Search Results - "Ricapito, I"

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  1. 1

    An overview of the EU breeding blanket design strategy as an integral part of the DEMO design effort by Federici, G., Boccaccini, L., Cismondi, F., Gasparotto, M., Poitevin, Y., Ricapito, I.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-04-2019)
    “…•The performance and reliability of the breeding blanket are foremost considerations in the development and deployment of fusion power.•No breeding blanket has…”
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  2. 2

    Lead–lithium eutectic material database for nuclear fusion technology by Mas de les Valls, E., Sedano, L.A., Batet, L., Ricapito, I., Aiello, A., Gastaldi, O., Gabriel, F.

    Published in Journal of nuclear materials (15-06-2008)
    “…Fully validated material databases are needed for coherent technological developments in any R&D field. For nuclear fusion technology (NFT), within a near-term…”
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  3. 3

    European TBM programme: First elements of RoX and technical performance assessment for DEMO breeding blankets by Ricapito, I., Cismondi, F., Federici, G., Poitevin, Y., Zmitko, M.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-07-2020)
    “…•European TBM Programme (description).•European DEMO Breeding Blanket Programme (description).•Technical Requirements on the Breeding blanket for DEMO.•TBM…”
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  4. 4

    Overview of the ITER TBM Program by Giancarli, L.M., Abdou, M., Campbell, D.J., Chuyanov, V.A., Ahn, M.Y., Enoeda, M., Pan, C., Poitevin, Y., Rajendra Kumar, E., Ricapito, I., Strebkov, Y., Suzuki, S., Wong, P.C., Zmitko, M.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-08-2012)
    “…► The ITER TBM Program is the answer to the ITER mission of “testing tritium breeding module concepts that would lead in a future reactor to tritium…”
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  5. 5

    Supporting analysis for WCLL test blanket system safety by D'Onorio, M., Dongiovanni, D.N., Ricapito, I., Vallory, J., Porfiri, M.T., Pinna, T., Caruso, G.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-12-2021)
    “…•Safety studies to support the integration of the WCLL TBSs into ITER are presented.•A MELCOR model developed to perform safety studies on ITER WCLL TMB is…”
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  6. 6

    Experimental campaign on pressure wave propagation in LLE by Venturini, A., Utili, M., Martelli, D., Ricapito, I., Malavasi, A.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-11-2018)
    “…•Results of 5 tests simulating In-box LOCA in the LLE loop of HCLL TBM are presented.•The facility is a mock-up of the LLE loop of the HCLL TBM.•The maximum…”
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  7. 7

    Experimental investigation on HCLL-TBS In-box LOCA by Venturini, A., Utili, M., Martelli, D., Malavasi, A., Ricapito, I., Tarantino, M.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-09-2019)
    “…The experimental facility THALLIUM was designed and installed at ENEA C.R. Brasimone to investigate the consequence of a HCLL-TBS In box LOCA, ensuring the…”
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  8. 8

    Investigation on efficiency of gas liquid contactor used as tritium extraction unit for HCLL-TBM Pb-16Li loop by Utili, M., Aiello, A., Laffi, L., Malavasi, A., Ricapito, I.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-11-2016)
    “…•A dedicated facility, called TRIEX was manufactured in order to investigate the tritium extraction efficiency of GLC as TEU (Tritium Extraction Unit) of…”
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  9. 9

    Preliminary assessment of tritium permeation and retention in the European Water Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module with TESSIM-X by Arredondo, R., Schmid, K., Ricapito, I., Lukenskas, A., Spagnuolo, G.A.

    Published in Nuclear materials and energy (01-09-2022)
    “…•T inventory in the ITER EU Water-Cooled Lithium-Lead Test Blanket Module investigated.•T from vacuum vessel (gas, neutrals) and solute T in PbLi included in…”
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  10. 10

    Tritium technologies and transport modelling: main outcomes from the European TBM Project by Ricapito, I., Aiello, A., Bükki-Deme, A., Galabert, J., Moreno, C., Poitevin, Y., Radloff, D., Rueda, A., Tincani, A., Utili, M.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-11-2018)
    “…The tritium technologies and transport modelling play an essential role for the achievement of the TBM Programme scientific objectives. Tritium technologies…”
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  11. 11

