Search Results - "Rocha, Carlos Machado da"
Research for Cytomegalovirus Mutations Associated With Resistance to Antivirals in Kidney Transplant Receptors
Published in Cell transplantation (01-01-2023)“…Cytomegalovirus (CMV) mutations associated with antiviral resistance have become a major problem related to high mortality in kidney transplant patients. The…”
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Effect of the kaurenoic acid on genotoxicity and cell cycle progression in cervical cancer cells lines
Published in Toxicology in vitro (01-06-2019)“…•Toxicity of kaurenoic acid (KA) was evaluated in three cervical cancer cell lines: HeLa, CaSki and C33A.•KA showed a strong positive correlation with DNA…”
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Studies of micronuclei and other nuclear abnormalities in red blood cells of Colossoma macropomum exposed to methylmercury
Published in Genetics and molecular biology (01-01-2011)“…The frequencies of micronuclei (MN) and morphological nuclear abnormalities (NA) in erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum),…”
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Quantitative difference of oral pathogen between individuals with gastric cancer and individuals without cancer
Published in Oncotarget (17-08-2021)“…The loss of teeth and lack of oral hygiene have been associated with the risk of developing gastric cancer (GC) in several populations evidenced in…”
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Detection of Anisakidae larvae parasitizing Plagioscion squamosissimus and Pellona castelnaeana in the State of Pará, Brazil
Published in Acta scientiarum. Biological sciences (18-09-2017)“…Five specimens of Plagioscion squamosissimus from Xingu River and ten specimens of Pellona castelnaeana from Mosqueiro Island, both in the State of Para,…”
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Mutagenic and histopathological effects of hexavalent chromium in tadpoles of Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802) (Anura, Ranidae)
Published in Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (15-11-2018)“…The potential mutagenic and histopathological effects of the hexavalent chromium were investigated in Lithobates catesbeianus tadpoles. These larvae (GS 25-31)…”
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Deregulation of the SRC Family Tyrosine Kinases in Gastric Carcinogenesis in Non-human Primates
Published in Anticancer research (01-11-2018)“…The evolution of gastric carcinogenesis remains largely unknown, as the regulatory mechanisms involved in the aggressiveness of gastric cancer are still poorly…”
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Effect of diterpenoid kaurenoic acid on genotoxicity and cell cycle progression in gastric cancer cell lines
Published in Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy (01-05-2017)“…Abstract The goal of our study was to evaluate the effect of kaurenoic acid, obtained from copaiba oil resin, in gastric cancer (GC) and a normal mucosa of…”
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Investigation into the cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of the Marajó Archipelago waters using Plagioscion squamosissimus (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) as a bioindicator
Published in Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (01-10-2016)“…Maintaining water quality within tolerable limits is a basic need of the riverside communities in the Amazon. Using endemic aquatic organisms as biological…”
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Protective effect of prolactin against methylmercury-induced mutagenicity and cytotoxicity on human lymphocytes
Published in International journal of environmental research and public health (22-09-2014)“…Mercury exhibits cytotoxic and mutagenic properties as a result of its effect on tubulin. This toxicity mechanism is related to the production of free radicals…”
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Prospecção Tecnológica do Setor Moveleiro: panorama dos depósitos de registros de desenho industrial de móveis no Brasil
Published in Cadernos de Prospecção (01-10-2022)“…A indústria moveleira brasileira tem um papel de destaque no cenário mundial, apresentando números importantes de produção e de exportação. Contudo, quanto…”
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Parasitic Helminths of the Freshwater Neotropical Fish Hoplias malabaricus (Characiformes, Erythrinidae) from South America Basins
Published in Reviews in fisheries science (01-01-2011)“…This study gathered the largest amount of evidence available concerning the presence of helminths in the Hoplias malabaricus species (Trahira, traíra in…”
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Evaluation of Genotoxic Effects of Xenobiotics in Fishes Using Comet Assay-A Review
Published in Reviews in fisheries science (12-02-2009)“…Comet assay is a useful tool on the evaluation of DNA damage, and it can estimate the genetic risk followed by xenobiotic exposures. This technique has been…”
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Propriedade Intelectual: panorama do desenho industrial entre os microempresários do setor de marcenaria da região metropolitana de Belém
Published in Cadernos de Prospecção (01-04-2023)“…Em mercados competitivos, o desenho industrial constitui modalidade de propriedade intelectual de extrema relevância para setores como o da marcenaria…”
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Prospecção Tecnológica sobre o Setor de Plataformas de Inteligência Artificial Aplicadas ao Reposicionamento de Drogas Contra a COVID-19
Published in Cadernos de Prospecção (15-03-2023)“…Em um mundo pós-pandemia, em que as cadeias de transmissão do vírus SARS-CoV-2 ainda se farão presentes, é clara a necessidade do domínio dos algoritmos de…”
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In vitro assessment of cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic effects of antimalarial drugs artemisinin and artemether in human lymphocytes
Published in Drug and chemical toxicology (New York, N.Y. 1978) (02-11-2019)“…Artemisinin is a substance extracted from the Chinese plant Artemisia annua L. widely used in natural medicine for the treatment of various diseases…”
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Tecnologias Emergentes nas Serventias Notariais (Cartórios de Notas)
Published in Cadernos de Prospecção (01-10-2023)“…A fim de garantir publicidade, autenticidade, segurança e eficácia dos atos jurídicos, as serventias extrajudiciais descentralizam a atuação do poder público,…”
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Estudo Prospectivo Sobre a Aplicação da Biorremediação na Aquicultura
Published in Cadernos de Prospecção (01-01-2023)“…A aquicultura tem despontado como alternativa para a segurança alimentar da população, assim como a biorremediação surgiu como tecnologia oportuna para mitigar…”
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Detection of Anisakidae larvae parasitizing Plagioscion squamosissimus and Pellona castelnaeana in the State of Para, Brazil/Deteccao de larvas de Anisakidae parasitando Plagioscion squamosissimus e Pellona castelnaeana no Estado do Para, Brasil
Published in Acta scientiarum. Biological sciences (01-07-2017)“…Five specimens of Plagioscion squamosissimus from Xingu River and ten specimens of Pellona castelnaeana from Mosqueiro Island, both in the State of Para,…”
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Estudo Prospectivo Sobre Inteligência Artificial Aplicado ao Setor da Construção Civil
Published in Cadernos de Prospecção (12-07-2020)“…A inteligência artificial é uma tecnologia que permite que máquinas aprendam com experiências, ajustando-se a cada nova informação, realizando tarefas como…”
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