Search Results - "Robertson, John Monteath"

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  1. 1

    X-ray analysis of the dibenzyl series V—Tolane and the triple bond by Robertson, John Monteath, Woodward, Ida

    “…The detailed structure of stilbene has recently been described (Robertson and Woodward 1937) and a theoretical discussion of the resonance problem in that type…”
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  2. 2

    A new form of resorcinol. I. Structure determination by X-rays by Robertson, John Monteath, Ubbelohde, A. R.

    “…At about 74º C. ordinary resorcinol (α-resorcinol) undergoes a transformation into a denser crystalline modification, called β-resorcinol (Ubbelohde and…”
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  3. 3

    James Wilfred Cook, 10 December - 21 October 1975 by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…James Wilfred Cook, eminent chemist and university administrator, was born in South Kensington, London, on 10 December 1900.* His father, Charles William Cook,…”
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  4. 4

    A discussion on bond energies and bond lengths - The measurement of bond lengths in conjugated molecules of Carbon Centres by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…I believe there are at least two good reasons for choosing this subject for my contribution. In the now fairly long history of the science of X -ray crystal…”
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  5. 5

    An X-ray Study of the Structure of Some Organic Molecules by Robertson, John Monteath

    Published 01-01-1933
    “…The anthracene structure, which was already partly known, has been investigated in detail. The intensity measurements have been made as accurate and as…”
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    X-ray analysis of the structure of dibenzyl II—Fourier analysis by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…The first part of this work described the analysis of the structure by trial and gave some account of the experimental measurements. It was shown that in…”
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  8. 8

    The crystalline structure of naphthalene. A quantitative X-ray investigation by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…Crystal Data. Naphthalene.—C10H8. Melting point 80° C. Density 1·152 (calc. 1·172). Monoclinic prismatic, a = 8·29, b = 5·97, c = 8·68 A., β = 122·7°. Space…”
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  9. 9

    The Measurement of Bond Lengths in Conjugated Molecules of Carbon Centres by Robertson, J. M.

    “…I believe there are at least two good reasons for choosing this subject for my contribution. In the now fairly long history of the science of X -ray crystal…”
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  10. 10

    The structure of resorcinol a quantitative X-ray investigation by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…Previous investigations of organic crystals have served to determine the dimensions and structure of the aromatic carbon ring and of certain simple substituent…”
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  11. 11

    The structure of benzoquinone. A quantitative X-ray investigation by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…One of the principal results of recent X-ray studies of aromatic compounds has been the proof that the benzene ring has the form of a regular plane hexagon,…”
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  12. 12

    Fourier analysis of the durene structure by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…In recent paper the crystal structure of durene, 1. 2. 4. 5. -tetramethyl benzene, has been described. The experimental work, including the measurement of the…”
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  13. 13

    The crystalline structure of anthracene. A quantitative X-ray investigation by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…The aromatic hydrocarbons naphthalene and anthracene were among the first organic compounds to be investigated by the X-ray method. The early work on these…”
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  14. 14

    X-ray analysis of the crystal structure of durene by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…The crystal structure of durene, 1. 2. 4. 5. (sym.)-tetramethyi benzene, C6H2(CH3)4, has not previously been examined by the X-ray method, but the class and…”
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  15. 15

    X-ray analysis of the crystal structure of dibenzyl - I—Experimental and structure by trial by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…The molecules of those aromatic compounds such as naphthalene, durene, and diphenyl which have been examined in detail by the X-ray method are all found to…”
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  16. 16

    An X-ray investigation of the structure of naphthalene and anthracene by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…In the present paper an attempt is made to develop a geometrical structure factor which will account for the intensity distribution in the various spectra of…”
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  17. 17

    An X-ray investigation of the structure of some naphthalene derivatives by Robertson, John Monteath

    “…The crystal structure of naphthalene tetrachloride has been investigated by Sir William Bragg, who finds it to consist of a monoclinic body-centred lattice…”
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  18. 18

    Structure and molecular anisotropy of sorbic acid, CH3 . CH : CH . CH : CH . COOH by Lonsdale, Kathleen Yardley, Robertson, John Monteath, Woodward, Ida

    “…A preliminary study of sorbic acid has shown that the monoclinic unit cell contains eight molecules, these being linked in pairs by hydrogen bonds about the…”
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  19. 19

    The crystal structure of cupric tropolone: a refinement by Macintyre, W. M., Robertson, John Monteath, Zahrobsky, R. F.

    “…The crystal structure of cupric tropolone has been refined using three-dimensional crystallographic data. The bond length alternation around the molecule,…”
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  20. 20

    A new form of resorcinol. II. Thermodynamic properties in relation to structure by Robertson, John Monteath, Ubbelohde, A. R.

    “…As is discussed below, resorcinol is one of a limited number of substances for which the denser polymorph is stable at higher temperatures. It is also one of…”
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