    Experimental and RELAP5-3D results on IELLLO (Integrated European Lead Lithium LOop) operation by Venturini, A., Utili, M., Gabriele, A., Ricapito, I., Malavasi, A., Forgione, N.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-11-2017)
    “…•Analysis of the behavior of the main components of the loop.•Testing of a pressure transducer and a Vortex mass flow meter for use in LLE…”
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  12. 12

    Technologies and modelling issues for tritium processing in the European Test Blanket Systems and perspectives for DEMO by Ricapito, I., Calderoni, P., Poitevin, Y., Aiello, A.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-10-2014)
    “…•Provided DEMO relevancy considerations on tritium processing technologies.•Provided updates on the main technologies present in the Test blanket System…”
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  13. 13

    Updated design and integration of the ancillary circuits for the European Test Blanket Systems by Aiello, A., Arena, P., Di Maio, P.A., Ferrucci, B., Forte, R., Frisoni, M., Galabert, J., Ghidersa, B.E., Granieri, M., Ortiz, C., Polidori, M., Ricapito, I., Tincani, A., Tian, K., Voukelatou, K.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-09-2019)
    “…The validation of the key technologies relevant for a DEMO Breeding Blanket is one of the main objectives of the design and operation of the Test Blanket…”
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  14. 14

    Conceptual design of Tritium Extraction System for the European HCPB Test Blanket Module by Ciampichetti, A., Nitti, F.S., Aiello, A., Ricapito, I., Liger, K., Demange, D., Sedano, L., Moreno, C., Succi, M.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-08-2012)
    “…► HCPB (Helium Cooled Pebble Bed) Test Blanket Module (TBM) to be tested in ITER. ► Tritium extraction by gas purging, removal and transfer to the Tritium…”
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  15. 15

    Finalization of the conceptual design of the auxiliary circuits for the European test blanket systems by Aiello, A., Ghidersa, B.E., Utili, M., Vala, L., Ilkei, T., Di Gironimo, G., Mozzillo, R., Tarallo, A., Ricapito, I., Calderoni, P.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-10-2015)
    “…In view of the ITER conceptual design review, the design of the ancillary systems of the European test blanket systems presented in [1] has been updated and…”
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  16. 16

    Progresses and challenges in supporting activities toward a license to operate European TBM systems in ITER by Poitevin, Y., Ricapito, I., Zmitko, M., Tavassoli, F., Thomas, N., De Dinechin, G., Bucci, Ph, Rey, J., Ibarra, A., Panayotov, D., Giancarli, L., Calderoni, P., Galabert, J., Vallory, J., Aiello, A.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-10-2014)
    “…•First EUROFER steel design limits have been introduced in RCC-MRx.•Preliminary fabrication/welding procedure specifications for the European TBM box are under…”
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  17. 17

    Development of a model for the thermal-hydraulic characterization of the He-FUS3 loop by Barone, G., Coscarelli, E., Forgione, N., Martelli, D., Del Nevo, A., Tarantino, M., Utili, M., Ricapito, I., Calderoni, P.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-10-2015)
    “…•RELAP5-3D model of He-FUS3 facility and turbo circulator (TC).•Cold and hot facility T/H numerical analysis for the TC operanting range.•Effect of the cold…”
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  18. 18

    Strategy for the development of EU Test Blanket Systems instrumentation by Calderoni, P., Ricapito, I., Poitevin, Y.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-10-2013)
    “…•We developed a strategy for the development of instrumentation for EU ITER TBSs.•TBSs instrumentation functions: safety, operation and scientific…”
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  19. 19

    Tritium breeder blankets design and technologies in Europe: Development status of ITER Test Blanket Modules, test & qualification strategy and roadmap towards DEMO by Poitevin, Y., Boccaccini, L.V., Zmitko, M., Ricapito, I., Salavy, J.-F., Diegele, E., Gabriel, F., Magnani, E., Neuberger, H., Lässer, R., Guerrini, L.

    Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-12-2010)
    “…Europe has developed two reference tritium breeder blankets concepts that will be tested in ITER under the form of Test Blanket Modules: (i) the Helium-Cooled…”
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  20. 20

    Mechanical and corrosion behaviour of EUROFER 97 steel exposed to Pb–17Li by Benamati, G., Fazio, C., Ricapito, I.

    Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-12-2002)
    “…Corrosion and tensile samples of the EUROFER 97 steel were exposed to Pb–17Li in the LIFUS II loop at 480 °C. The specimens were extracted after 1500, 3000 and…”
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