurial risk taking (ERT).•We find a…”
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Emerging strategies and challenges faced by professors during Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) at a Colombian university
Published in Tuning Journal for Higher Education (01-11-2023)“…This paper analyzed the relationship between emergent teaching strategies and the challenges professors at Universidad Icesi (Cali, Colombia) faced when…”
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Published in Journal of small business strategy (01-01-2017)“…Leadership, governance and performance in family businesses are broadly studied, but results are contradictory. There is a need for deeper understanding of…”
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