Search Results - "Roberts, William E."
Operative vaginal delivery: A survey of fellows of ACOG
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-12-1996)“…To document operative vaginal delivery rates of ACOG Fellows and to stratify practice patterns with regard to mid-pelvic delivery and deep transverse arrest by…”
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Does the presence of a funnel increase the risk of adverse perinatal outcome in a patient with a short cervix?
Published in American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (01-04-2005)“…This study was undertaken to determine whether the presence of a dilated internal os (funneling or beaking) alters the outcome of patients with a short cervix…”
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Journal Article Conference Proceeding -
Does cerclage prevent preterm birth?
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology clinics of North America (01-09-2005)“…Cerclage procedures can be classified according to timing, (elective, urgent, emergent), and anatomic approach (transvaginal and transabdominal). The most…”
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Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-10-1999)Get full text
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Randomized trial of intermittent or continuous amnioinfusion for variable decelerations
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-10-2000)“…Objective: To determine whether continuous or intermittent bolus amnioinfusion is more effective in relieving variable decelerations. Methods: Patients with…”
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Modern obstetric management and outcome of infants with gastroschisis
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-07-1999)“…Objective: To determine whether outcomes of infants with gastroschisis differed by mode or site of delivery, diagnostic method, or when maternal-fetal medicine…”
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Single umbilical artery is associated with an increased incidence of structural and chromosomal anomalies and growth restriction
Published in American journal of perinatology (2000)“…The objective to characterize neonatal outcome associated with ultrasonographic identification of a single umbilical artery. Pregnancies diagnosed with single…”
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A randomized trial of two vacuum extraction techniques
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-05-1997)“…Objective: To determine whether two techniques of vacuum extraction delivery—continuous vacuum and intermittent vacuum—have different effects on maternal-fetal…”
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Forceps and vacuum delivery: A survey of North American residency programs
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-10-1996)“…To document resident instruction in operative vaginal delivery by forceps and vacuum. A survey was sent to all 291 obstetrics-gynecology training programs in…”
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Has the Use of Home Monitors, Fetal Fibronectin, and Measurement of Cervical Length Helped Predict Labor and/or Prevent Preterm Delivery in Twins?
Published in Clinical obstetrics and gynecology (01-03-1998)“…Home monitoring accurately detects contractions, and thus is useful in predicting preterm labor. Appropriate physician action is necessary to significantly…”
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Dominant maternal sleep position influences site of placental implantation
Published in Military medicine (2002)“…The objective of this study was to determine if maternal sleeping position around the time of implantation influences eventual placental implantation site…”
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Labor and membrane rupture in twin gestation : Can they affect the ability to estimate fetal weight?
Published in Journal of reproductive medicine (01-05-2001)“…To determine whether labor or fetal membrane rupture adversely affects the ability of ultrasound to accurately estimate fetal weight (EFW) in a twin gestation…”
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Maternal Mortality Associated With Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Published in Obstetrical & gynecological survey (01-01-1999)Get full text
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The incidence of preterm labor and specific risk factors
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-07-1990)“…A retrospective review of patients at high risk for preterm delivery because of twin gestation, uterine malformation, incompetent cervix, or previous preterm…”
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Intrapartum assessment by house staff of birth weight among twins
Published in Obstetrics and gynecology (New York. 1953) (01-10-1993)“…To determine among twins in labor: 1) the relative accuracy of an intrapartum sonographic estimate of the birth weight for both fetuses using biparietal…”
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Intra‐operative haemorrhage by blunt versus sharp expansion of the uterine incision at caesarean delivery: a randomised clinical trial
Published in BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (01-04-2002)“…Objective To determine whether the method used to expand the uterine incision for caesarean delivery affects the incidence of intra‐operative haemorrhage…”
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Pharmacologic induction of fetal lung maturity
Published in Clinical obstetrics and gynecology (01-06-1991)“…The consequences of a preterm birth are usually not secondary to a developmental abnormality but rather due to the immaturity of one or more organ systems…”
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Intra-operative haemorrhage by blunt versus sharp expansion of the uterine incision at caesarean delivery: a randomised clinical trial
Published in BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology (01-04-2002)“…To determine whether the method used to expand the uterine incision for caesarean delivery affects the incidence of intra-operative haemorrhage. A prospective…”
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The recurrence risk of the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets (HELLP) in subsequent gestations
Published in American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (01-10-1994)“…Objective: Although it is an important clinical issue, accurate prediction of recurrence risk for the syndrome of hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low…”
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Delivery of the nonvortex second twin: Breech extraction versus external cephalic version
Published in American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (1995)“…OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to compare the maternal and perinatal outcomes of twin gestations in which the nonvortex second twin was delivered by total breech…”
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