Search Results - "Ridwan Sutriadi"
A phenomenon in urban disruption: the emergence of Coworking Spaces in Bandung
Published in Heliyon (01-07-2021)“…Since the emergence of urban planning science at the beginning of 20th century, urban disruption as innovation is highly connected to the urban planning…”
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Behind the scenes of COVID-19 response: a social network analysis of policy actors in Bandung City
Published in Cogent social sciences (31-12-2024)“…Mapping the roles of various actors involved in handling a pandemic is significant for effective policy integration. It helps clarify each actor’s authority,…”
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Transforming Public Services: A Systematic Review of Smart Government Frameworks, Architectures, and Implementation Challenges
Published in IEEE access (2024)“…In the digital era, transforming public services through the application of innovative technologies to form a Smart Government has become a priority for…”
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Journal Article -
Published in Tata loka (31-08-2019)“…Planning in public domain in practice is seemingly seen as a utopian concept. Once the knowledge that becomes the basis of planning is built on the pure…”
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Soft Infrastructure in Smart Sustainable Cities: A Literature Review
Published in Journal of Indonesia Sustainable Development Planning (30-08-2023)“…Learning from the cases in Indonesia, the proliferation of advanced technologies has engendered a burgeoning interest in smart city promotion as a dominant…”
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Upaya Mendorong Kolaborasi menuju Pengembangan Struktur Ruang Bernuansa Knowledge Based di Era Disrupsi
Published in Tata loka (30-11-2020)“…This paper explores the development of multi centre urban spatial structures, as the development of three classical models, namely monocentric, sectoral, and…”
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Low‐tech industry, regional innovation system and inter‐actor collaboration in Indonesia: The case of the Pekalongan batik industry
Published in Asia Pacific viewpoint (01-12-2018)“…A focus on high‐tech industries has neglected the potential of low‐tech industries in regional economic policy. This paper critically assesses the application…”
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Journal Article -
Mobile Technology and the Challenge to Promote a Communicative City in Indonesia. Case Study Bandung Metropolitan Area
Published 2011“…The objective of this study is to assess the role of mobile technology to promote a communicative city in Indonesia. The focus is on mobile technologies as…”
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Dissertation -
A note in identifiying competing actors of technopolis: A case study of gedebage technopolis' core area formation
Published in 2017 International Conference on ICT For Smart Society (ICISS) (01-09-2017)“…Bandung as one of the metropolitan in Indonesia shows the city growth and development in the last decade, the formation of Teknopolis Gedebage's core area was…”
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Conference Proceeding -
From social learning to territorial knowledge based development: Issues in optimizing technopolis in cimahi
Published in 2017 International Conference on ICT For Smart Society (ICISS) (01-09-2017)“…Social learning leads to the understanding of factual knowledge, technical skills, change of cognitions, as well as change of attitudes, trust and…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Mobile technology and the challenge to promote a communicative city in Indonesia. Case study Bandung metropolitan area
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