Search Results - "Riyanto, Dwi"
Financial inclusion, economic growth, and poverty alleviation: evidence from eastern Indonesia
Published in Heliyon (01-10-2020)“…The need for a good understanding of the relationship between financial inclusion and economic growth has become a significant concern in national development…”
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Perinatal depression screening by health cadres in Indonesia: EPDS or Whooley?
Published in Journal of public mental health (30-10-2024)“…Purpose This study aims to investigate the feasibility of health cadres in Indonesia to take perinatal depression screening in the community using Edinburgh…”
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The Benefits of Integrating Video Making in a Speaking Class
Published in English Language Teaching Educational Journal (29-04-2020)“…Integrated teaching has been advocated and implemented for decades. Lately it has been accelerated by the development of video making. This study aims to…”
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Upacara Adat Tengger di Ambang Komodifikasi: Merawat Tradisi dari Ancaman Desakralisasi
Published in Jurnal antropologi (18-12-2021)“…The phenomenon of profanation of sacred traditions in the tourism industry is increasingly prevalent. Considering that matter, some steps should be taken to…”
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Pengaruh Faktor Air Semen terhadap Kuat Tekan Beton dengan Agregat Batu Apung
Published in Semesta teknika : jurnal ilmiah Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (28-08-2018)“…Lightweight concrete is concrete that has a unit weight less than 1800 kg/m3. Pumice can be used to make lightweight concrete as the replacement of coarse…”
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Performing motherhood in the height of the New Order era: The contestation of two women in Dua Ibu
Published in Edulite (Online) (31-08-2021)“…The New Order regime in Indonesia was marked with a strong and centralized power including in defining motherhood. This article is aimed at investigating how…”
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Determinants of Financing Decisions for Micro Enterprises in Malang City in 2022-2023 Moderated by Islamic Financial Literacy
Published in Journal of Indonesian applied economics (29-02-2024)“…Purpose This study aims to analyze the Determinants of Financing Decisions in Micro Enterprises in Malang City Moderated by Sharia Financial Literacy…”
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Design and Build Miniature Production System (MPS) on Handling Station and Sort Station Using Cascade Controller
Published in Elkha: Jurnal Teknik elektro (Pontianak) (20-04-2022)“…The sorting process based on color generally still uses human power. This has a weakness, i.e., human judgements that are subjective and inconsistent, and work…”
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Optimum Currency Area in Asean 5 Countries: Is it Appropriate to Use American Dollar As the Standar Currency?
Published in Jurnal ekonomi & studi pembangunan (Malang.) (03-05-2021)“…Many times ASEAN countries experienced economic crisis in 1997/1998 and financial crisis in 2008. The similar patterns of cisis among those countries make some…”
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Published in Simetris (Online) (01-04-2019)“…Salah satu indikator yang dijadikan salah satu penilaian dalam proses perkuliahan adalah rekap kehadiran mahasiswa yang tertuang dalam presensi mahasiswa…”
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Published in Jurnal Berdaya Mandiri (09-08-2019)“…Maos Lor Village is one of 10 villages in Maos Sub-District, Cilacap Regency. The number of small industries is 18 businesses with 61 workers and home…”
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Sustainable Management for Healthy and Productive Watersheds in Indonesia
Published in Land (Basel) (01-11-2023)“…Indonesian watershed management continues to struggle with various problems caused by natural disasters, particularly hydrometeorological disasters, which are…”
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KBJNet: Kinematic Bi-Joint Temporal Convolutional Network Attention for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data
Published in Data science journal (04-03-2024)“…Detecting anomalies in multivariate time series data is crucial to ensure the security and stability of industrial processes. Yet, it remains challenging due…”
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Study on Species Diversity and Stand Structure in Meru Betiri National Park
Published in Forum Geografi (06-08-2015)“…National parks are forest ecosystems that contain biotic and abiotic resources. Biodiversity is the data and information necessary to understand the degree of…”
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Resource Utilization Comparison of KubeEdge, K3s, and Nomad for Edge Computing
Published in 2023 10th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI) (20-09-2023)“…Containers have become increasingly popular as a lightweight form of virtualization technology in the past few years. This surge in popularity aligns closely…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Image Processing untuk Deteksi Objek pada Daerah Bencana
Published in Invotek: Jurnal Inovasi Vokasional dan Teknologi (01-06-2020)“…Pencarian korban pasca terjadinya bencana alam menjadi faktor yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Objek yang mayoritas diperhatikan adalah manusia. Cepat…”
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Audience Reception Analysis on the Phenomenon of ‘Nonsense’ Lyrical Meaning of Asmalibrasi by Soegi Bornean
Published in JSM (Jurnal Seni Musik) (30-06-2023)“…This article discusses the prevailing debate regarding the phenomenon of ‘nonsense’ lyrical meaning of Asmalibrasi, a song released in 2020 by Soegi Bornean,…”
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Takut, Bertaut, and Runtuh: Analizing the Authenticity of Autobiographical Lyrics and Their Relation With Youth Reception
Published in JSM (Jurnal Seni Musik) (24-06-2023)“…Previous studies showed that love has become an eternal theme in pop music. But since the early 2000s, new themes with negative sentiments such as pain,…”
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The Development of CNC Hot Wire 3D Cutting Foam Tool
Published in Jurnal Jaringan Telekomunikasi (30-06-2023)“…Wedding decorations are considered incomplete without decoration. The decoration business must prepare a skilled and creative workforce and improve the…”
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Pemanfaatan Rawa Pasang Surut Untuk Tambak Ikan Bandeng
Published in Madani (Politeknik Negeri Cilacap. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) (01-09-2022)“…Tritih Lor is a village at Cilacap that consists of swaps that are formed by ocean tides. Our partner as a fish farmer group at Tritih Lor has utilized the…”
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