Search Results - "Rioseco, P."
Outcomes of open intraperitoneal incisional hernia repair based on patient-reported outcomes
Published in Hernia : the journal of hernias and abdominal wall surgery (01-02-2014)“…Purpose The outcomes of open incisional hernia repair from the patients’ point of view have variations over time, and only continuous follow-up would reflect…”
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P02-24 - Prevalence of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders in Santiago, Chile: a community epidemiological study
Published in European psychiatry (2010)“…Objectives To determine the prevalence of DSM-IV psychiatric disorders in a representative sample of children and adolescents living in Santiago, Chile, as…”
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The mini-mental state examination: Age and education distribution for a Latin American population
Published in Aging & mental health (01-01-2008)“…The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is used widely internationally. Data on population age and gender distribution of MMSE scores outside of the US is…”
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Determination of clozapine in serum of patients with schizophrenia as a measurement of medication compliance
Published in International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice (2010)“…Abstract Although antipsychotic drugs have been effective in reducing symptoms of schizophrenia, issues with adherence to these agents continue to be a barrier…”
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Spanish validation of the Syndrom Kurztest (SKT)
Published in Alzheimer disease and associated disorders (01-10-2001)“…There is an urgent need in multinational studies for efficient and sensitive tests for the evaluation of dementias. These tests are used to investigate the…”
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Tigres azules de J. L. Borges. Lógica, verdad y mundos imposibles
Published in Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso (28-12-2017)“…El propósito de este artículo es mostrar el modo en que Borges, en su relato Tigres azules, desarrolla varias ideas interesantes en torno a la lógica, el…”
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Population prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Chile: 6-month and 1-month rates
Published in British journal of psychiatry (01-04-2004)“…Few South American studies have examined current prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders. To examine prevalence rates in a nationally representative adult…”
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Use of Mental Health Services in Chile
Published in Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) (01-01-2004)“…OBJECTIVES: To address the growing burden of mental illness in Latin America, a better understanding of mental health service use and barriers to care is…”
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Prediction of depression in European general practice attendees: the PREDICT study
Published in BMC public health (12-01-2006)“…Prevention of depression must address multiple risk factors. Estimating overall risk across a range of putative risk factors is fundamental to prevention of…”
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Psychiatric Disorders among the Mapuche in Chile
Published in International journal of social psychiatry (01-06-2005)“…Background: The Mapuche are the largest indigenous group in Chile; yet almost all data on the mental health of indigenous populations are from North America…”
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Service use patterns among adults with mental health problems in Chile
Published in Revista panamericana de salud pública (01-10-2005)“…To describe the patterns in the use of general health services and specialized health services among adults with mental health problems in Chile, as well as…”
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Unspecific bronchial hyperreactivity in inactive pulmonary tuberculosis
Published in Revista medíca de Chile (01-04-1985)Get more information
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