Search Results - "Rizzuti, B."
Towards Establishing a Connection Between Two-Level Quantum Systems and Physical Spaces
Published in Brazilian journal of physics (01-08-2024)“…This work seeks to make explicit the operational connection between the preparation of two-level quantum systems with their corresponding description (as…”
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Operational Approach to the Topological Structure of the Physical Space
Published in Foundations of science (01-09-2020)“…definitions and explanations frequently come together and permeate almost all fields of knowledge. This does not exclude mathematics, even when these…”
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Reparametrization-invariant formulation of classical mechanics and the Schrödinger equation
Published in American journal of physics (01-08-2011)“…Any classical-mechanics system can be formulated in reparametrization-invariant form. That is, we use the parametric representation for the trajectories, x = x…”
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Five-dimensional mechanics as the starting point for the Magueijo–Smolin doubly special relativity
Published in Physics letters. B (11-08-2011)“…We discuss a way to obtain the doubly special relativity kinematical rules (the deformed energy–momentum relation and the nonlinear Lorentz transformations of…”
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Thermally induced denaturation and aggregation of BLG-A: effect of the Cu2+ and Zn2+ metal ions
Published in European biophysics journal (01-10-2008)“…There is growing evidence that metal ions can accelerate the aggregation process of several proteins. This process, associated with several neuro-degenerative…”
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Thermally induced denaturation and aggregation of BLG-A: effect of the Cu(2+) and Zn (2+) metal ions
Published in European biophysics journal (01-10-2008)“…There is growing evidence that metal ions can accelerate the aggregation process of several proteins. This process, associated with several neuro-degenerative…”
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On the connection between Lenz's law and relativity
Published 07-11-2023“…Eur. J. Phys. 44, 065204 (2023) In this work, we demonstrate explicitly the unified nature of electric and magnetic fields, from the principles of special…”
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A Categorical View on the Principle of Relativity
Published 15-09-2023“…Reports on Mathematical Physics 92, 291-307 (2023) Category theory plays a special character in mathematics - it unifies distinct branches under the same…”
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A Comment on the Classical Electron Self-Energy
Published 14-08-2023“…International Journal of Theoretical Physics 62, 181 (2023) This paper is devoted to the analysis of the divergence of the electron self-energy in classical…”
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Towards establishing a connection between two-level quantum systems and physical spaces
Published 24-04-2024“…Brazilian Journal of Physics 54, 93 (2024) This work seeks to make explicit the operational connection between the preparation of two-level quantum systems…”
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One Hundred Years Later: Stern-Gerlach Experiment and Dimension Witnesses
Published 06-04-2023“…Revista Brasileira de Ensino de F\'isica, vol. 45, e20220227 (2023) Inspired by the one-hundredth anniversary of the seminal works of Stern and Gerlach, our…”
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Is time the real line?
Published 21-09-2022“…Foundations of Physics 52 (2022) 105 This paper is devoted to discussing the topological structure of the arrow of time. In the literature, it is often…”
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Classical gauge principle -- From field theories to classical mechanics
Published 01-03-2022“…Brazilian Journal of Physics 52, 63 (2022) In this paper we discuss how the gauge principle can be applied to classical-mechanics models with finite degrees of…”
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A Comment on the Classical Electron Self-Energy
Published in International journal of theoretical physics (12-08-2023)“…This paper is devoted to the analysis of the divergence of the electron self-energy in classical electrodynamics. To do so, we appeal to the theory of…”
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Uma proposta didática para o estudo da interação magnética entre ímãs e algumas considerações epistemológicas
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (2020)“…Resumo A força de interação magnética entre ímãs é um efeito curioso, que prende a atenção de pessoas das mais variadas faixas etárias. Se por um lado, sua…”
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Operational approach to the topological structure of the physical space
Published 02-04-2019“…Found. Sci. 25, 711-735 (2020) Abstract axiomatic formulation of mathematical structures are extensively used to describe our physical world. We take here the…”
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A categorical view on the principle of relativity
Published in Reports on mathematical physics (01-12-2023)Get full text
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A importância do conceito da radiação solar na educação básica: a percepção de alunos do ensino médio sobre a temática
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (2021)“…A exposição excessiva à radiação solar (RS) é o principal causador do câncer de pele. O objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a percepção de estudantes do…”
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