Search Results - "Rocha, Semiramis Melani Melo"
Social support, socioeconomic and clinical risk: comparison between neighborhoods in a Brazilian upcountry town
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-08-2012)“…The objective of this study was to compare the perceptions of two families living in two different neighborhoods (rated according to risk levels) regarding…”
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Health needs and nursing care
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-11-2016)“…to present the concept of needs according to different approaches to discuss the possibility of health care that incorporates a broader view of human…”
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Spiritual support for people living with HIV/AIDS: A Brazilian explorative, descriptive study
Published in Nursing & health sciences (01-12-2012)“…In this exploratory and descriptive research, we identified the meaning of religion and spirituality in the experience of patients at a public health service…”
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The influence of social support on strengthening families of children with chronic renal failure
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-07-2008)“…This paper presents a study of the families of children on peritoneal dialysis, emphasizing the identification of social supports and networks to strengthen…”
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Social support and families of children with cancer: an integrative review
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-05-2008)“…This study aimed to search available evidences in literature about social support to families of children with cancer. An integrative review was elaborated and…”
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Social support and social network in family nursing: reviewing concepts
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-03-2008)“…Social support and social network concepts are resources applicable to Family Nursing, as they are aimed at improving families' quality of life, and also at…”
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Promoting health in families of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Published in International journal of nursing practice (01-04-2010)“…de Oliveira IR, Nascif‐Júnior IA, Rocha SMM. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16: 106–111 Promoting health in families of children with type 1…”
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Religion and spirituality: the experience of families of children with Chronic Renal Failure
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-01-2009)“…To describe the manifestations of religiosity and spirituality in families of children with Chronic Kidney Failure undergoing peritoneal dialysis. This…”
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Atenção às necessidades espirituais na prática clínica de enfermeiros
Published in Aquichan (01-06-2016)“…Ao considerar a integralidade do cuidado, é necessário que os enfermeiros sistematizem o cuidado espiritual e proponham intervenções nessa dimensão aos seus…”
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Social support and networks in health promotion of older people: a case study in Brazil
Published in International journal of older people nursing (01-12-2009)“…Aim. This research aimed at identifying social support for older people and their families. Background. The Brazilian National Policy for Older People’s…”
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Necessidades de saúde e o cuidado de enfermagem
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem“…RESUMO Objetivo: apresentar os conceitos de necessidades em distintas vertentes para discutir a possibilidade de um atendimento que incorpore, no serviço de…”
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Atenção às necessidades espirituais na prática clínica de enfermeiros
Published in Aquichan (01-06-2016)“…Al considerar la integralidad del cuidado, es necesario que los enfermeros sistematicen el cuidado espiritual y propongan intervenciones en esta dimensión a…”
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Contribuições do genograma e do ecomapa para o estudo de famílias em enfermagem pediátrica
Published in Texto & contexto enfermagem (01-06-2005)“…O genograma e o ecomapa têm se mostrado como valiosos instrumentos para a compreensão de processos familiares. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de descrever a…”
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Experience of parents and other family members in the care to children and adolescents after bone marrow transplantation
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-07-2005)“…The purpose of this study is to describe how parents and other family members of children and adolescents submitted to Bone Marrow Transplantation, specially…”
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Criança hospitalizada: mãe e enfermagem compartilhando o cuidado
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (2004)“…Nesta pesquisa objetivou-se verificar em que momento, em quais cuidados e de que forma as mães são incluídas na assistência à criança hospitalizada e verificar…”
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Brazilian mothers' experiences of home care for their low birth weight infants
Published in Neonatal network (01-02-2002)“…To describe Brazilian mothers' experiences of home care for their low birth weight (LBW) infants. Descriptive. Eleven Brazilian mothers whose LBW infants were…”
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Involvement and fragmentation: a study of parental care of hospitalized children in Brazil
Published in Pediatric nursing (01-11-2001)“…Parental involvement in the care of children who are hospitalized has been encouraged by the government in Brazil, as it has in the United Kingdom (UK). In…”
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Cartilha educativa para orientação materna sobre os cuidados com o bebê prematuro
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-02-2004)“…O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever o desenvolvimento de material didático-instrucional, dirigido ao treinamento materno para preparar a alta…”
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Participação e autonomia da mãe no cuidado ao filho hospitalizado
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-06-2003)“…Trata-se de um estudo de natureza qualitativa cujo objetivo foi verificar qual o sentido e o significado para as mães de sua permanência no hospital e sua…”
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Necessidades de saúde e o cuidado de enfermagem
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-12-2016)“…RESUMO Objetivo: apresentar os conceitos de necessidades em distintas vertentes para discutir a possibilidade de um atendimento que incorpore, no serviço de…”
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